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Does anyone out there have experience with this popular vanishing bird cage ( I have been having the devil of a time getting it to work properly. About 20-25% of the time it catches on the inside of my sleeve and won't go up. Perhaps I'm merely doing it wrong. But after many (many) attempts, as well as efforts to modify the pull and clasp, to try different jackets with different sleeves, etc., I am no longer so sure. The problem seems to be that the top and bottom bars protrude too far and are not rounded enough, which makes them stick out and catch on my sleeve. However, if this is the case, and it is a construction problem, why do so many magic suppliers seem to carry this product? Surely I can't be the first person to encounter this problem.

So, if anyone has experience out there working with this particular gimmick, and has gotten it to work properly, pray enlighten me as to how. Thanks!
Bill Hegbli
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Yes, those are very difficult to get working. I suggest you buy a hobby file and sit down and so some filing on the ends of the bars. If you have a dermal tool it will go faster.

This guy has seemed to have success with this cage, maybe you can try and contact him for tips.

All the dealers sell it because it is only one of two available on the market. They sell them only because they are available. Not because they are 1st rate.
Michael Baker
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There are more than two available on the market. But, you'll pay more for better cages. The Lindhorst design eliminates the problem that I know you are experiencing. Even Milson Worth's Silver Meteor had the same design flaw as that cheaper cage. I had one nearly rip my hand off when it caught the web between two fingers.

Start here so you can educate yourself a bit more.

Hopefully you will immediately notice the difference between your cage and the Lindhorst design.

One other thing you might want to do is buy the two-volume "Books of Wonder". Tommy Wonder shows his answer to the same problem you are experiencing.

So, for now, leave your hobby files and your Dremel tool in the tool box.

~michael baker
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Thanks, Michael, for the link to James Riser's great website--I was already familiar with it, but it's worth looking at again. Bill, yes, I saw that YouTube performance too. That fellow seems to be using a reel, which I can't afford. (It has to be parachute cord for me, I'm afraid.) Alas, I don't have the money for a super expensive cage, and I don't have time to get Tommy Wonder's book, machine myself a gimmick and reel, etc. The show I want to do this for is in less than two weeks. However, it hadn't occurred to me to file the ends down, but I'll give it a try.


~ John-the-Not-So-Great
Bill Hegbli
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Melies, This is the been mentioned a large number of times, but I will try to re-enforce it one more time. I am not the only one that has posted this, but it seems everyone just skips right over it. A take up reel has nothing to do with the vanish of the cage. It is only used to take up slack. Nothing more!

I realize it is hard to believe, but that guy used the standard hook up.

It takes another person to help with the adjustments. The Vanishing Bird Cage is a trick that may take a months or years to get right. It is not something you will do in a few hours. But, once you get it, it will always work.

Notice the guy did not wear a long sleeve shirt, so that reduced things from getting caught. The other thing you mentioned was it catching on the cuff of your jacket, that is because you have it to lose or to much slack, and to far form the cuff. Tommy Wonder suggested you putting a half moon plastic sheet in the cuff, under the lining. This will stiffen the cuff and prevent it from folding in and catching.

But as I said, sounds like your line is just to long. Try reducing the length to 20 inches and adjust from there.

Also remember the left hand starts a moment before the right when starting the vanish. Then the right thumb and second finger acts as a hole for the cage to go through. The right had is used as a guide, it does not just get out of the way for the cage to go on it's own.

Hope these tips helps.
Michael Baker
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The advice I was noting regarding TW's modifications are not in the sleeve, nor the take up reel, but the corner pieces added to prevent snagging those fatal corners present on so many cages. This is where the Lindhorst design is superior.
~michael baker
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Really, really helpful--thanks so much. Yeah, that was pretty dumb of me to mention the take-up reel (I forgot about it being only to take up slack--I've obviously never used one). The TW solution is exactly what I need. Bill, I also appreciate the expert handling advice (just to clarify, though: this is going up my LEFT sleeve, no? you mention making a hole with the fingers of the right hand). RE: the cord, I do have the length right, and everything else is good--it's been getting caught not on the cuff, but on the interior of the sleeve. One last thing--Michael, where can I find information about adding those TW "corner pieces"?

