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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Fellowship of Christian Magicians! » » How does a Christian perform "mind reading" or "metal bending?" (43 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of MediocreMagician
Some interesting thoughts shared here, great to hear from a variety of different angles. As mentioned above, people are a lot wiser to how tricks are done now and those that aren't are only a quick google search away from an answer. Discretion is key with your audience. I always just look through the effects and ask myself whether I think they could be taken the wrong way or cause someone to question their faith/belief. At the end of the day everyone is different though. Some people love the feeling of wonder, others want to know the secret while a few might attach supernatural abilities to performances. Scripting is very important, personally I'd never claim to have special abilities. Depending on the effect it's either something that has taken lots of practice/training or something I'm just not sure why I can do. Keep the input coming, it's all great intel!
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Profile of OzJosh
I don't think it's fair to take away the mystery away from magic.
it's honest deception.
I've only met 1 "Christian" who was offended that I was a magician.
I struggled coming out of the magic closet, so to speak.
I was afraid what reception my pastors would have.

dead set, first question asked was.
you know dynamo, he does this trick (shows me a vid) can you do that kind of card trick and make the card rise.
me, sure give me a moment to process it.
okay, pick a card.
he was blown away, I said I had never done anything like that but I'll give it a shot.

so I think that everyone is cool about it.
they all know the truth but love the mystery behind it.
Magic is the ability to lie and people to love you for it and want you to lie to them again and again and again
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Profile of oweosc12
Just say that its all an illusion?
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On Apr 1, 2015, MediocreMagician wrote:
Some interesting thoughts shared here, great to hear from a variety of different angles. As mentioned above, people are a lot wiser to how tricks are done now and those that aren't are only a quick google search away from an answer. Discretion is key with your audience. I always just look through the effects and ask myself whether I think they could be taken the wrong way or cause someone to question their faith/belief. At the end of the day everyone is different though. Some people love the feeling of wonder, others want to know the secret while a few might attach supernatural abilities to performances. Scripting is very important, personally I'd never claim to have special abilities. Depending on the effect it's either something that has taken lots of practice/training or something I'm just not sure why I can do. Keep the input coming, it's all great intel!

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Profile of MediocreMagician
I've never had an issue with doing magic at church either. The most common response is the one that OzJosh mentioned, asking if I've seen this or know how to do that. As long as you don't present things as something their not, you probably wont run into too many issues. Most know that magic involves some kind of trick or illusion so as long as you're not claiming supernatural abilities you're generally good. I've used various effects for object lessons when things fit, even a few examples of mentalism to demonstrate deception so there's certainly different presentations that can be used.
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Profile of Dougini
Not just Mentalism and Metal Bending, but most levitations (Zombie, specifically) are touchy in a religious environment. Not just Church. One just needs to know their audience..

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Profile of OzJosh
It comes down to personality.
if people are that religious and they feel the need to be offended.
so be it.

if the audience is a highly religious one, do card tricks and bug out ASAP
Magic is the ability to lie and people to love you for it and want you to lie to them again and again and again
^^^^^ has some really cool things on it
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Profile of Dougini
Hey, I'm an equal opportunity offender! LOL! Anything's game with me! I LOVE to freak out these over-zealous fanatics! Heck, I used to get bummed about it. Now, I make it fun! Folks here might not approve, though! ROFL!

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Profile of OzJosh
On Apr 23, 2015, Dougini wrote:
Hey, I'm an equal opportunity offender! LOL! Anything's game with me! I LOVE to freak out these over-zealous fanatics! Heck, I used to get bummed about it. Now, I make it fun! Folks here might not approve, though! ROFL!


you sir are Awesome and there is no greater joy than making the over-zealous freak.... I mean fanatics blow a fuse.
Magic is the ability to lie and people to love you for it and want you to lie to them again and again and again
^^^^^ has some really cool things on it
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Profile of ChrisG
On Apr 24, 2015, OzJosh wrote:
On Apr 23, 2015, Dougini wrote:
Hey, I'm an equal opportunity offender! LOL! Anything's game with me! I LOVE to freak out these over-zealous fanatics! Heck, I used to get bummed about it. Now, I make it fun! Folks here might not approve, though! ROFL!


you sir are Awesome and there is no greater joy than making the over-zealous freak.... I mean fanatics blow a fuse.

