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Can anyone name any material explaining how to get publicity for magicians? I have went through several within the last year, and looking forward to more.

Local (Newspaper and online):




The White House Easter Egg Roll:



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More important than publicity was what were the results of getting it?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
Tim Friday
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I have only read books about how to get publicity in general, the one I liked was "Guerrilla Publicity" that was referred to my by Lou Serrano.

As far publicity books for magicians, I remember seeing some old school booklet called Publicity Stunts. I'm sure there are some others...

However I really enjoyed your videos, especially the one with Judge Mathis, so my question for you is when does your book about publicity for magicians come out?
If no plans for a book, at the very least I would like to hear more about your thoughts and approach towards publicity...
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Profile of charliecheckers
On Apr 25, 2014, Dannydoyle wrote:
More important than publicity was what were the results of getting it?

I agree with this, I think measuring the results can be hard to impossible though because there are so many factors that contribute to growth and success.. I think it is more important to spend time and energy trying to leverage the publicity to the utmost. Consider how the publicity plays into your overall strategic goal and then develop ideas that incorporate the publicity.
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@Tim. Thank you. I just got finished ordering the two books you mentioned plus an additional one.

@Charlie. Great information. When viewers see the publicity at the present time it is important. But everyone will not always remember it. I keep the information up to date so others will notice it too by having it listed on my website for future prospects. I treat it as though there is no limit. I always search for more.
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Profile of TomBoleware
Not only does publicity pay, it costs much less than normal advertising, AND it's much more credibly. There is a saying, “advertising is paid for, publicity is prayed for.” Another thought is, Publicity usually goes on the front page while advertising goes on the back page.

I noticed that Mike and charliecheckers have already added the recent White House event to their websites. Smile Smart move.
I would also try to turn some of the national publicity into local publicity. Do a search on how to write a good press release and get something into the local newspapers. You could also contact the local TV stations letting them know about you experience at the White House.

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Posted: Apr 25, 2014 04:20 pm
Charlie contacted the news media in advance. I believe they interviewed him at the gig.

On Apr 25, 2014, Dynamike wrote:
Charlie contacted the news media in advance. I believe they interviewed him at the gig.

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True Dynamike. One of the local CBS affiliate aired my picture and phone interview about our appearance (actually a separate clip I have not sent to You Tube yet). Dynamike's website looks fantastic, pictures and all. I think this kind of publicity plays much stronger for children's entertainers than any other type.
Thanks for sharing those wise words about publicity Tom, it really gives some perspective. I recall a post where you explained that people do not hire Zucchini because they want to see great magic, but rather they are hiring a superstar. That has always stuck with me as words of wisdom. That is a goal I hope to achieve some day in my area. That is why Zucchini can charge more than most and has an endless supply of performance opportunities. Of course this is easier said than done, but I see publicity playing a huge role in achieving this. I plan on creating poster boards of the pictures I took at the White House and displaying them at my public shows as well as incorporating the images into my promotional material.
Jesse Lewis
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Mike you may want to check out my recently released course on publicity as well.

The basics of getting press are the same as any form of marketing in my opinion, Create a list, send information to the list, get booked. True that publicity is not paid but it can be very valuable in showing your "worth" to the client.

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I just got finished watching your video Jesse. Your course seems very interesting from what you described. I hope it explains a lot of needed information. If it does, the rest will be in my hands. Your material can not make me famous no matter how good the course is because that will be up to me. Some people are too lazy without the interest. What gives me the desire is my age and the length of time I have been doing magic. I want to accomplish my mission before I am too old and weak. Every 24 hours I see myself a day closer to succeeding my goal.
Jesse Lewis
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DynaMike I love your last post and instead of blathering on about taking action I will leave it at that.

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Profile of TomBoleware
On Apr 25, 2014, charliecheckers wrote:
True Dynamike. One of the local CBS affiliate aired my picture and phone interview about our appearance (actually a separate clip I have not sent to You Tube yet). Dynamike's website looks fantastic, pictures and all. I think this kind of publicity plays much stronger for children's entertainers than any other type.
Thanks for sharing those wise words about publicity Tom, it really gives some perspective. I recall a post where you explained that people do not hire Zucchini because they want to see great magic, but rather they are hiring a superstar. That has always stuck with me as words of wisdom. That is a goal I hope to achieve some day in my area. That is why Zucchini can charge more than most and has an endless supply of performance opportunities. Of course this is easier said than done, but I see publicity playing a huge role in achieving this. I plan on creating poster boards of the pictures I took at the White House and displaying them at my public shows as well as incorporating the images into my promotional material.

Thanks Charlie, and Well Done with the story. I too think Mike's site looks great now.

I agree that this type event is perfect for the children's entertainers. It does seem that children's entertainers have more to prove than the average entertainer. It is much harder for them to win that trust factor with clients, and something like this adds a gold star to their references. Good talent for children is a dime a dozen, but talent that can be trusted to set a good example is not so easy to come by anymore. Parents are good at reading people, the right stuff better be there. They judge both the outside and the inside.

Very true about Zucchini, he has 'positioned' himself to a spot where most children entertainers just hope to be. Keep listening to him. I got a feeling you going to be right up there with him one day. You are right, it is easier said than done, but that's because it's not so much about learning as it is about 'becoming'. Zucchini is a unique person in many ways.

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God works in mysterious ways. Smile
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Profile of JoshLondonMagic
That's some nice promo you have there Mike!

Donald Dunphy
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Mike and Charlie -

One way you could use your White House photos, is to send out a newsletter (snail mail or email) to past customers letting them know about what you just did at Easter, complete with photos.

(Best to target past customers first, over potential customers, because they are already sold on you, and can lead to easier re-bookings or referrals.)

Don't rely on them visiting your website to see those photos, and don't rely on them seeing the stories in a newspaper.

Of course, a newsletter shouldn't just be about promoting you and your business directly. You can combine it with indirect promotion. You can cover a variety of topics that your customers might find interesting. Be sure to search out past Magic Café topics on the subject of newsletters. But don't get bogged down in the research part -- take some action and strike while the iron's hot.

- Donald
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Thanks Donald - great tips. I really appreciate it.
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I want to thank you too Donald.
gordon russ
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Hey Mike,

I watched the edited video of you on Judge Mathis. It is perfect. It does not say why you were on the show, whether you one the case or lost the case. It shows Dynamike fooling the judge, the bailiff the court room, and the judge says he wants to use your services. All with great audience reactions. GREAT JOB!

PS Good job on scoring the White House gig.

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Profile of Dynamike
Thanks Russ. I still remember your promo video on the news media.
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At the festival so many people told me "I saw you on tv in the morning."

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