~ John
Pete Biro
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Try to see a video of Billy McComb's way, covering the cage with a see thru silk handkerchief. Goes slow and easy to do.
Michael Baker
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Most cages that I have seen are designed to feed into the right sleeve, i.e., the attaching point is lower right back corner. It seems to me that turning the cage around so it goes to the left would put that attachment point in an odd spot. I only have a Lindhorst here now, otherwise I'd play a bit to see if that might be the source of your problem.

You may also have a fold in the sleeve lining that forms a "pocket" that is catching the offending corner.

The only place I can say with certainty that has the TW cage info is in the Books of Wonder vol 2.
~michael baker
The Magic Company
Rudy Sanchez
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Actually you can vanish the cage in either sleeve. I use my left also. Plus you shouldn't have to do any fixin to a quality cage. Riser, Owens (those are the ones I use) need nothing more done to them...except maybe work them in because they tend to be a little stiff at first.

My your money and get a quality cage, you won't regret it.

Last of opinion is the covering, slow motion vanish doesn't have anywhere near the impact as an instant vanish.

Good luck!
Sales Manager for Cesaral Magic
Bill Hegbli
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Okay, just to make it more clear. I am speaking of the cage on the right, and the line attached to the left forearm. Not the archaic shoulder hook-up. You can use the left, but then the cage will be upside down or sideways. Ring of cage should be at the corner closest to the wrist.

No wonder you have been having problems the cage has been sideways and going against the way it is meant to collapse. Hang onto the loop and let the cage dangle. Then close, that is the shape it must be in to work properly.
Rudy Sanchez
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Just to be clear....I am speaking of the cage on the left, and the line attached to the right forearm. Not the shoulder hookup. I use the left and the cage isn't upside down or sideways. Cage can be used with either hand.
Sales Manager for Cesaral Magic
Bill Hegbli
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Okay, you know best, but I have never used or seen a cage that works on the left very easily. Abbott's is the only one that will work in that direction easily. I take it your left handed, and as you know, not many things are made for left handers in the world, even in 2013.

Disregard everything I have typed, as I was speaking of right handed people. You should have said you were left handed in the 1st place. That is important information.
Rudy Sanchez
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Being left handed has nothing to do with whether the cages I use (Owens and Riser) cage can go up the left or right sleeve. They collapse whichever direction you want.

Anyway it's a great trick. Good luck Melies! Just practice with a quality cage and before you know it you will get the hang of it.
Sales Manager for Cesaral Magic
Ron Reid
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I think Rudy knows what he's talking about.
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If it's catching on the lining of the jacket, why not remove the lining up to the elbow? And maybe sew a shirt cuff on and use a short sleeve shirt.
Nothing would get done at all, if man waited so long that no one could find fault with it.
Bill Hegbli
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On Jun 29, 2014, Magic.J.Manuel wrote:
If it's catching on the lining of the jacket, why not remove the lining up to the elbow? And maybe sew a shirt cuff on and use a short sleeve shirt.

I think the answer lies in finding the cause of the reason the cage is catching. It is the cage usually, not the coat or lining that is the cause.

Of course nothing is set in stone, so inspect the coat twisted linings, and extra material sticking out on cheaper jackets, if you do not find spurs and rivets sticking out.
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Have you watched McComb's dvd on the birdcage? You use the hand to make a funnel to vanish it. That may help the problem.

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
Write direct as I will be turning off my PM's.
Bill Hegbli
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On Oct 18, 2013, Rudy Sanchez wrote:
Being left handed has nothing to do with whether the cages I use (Owens and Riser) cage can go up the left or right sleeve. They collapse whichever direction you want.

Anyway it's a great trick. Good luck Melies! Just practice with a quality cage and before you know it you will get the hang of it.

Nothing like the side bars running parallel to the floor on the sides of the cage, and the front bars running perpendicular to the floor.

On Jun 30, 2014, hugmagic wrote:
Have you watched McComb's dvd on the birdcage? You use the hand to make a funnel to vanish it. That may help the problem.

The DVD has been off the market for years. Encore Magic is out of business.

On Oct 17, 2013, Michael Baker wrote:

There are more than two available on the market.

I would be interested in you referencing all these Vanishing Bird Cages.

Owen's shows pictures, but does not have any and will not make any. So these are not available.

James P. Riser, only sells to who he feels is qualified to own one of his products. So these are not available to but only a few.
Michael Baker
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~michael baker
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