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Inner circle
La Famiglia
1196 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 07:33 pm
They seem to get less separate every day.
"Torture doesn't work" lol
Guess they forgot to tell Bill Buckley.
"...as we reason and love, we are able to hope. And hope enables us to resist those things that would enslave us."

Eternal Order
21765 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 07:38 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Stop. Take a breath. Consider the difference between "the moral standards I have for myself" and "the laws that should bind every single citizen, regardless of their personal beliefs".
Breathe deeply.
Think about why the questions are separate. Think about what your country would be like if they weren't.
But we all do have to live by your standards for climate right?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell

Special user
I believe I have
821 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 07:41 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Stop. Take a breath. Consider the difference between "the moral standards I have for myself" and "the laws that should bind every single citizen, regardless of their personal beliefs".
Breathe deeply.
Think about why the questions are separate. Think about what your country would be like if they weren't.
I did all of the above. Nothing happened or changed. We still have abortion issues, we still have gun right issues, we have good people and bad people. We have laws making abortion legal regardless of how horrible it is in reality.
What was supposed to happen when I took this deep breath? I was really looking for something to happen that was wonderful.
Moral standards one sets for ones self is an off the wall statement. With that in mind one can rationalize anything they want to be morally correct in their mind. Morality is like porn. I know it when I see it just as most people do. But they do not care. Morals be darned. Live for the moment and try and fix it later. If it does not work out. So what? I will change my moral attitude and now it is OK. Problem solved. Honestly it does not work that way. Many people know what is morally right or wrong but refuse to act upon it if it does not please them. They do not want to be inconveinced.
In your above statement do you really believe that abortion is a good law and should be used as a birth control measure for convenience? Or do you feel that it is somewhat immoral? Because if you feel that it is somewhat immoral...well there is no such thing as somewhat immoral. It either is or it isn't. It is like being PG. You are not a little PG. You are or you aren't. That is why abortion is immoral.
Best to take what anyone says here with a grain of salt. Because there are a myriad of opinions and morals that exist, and many can be found here. No one is going to change the moral fiber of another person on a magic forum. Besides I am not trying to change anyone just expressing my thoughts. As I have stated in previous forum discussions. I am not a missionary. Nothing more than an individual with my own thoughts and convictions. They may differ from yours. So be it.
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000

Eternal Order
Devil's Island
15717 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 07:52 pm
How many nine year girls in the USA have been out shooting with an Uzi today?
If there is a single truth about Magic, it is that nothing on earth so efficiently evades it.

Special user
I believe I have
821 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 08:04 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, tommy wrote:
How many nine year girls in the USA have been out shooting with an Uzi today?
I only know of 2. There maybe others.
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000

Loyal user
227 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 08:04 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, tommy wrote:
How many nine year girls in the USA have been out shooting with an Uzi today?
Probably more than the number of people in the UK of any age or gender who have in the last week or so.
Make America Great Again! - Trump in 2020 ... "We're a capitalistic society. I go into business, I don't make it, I go bankrupt. They're not going to bail me out. I've been on welfare and food stamps. Did anyone help me? No." - Craig T. Nelson, actor.

Special user
I believe I have
821 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 08:06 pm
Are we only counting Uzi's or other full autos? If so I know a few more.
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000

Loyal user
227 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 08:07 pm
Make America Great Again! - Trump in 2020 ... "We're a capitalistic society. I go into business, I don't make it, I go bankrupt. They're not going to bail me out. I've been on welfare and food stamps. Did anyone help me? No." - Craig T. Nelson, actor.

1949 - 2017
Seattle, WA
12587 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 08:11 pm
Well, given that the shooting range where the killing took place is rated one of the top family tourist attractions in Las Vegas by Trip Advisor, probably quite a few. Especially since they haven't changed their rules and still allow children 8 and up to fire fully automatic weapons. Although I agree that's probably not restricted to Uzis.
Funny, though, how those who feel there should be only the most minimal regulations on guns want to regulate every aspect of a woman's sex life.

Inner circle
La Famiglia
1196 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 08:24 pm
It's funny how people who complain about those who want to "legislate morality" do the same thing, themselves. Everyone has his or her own idea about the appropriate level of governmental intrusion. Everything up to that point is fine; everything beyond it is an outrage.
"Torture doesn't work" lol
Guess they forgot to tell Bill Buckley.
"...as we reason and love, we are able to hope. And hope enables us to resist those things that would enslave us."

