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Profile of phillipsart
Hi, I'm from QLD Australia.
New to magic, although I did perform a few simple magic tricks when I was a kid, mostly card tricks.

Made a few purchases for new tricks in the past couple of weeks, mostly from Penguin Magic, slowly the items ordered are beginning to arrive. There's a few I am really looking forward to, such as Fickle, Envy-Lope and The Code, Envy-Lope was due to arrive last Friday, but nothing turned up, hopefully tomorrow. I did pay for Fedex and was due last Friday. I called Fedex last Friday and they don't know where the tricks are, appears they have performed there own vanishing trick.

I purchased off ebay a few card tricks such as Invisible, Knockout and Svengali. Practising almost everyday for the past few days.

I also purchased many downloadable Tricks from Penguin Magic. I been taking advantage of there hourly sales.

In doing some research on Magic tricks a couple weeks back, I came upon a video demonstrating Levitation using a Spider Pen Pro, Loved it. So I purchased a Spider Pen Pro a week ago, so far I have broken the thread 3 times, but have managed to reuse the same spool. I'm starting to get better with the spider pen pro, It's a matter of just knowing how far I can push the thread before it breaks, I now have a good idea on that.

I have not performed any of the tricks to anyone thus far, I want to get in a lot more practise first, will probably perform my first tricks to family members during the week. No one knows I have the tricks and been practising late at night or when there's no one around. Some of these effects should blow them away.

I'm not very good at handling cards, my larger than normal hands are a bit of a challenge. So I'm not going to concentrate on any of the tricks that involve to much sleight of hands, I think you call it. I will stick with gimmicks as much as possible.

I'm having fun learning the tricks and can't wait to perform them. I'm going to try the Spider Pen Pro at McDonalds when I have practised more.
Mary Mowder
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Profile of Mary Mowder
Welcome phillipsart,

If you concentrate on one or two Effects the focus can really help.

Don't buy another thing till you can perform most of the ones you already own.

Most Magicians have a big drawer (or room LOL) filled with effects that looked great enough to buy but they never got around to learning them.

Have fun here. There are some really helpful folks who can help you save some money and become a real entertainer.

-Mary Mowder
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Profile of phillipsart
Thanks Mary Mowder.

I picked out a few and practising those. The Code and Envy-Lope also Loops. but I been making my own loops with Fearsons Spectra EVE thread. I also own the stronger Spectra thread he sells and going to start using that. Not forgetting the Spider Pen Pro. I'm on my 2nd spool of thread. Kept on breaking the first one, to the point I can't use it anymore. I'm slowly starting to get the hang of the thread used on the Spider Pen Pro. It's a great trick, but can be a little frustrating at first, but I've gone into it, expecting to break the line as I learn, so It's not been so bad.
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Warning: We will run out of new tricks in
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Profile of 1KJ
Great advice, Mary.

Welcome phillipsart,
I would suggest you focus on what seems entertaining to you. A little can go a long way. It seems you are enjoying invisible thread. I use an old fashioned invisible thread reel (ITR), the kind with safety pins. I pin it inside my shirt so I can pull the thread through the buttons. One tip that has made a world of difference for me is this: Cut a tiny piece from a toothpick and wrap the thread and the wax around it. Many people think their thread has broken when in fact, it has just come loose from the wax that warms up with use. I take the wax and casually stick it to a surface and very patiently "try" to levitate something, or to balance the impossible on a table. Do this in public, just practicing to yourself. If someone approaches you, just brush it off at first as they must have been seeing something. Must be the angles. This will help you get used to how magic feels to people. One example: If you have two ITRs in your shirt, stick them both to a table top, perhaps underneath something you have on the table. Balance one card with one line over it and then balance a second card on top of the first with the second line. Pretend like you are not really even paying attention to it and watch people as they walk by.
Have fun.
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Profile of cricketer15
Welcome fellow aussie!
Anything is Possible
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Profile of phillipsart
1KJ. I love that idea, Setup a prop levatating in mid air and pretend there's nothing unusual and continue on as if everything normal. Smile I'm going to try that at McDonalds.

Yes I love the invisible thread. I'm having fun practising. My other favourite by far is The Code. That is one awesome deck of card. So easy to use, it allows you to really concentrate on the presentation, which is what I been doing for the past couple of days. Envy-Lope has not impressed me all that much, not as much as I expected, it was probably the trick I was most looking forward to. For me The Code is way in front.
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Profile of phillipsart
Steve Fearson was kind enough to add a few free samples to my EVE thread I ordered of him. included is his Vectra Virtuoso Thread, I struggle to view it at a foot away and that's with a bright light. Very impressive, but it's only good for 1 Oz the most. 1KJ suggestion of levatiting a object and ignore it, would be great with the virtuoso Thread.
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