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Steve Brooks
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David Regal's Clarity Box



Description / Ad Copy: When unveiled at The Magic Castle, magicians returned over and over to watch the moment that seemed impossible… when a card that had been isolated within a clear box turned out to be a spectator’s signed selection. The folded card was never out of sight. It was spilled out of the box and cleanly unfolded, yet it was the signed card.

That, in essence, is The Clarity Box.

The object need not be a card. It can be a signed bill, or a prediction – truly a utility prop.

This twist on Bruno Hennig’s classic card-to-canister effect possesses a clear difference: The object that is to be visibly spilled from the container is in plain view at all times.

The quality of The Clarity Box is exquisite. Custom-fashioned from thick, sparkling acrylic it has the look of a miniature museum showcase.

• The Clarity Box is practical. Its base measures only 2×2.5 inches – place it anywhere. And it resets in a second.

• The Clarity Box is customizable. Use supplied design ideas or make up your own.

• The Clarity Box is simple. You will enjoy watching yourself demonstrate it in front of the mirror… and be amazed.

Contains: One custom-made Clarity Box, folded card gimmick, extra blank gimmick (for customization), art for design options, instructional DVD


Over the years we magicians have been very blessed with the creation of a variety of clever ideas, methods, gadgets and props that all come together in helping us make our magic a memorable experience for the audience. While I agree that it is you the performer who is solely responsible for entertaining your audience it certainly doesn't hurt to have a bit of help (i.e, Jedi mind tricks are fine but carrying a Lightsaber as back-up definitely comes in handy). Smile

After reading the ad copy above I'm confident that many of you will assume that this is nothing more than a John Kennedy Mystery Box or perhaps a take on Mark Mason's E Case. In both cases you would be wrong. The Clarity Box is so much more! Read on...

From David himself:

"The card-to-canister plot and its brilliant method belong to German magician Bruno Hennig. If you think he lived in 1850 (as I did) you'd be wrong - the man is still alive and you can see video of him online performing a bit of the floating cork, another trick he invented (http://www.magier-joro.de/english.html). A brilliant man. And in the timeline of magic card-to-canister is a modern plot.

A lot of interesting methods have been added to the core concept of Mr. Hennig's effect, but all possess the same plot: A container of come kind holds an unknown item. The unknown item is revealed at the end of the effect. If that is the plot you are performing, of course you want an opaque container!

The Clarity Box is for those occasions when you want an item on view, and known to the audience, because it fits the plot of the effect you are performing. It's simple as that. For example, do you want a folded prediction on a file card on display - isolated - during the performance of a mental effect? The Clarity Box is a good choice for that plot

While attending Magic Live in Las Vegas I watched David demonstrate his latest wonder again and again and again. I don't think I saw a single magician leave his table without a Clarity Box in hand (yours truly included) and with good reason. It does exactly what the ad copy claims my friends and that alone should get your attention straight away.

The box can be used with playing cards (any brand, color, etc) that you choose. Want to use a borrowed and signed bill? No problem, it can do that too. Any paper money from any country will work. If mentalism is your thing than by all means use the Clarity Box. Your prediction(s) have been in full view the entire performance ready to be unveiled to a very astonished audience. The Clarity Box is not just a trick - It is a well designed utility item that can be customized or modified for your specific situation.

I've read in a few places that folks were concerned about the size of the box - really? It can easily be carried in your coat pocket or close-up case and would play well whether you do stand-up or close-up work. I took the photo below with the Clarity Box sitting next to the Mystery Box. Not too much difference in size really.


What about angles? I don't see this as being a real problem. You probably don't want people standing behind you anyway and why would you? This is a visual masterpiece and you won't want your spectator's missing any part of it. You say you work under brutal performing conditions? I can see this easily being done on television. Use this bad boy on David Letterman and I guarantee you its an effect he won't soon forget.

Can the box be examined? No it cannot, but why would anyone want to examine a clear empty box? All the heat will be on the item your spectator's just watched you dump into your hand, not the box. Seriously, if your spectator's are truly suspect of this box then you are obviously doing something wrong in your presentation. I guess if you are truly that paranoid you could always purchase two and do a switch? But honestly…


So, you receive the box, a slew of accessories and a very well done instructional DVD. You'll have the jest of this thing down in a matter of minutes. If not, play the Dvd again. Workers will be using this bad boy right away - this I have no doubt. If you are a beginner and the idea of executing Scarne's Mercury Fold frightens you - fear not! David teaches you everything you need to know. Anyone with a sincere desire to learn the Mercury Fold has all they need on the companion disc - seriously. Learning to do this fold is really quite simple. I emplore you not to miss out on a great item simply because one small move worries you. Smile

Finally, I have to tell you that upon returning home from Las Vegas I began playing with this box quite frequently. It is one of those things that just looks so darn good you find yourself standing in front of a mirror doing it over and over again. I realize there has been some great magic released this past year (e.g, effects, books, etc.) Even so, the Clarity Box could still easily be named "TRICK OF THE YEAR" Congratulations Mr. Regal on a job well done. Smile

I will end this review by simply stating the following; David Regal's Clarity Box is probably the slickest, easiest, sneakiest and certainly most devious bit of subterfuge ever devised for the modern performer. It is without question David's greatest release to date and that's certainly saying something. Highly recommended!


My rating:

Suggested retail: $80.00 USD

Available directly from DavidRegal.com

Questions? Comments?

Email: david@davidregal.com

The Clarity Box can also be purchased from the good folks at Penguin Magic or the gang over at Hocus-Pocus.

"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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