To make sure I understand you two, I should provoke and offend to win them over and get rebooked.
"Consensus is the negation of Leadership"

M. Thatcher
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Profile of Dougini
Haa hahaha! If one is trying to use Magic to win folks to Christ...I don't know what to say. But I am not an evangelist. I don't pretend to be. But people who freak out over this stuff, are RIPE for the pickin'! A lady absolutely FREAKED over my .damn Zombie! The pastor threw me out!

I kicked and battered myself over that for a long time! Then, I learned to just say eff it. Have fun! I say sca-REW these people who live in fear and loathe anything unusual, or out-of-the-ordinary! People who think DANCING is of the devil! Ohhh, THIS is my fodder! Hee hee heee! Tweak 'em! I love it! Smile

Bryan Drake Show
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Profile of Bryan Drake Show
Man if people are using public speaking and illustrations to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say
Man if people are using Music to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say
Man if people are using Movies to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say
Man if people are using Feeding Centers to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say
Man if people are using Art to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say

Where is the line drawn?
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Profile of Dougini
You're right. Where do ya draw the line? Each person is different. I personally think we need more role models. And, speaking for myself, I can't see using Magic for evangelism. The person has to be educated, and then decide for him/herself. How that person is educated...well, that is the question, isn't it?

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Profile of ChrisG
On Apr 26, 2015, Bryan Drake Show wrote:
Man if people are using public speaking and illustrations to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say
Man if people are using Music to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say
Man if people are using Movies to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say
Man if people are using Feeding Centers to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say
Man if people are using Art to win people to Christ...I don't know what to say

Where is the line drawn?

There is no line I will not cross within Christian guide lines.

Correct Brian, as Paul said:
19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

So I became an entertainer, a friend and a good neighbor, that I might reach some.
"Consensus is the negation of Leadership"

M. Thatcher
The Bard
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Profile of The Bard
I love mentalism too! As a Christian I never go down the mystical "reading your thoughts" angle. I generally try to use other more fun and silly premises, that are totally baffling but a bit "tongue in cheek" so the audience knows it's just a trick.

Here is one I did just a week ago at my church.
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Profile of GlenD
Exactly... Comedy/humor approach works very well or work in a message something about how "that's" (the effect that just occurred) a snapshot of how it must be for God who is outside time and not bound within it and knows everything!

"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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Profile of Russo
Just a note - when I did mentalism in my gospel program - we mention "if I can read/control your thoughts(?) - what do you think our LORD thinks when he reads YOUR thoughts" - Be careful.. Ralph
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On Aug 5, 2014, Bryan Drake Show wrote:
I should say at the beginning after the intro.

I tell my 'audience' the bible says NOT to do Magic, Magic is real, (eg. Pharaohs magicians) and I am not going to do 'real' Magic, I am going to "TRICK" you.
That is what most people today call 'Magic'. I can show you how I trick you, BUT, I have to keep what I do a secret, because there are those who do these things for a living.
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On Jun 6, 2015, The Bard wrote:
I love mentalism too! As a Christian I never go down the mystical "reading your thoughts" angle. I generally try to use other more fun and silly premises, that are totally baffling but a bit "tongue in cheek" so the audience knows it's just a trick.

Here is one I did just a week ago at my church.

Great effect. (Maybe a little too long, noticed young ones in audience.)
Like the "Gift" effect at the end. "You Drink It, You Think it" Smile)
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Profile of topherhester
I've struggled with this way of thinking in the past. I am a follower of Jesus but I am not a Christian performer. My magic and routines are not done for church congregations. I have implemented small elements into certain shows, especially kids shows if I know the group ahead of time (such as Bible coloring book, and a change bag routine based on sin.. basically a stained cloth and a clean cross go into the bag, a clean cloth and a stained cross come out). I've been led to feel guilty for doing magic by other "Christians" in the past and now I don't care what they think about it. I'm tired of walking on eggshells to not offend someone. If I do magic for the sake of entertainment only, then there's nothing wrong with it.

Over the past several years I've taken a liking to more bizarre type magic so I really had to think about how I set the boundaries and lines of my routines. Now the way I present most of my mentalism is by having the spectator seem to do the work. I claim to not have any powers whatsoever. I usually do a few bizarre shows around this time of year and I present them as historical recreations of what mediums and psychics did to mislead people in the past. Of course then unexplainable things happen in the show so the entertainment factor is still there but they were at least given the disclaimer in the beginning.

The fact is, I know mediums and psychics are full of crap so I try to distance myself from being seen as one in any way.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Fellowship of Christian Magicians! » » How does a Christian perform "mind reading" or "metal bending?" (43 Likes)
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