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Profile of tomg
Been lurking for a few months just thought I would say what a great forum this is. Lot's of great information and discussion.

I have dabbled with Magic all my life. Before I had kids I could entertain friends with 20 minutes worth of Magic using Johnson Coin tricks, a Bill Tube, etc. etc. Decided a few years back I wanted to try more sleight of hand and bought some Johnson Cups and the Roth Coin Box set and books but didn't end up having much time.

Decided a few months back to give it another shot, so I'm working on the basics of sleight of hand, cups and balls, coins and Okito box, and cards. I just want to get to the point where I can present a half an hour of great Magic to friends.

After reading about all the cool gear these days, I ended up buying a set of Sherwood Silver and Gold Engraved cups. I couldn't help myself. When I was a kid I always loved Dai Vernon, even still have his cups and balls routine I bought in the mid 60s I think, it's about 16 pages with a gold cover. I fell in love when I saw the Sherwood Cups, they are a work of art. Also, bought some Buhdda Coin Boxes to match my Roth set, I really like them as well. I am currently studying the following:


Bobo Book
Roth Coin Magic Made Easy 1, 2, 3
Roth Ultimate Coin Magic DVDs 1 and 2 (Interested in the Shell, Copper/Silver stuff and the Okito stuff)

Cups and Balls

Ammar Books
Ammar DVDs


Card College 1 and 2
Royal Road to Card Magic

Anyway, a lot to study, but heck, I got the rest of my life. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know, I will probably be posting for help in the future.

Thanks again for a great forum,

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Profile of Aperazor
Welcome aboard Tom,
Man do I envy your collection of dvd's.
That's the direction I'm heading next.
Good luck and don't be a stranger
Nick Zender
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Profile of Chrystal
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the great introduction regarding yourself and your interest. Glad you officially decided to join - hey you can post now!!! You already know what a great place this is, so I don't have to tell you about the merits of the Café. I'll look forward to reading your post.

Welcome! Smile
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Profile of Dr. TORA
Hi Tom Smile Smile Smile
You really have a nice introduction-as Chrystal already said. You will find many new friends and ideas here try enjoy as much as you can. All you have to do is to post.Please have a cup of strong Turkish coffee on my bill while you begin to type your next post.
Magically Yours,


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