Digitalyosh New user Southern California 76 Posts |
I know many people don't like using plastic cards for card tricks, but knowing that most packet tricks don't consist of the entire deck, is it possible to use plastic coated cards to perform packet tricks with? I don't have a plastic deck to practice with but was curious because it would make carrying and performing much easier and the cards would last much longer. Thanks!
Current things to work on: Everything loops, Pinky count, Coins coins coins...
XavrosStalkingwolf New user 50 Posts |
I like this idea! It's true that they don't act the same way as a normal deck of cards, but that's only when you use them in the context of a full deck. Using them in terms of a packet trick seems totally reasonable.
And you're right. At the very least it would definitely help them last longer. |
Poof-Daddy Inner circle Considering Stopping At Exactly 5313 Posts |
I have a packet trick I bought years ago that is made of 3 laminated bicycle cards. They still look like new. I don't remember the trick though.
What I do remember is that the moves were very simple ie. Glides and DL's. They wouldnt work for much more though.
Cancer Sux - It is time to find a Cure
Don't spend so much time trying not to die that you forget how to live - H's wife to H on CSI Miami (paraphrased). |
stevemorton New user 56 Posts |
I don't think it's true that plastic decks last longer.
They certainly light differently, so check out lighting and angles. The main problem you'll find is in incorporating a packet (probably printed on standard stock) into a plastic deck. So saying I have done it the other way around (Phantom Deck) and nobody noticed. Steve |
Dollarbill Inner circle Colorado 1008 Posts |
Wouldnt that creat more suspician from the spec? Everyone "knows" bicycle cards are the norm.
Steve makes a good point. How would you get the blue and red diamond plusnthe kicker card printed on a plastic card if color monte or any other packet trick you are thinking about? I hope that makes sense. |
RS1963 Inner circle 2736 Posts |
There have been packet effects that have been printed on PVC such as Tamariz Rabbits. If I remember correctly a few years ago I had seen Gypsy Curse sets that were on PVC. So it is very possible.
RS1963 Inner circle 2736 Posts |
There have been packet effects that have been printed on PVC such as Tamariz Rabbits. If I remember correctly a few years ago I had seen Gypsy Curse sets that were on PVC. So it is very possible.
KokoB Loyal user 257 Posts |
This is a good idea I at time make my own gaff cards Im going to laminate them next time & try it out
lcwright1964 Special user Toronto 569 Posts |
The New York Magic Project sells plastic Rider Back decks. Thinking of checking one out.
Chessmann Inner circle 4249 Posts |
100% plastic cards are very durable and long-lasting. On Steve Dusheck's '82 lecture video he comments on this and mentions how some of the gaffs he has made from them have lasted years, even while being demo'd at conventions over and over.
My ex-cat was named "Muffin". "Vomit" would be a better name for her. AKA "The Evil Ball of Fur".
helder Inner circle Portugal 1068 Posts |
I like the idea. I'm gonna try to make some of the packet tricks I perform in PVC playing cards.
My version of Eddie fetcher "Be Honest What's it?" it's available at Penguin Magic
Check my Facebook group: Mentalism Secrets Email: heldermagico@gmail.com www.facebook.com/heldermagico |
EndersGame Inner circle Reviewer EndersGame 2208 Posts |
My concern is that PVC plastic playing cards would handle quite differently than paper playing cards.
For example, it would have an impact on sleights like an Elmsley Count, or a double lift. |
Alan Munro Inner circle Kentwood, Michigan, USA 5977 Posts |
I love plastic cards for rough and smooth because they resist humidity. To make them handle better, soap the card.
stevie c Veteran user 348 Posts |
On Oct 13, 2021, EndersGame wrote: I love using Copag bridge sized plastic cards for TTA precisely because, in my opinion, it makes the E****** count and triple l*** incredibly easy. BW Steve |
Kanawati Veteran user Australia 302 Posts |
I too enjoy experimenting with plastic cards and agree that they can be great for some tricks. But I have also found they are not so great for some sleights. For example, some brands have a rough finish making them a bit noisy. You can hear the sound of one card sliding over another. That can be a problem in say moments when you want your audience to think you are holding only one card but you need to secretly steal the other card. They also have a springiness or tension. I once “attempted” to perform Phoenix Aces at my local magic club using plastic cards. I say attempted because after I p….d 4 cards and was ready to produce the first card, all 4 cards sprang out of my hand like a Jack in the box! I went back to using standard cards for that trick!
Silversleights04 Regular user Houston, Texas 184 Posts |
I'd love a bicycle prestige rider back double backer and double facer. That would be ideal.
-Magic sees Magic-
-Marco V- |
warren Inner circle uk 4295 Posts |
It's a great idea but as magic dealers like having to sell you he same effect over and over I doubt it will happen.
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