Inner circle
3291 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 08:48 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Dannydoyle wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, mastermindreader wrote:
You really seem to have an obsession about women and their sex lives. How about letting women decide health issues with their own doctors instead of old male politicians deciding for them?
How about we quit using euphemisms and call it killing a baby and not a woman's health issue?
"Don't let your Dreams become Fantasies"
Magnus Eisengrim

Inner circle
Sulla placed heads on
1053 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:12 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, acesover wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Stop. Take a breath. Consider the difference between "the moral standards I have for myself" and "the laws that should bind every single citizen, regardless of their personal beliefs".
Breathe deeply.
Think about why the questions are separate. Think about what your country would be like if they weren't.
I did all of the above. Nothing happened or changed. We still have abortion issues, we still have gun right issues, we have good people and bad people. We have laws making abortion legal regardless of how horrible it is in reality.
What was supposed to happen when I took this deep breath? I was really looking for something to happen that was wonderful.
Moral standards one sets for ones self is an off the wall statement. With that in mind one can rationalize anything they want to be morally correct in their mind. Morality is like porn. I know it when I see it just as most people do. But they do not care. Morals be darned. Live for the moment and try and fix it later. If it does not work out. So what? I will change my moral attitude and now it is OK. Problem solved. Honestly it does not work that way. Many people know what is morally right or wrong but refuse to act upon it if it does not please them. They do not want to be inconveinced.
In your above statement do you really believe that abortion is a good law and should be used as a birth control measure for convenience? Or do you feel that it is somewhat immoral? Because if you feel that it is somewhat immoral...well there is no such thing as somewhat immoral. It either is or it isn't. It is like being PG. You are not a little PG. You are or you aren't. That is why abortion is immoral.
Best to take what anyone says here with a grain of salt. Because there are a myriad of opinions and morals that exist, and many can be found here. No one is going to change the moral fiber of another person on a magic forum. Besides I am not trying to change anyone just expressing my thoughts. As I have stated in previous forum discussions. I am not a missionary. Nothing more than an individual with my own thoughts and convictions. They may differ from yours. So be it.
Do you want someone else deciding your moral issues for you?
Then why do you want to make them for everyone else?
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.--Yeats

Inner circle
La Famiglia
1196 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:16 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, acesover wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Stop. Take a breath. Consider the difference between "the moral standards I have for myself" and "the laws that should bind every single citizen, regardless of their personal beliefs".
Breathe deeply.
Think about why the questions are separate. Think about what your country would be like if they weren't.
I did all of the above. Nothing happened or changed. We still have abortion issues, we still have gun right issues, we have good people and bad people. We have laws making abortion legal regardless of how horrible it is in reality.
What was supposed to happen when I took this deep breath? I was really looking for something to happen that was wonderful.
Moral standards one sets for ones self is an off the wall statement. With that in mind one can rationalize anything they want to be morally correct in their mind. Morality is like porn. I know it when I see it just as most people do. But they do not care. Morals be darned. Live for the moment and try and fix it later. If it does not work out. So what? I will change my moral attitude and now it is OK. Problem solved. Honestly it does not work that way. Many people know what is morally right or wrong but refuse to act upon it if it does not please them. They do not want to be inconveinced.
In your above statement do you really believe that abortion is a good law and should be used as a birth control measure for convenience? Or do you feel that it is somewhat immoral? Because if you feel that it is somewhat immoral...well there is no such thing as somewhat immoral. It either is or it isn't. It is like being PG. You are not a little PG. You are or you aren't. That is why abortion is immoral.
Best to take what anyone says here with a grain of salt. Because there are a myriad of opinions and morals that exist, and many can be found here. No one is going to change the moral fiber of another person on a magic forum. Besides I am not trying to change anyone just expressing my thoughts. As I have stated in previous forum discussions. I am not a missionary. Nothing more than an individual with my own thoughts and convictions. They may differ from yours. So be it.
Do you want someone else deciding your moral issues for you?
Then why do you want to make them for everyone else?
Are you suggesting a society without legislators or a president?
"Torture doesn't work" lol
Guess they forgot to tell Bill Buckley.
"...as we reason and love, we are able to hope. And hope enables us to resist those things that would enslave us."

Eternal Order
21765 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:35 pm
Is GDW back?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell

Special user
I believe I have
821 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:46 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, mastermindreader wrote:
Well, given that the shooting range where the killing took place is rated one of the top family tourist attractions in Las Vegas by Trip Advisor, probably quite a few. Especially since they haven't changed their rules and still allow children 8 and up to fire fully automatic weapons. Although I agree that's probably not restricted to Uzis.
Funny, though, how those who feel there should be only the most minimal regulations on guns want to regulate every aspect of a woman's sex life.
If you are referring to me, please explain what aspect I am trying to regulate in a "woman's sex life". Do you feel that an abortion is part of a woman's sex life? Wow do you think she enjoys it?
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000

Eternal Order
21765 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:47 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, acesover wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Stop. Take a breath. Consider the difference between "the moral standards I have for myself" and "the laws that should bind every single citizen, regardless of their personal beliefs".
Breathe deeply.
Think about why the questions are separate. Think about what your country would be like if they weren't.
I did all of the above. Nothing happened or changed. We still have abortion issues, we still have gun right issues, we have good people and bad people. We have laws making abortion legal regardless of how horrible it is in reality.
What was supposed to happen when I took this deep breath? I was really looking for something to happen that was wonderful.
Moral standards one sets for ones self is an off the wall statement. With that in mind one can rationalize anything they want to be morally correct in their mind. Morality is like porn. I know it when I see it just as most people do. But they do not care. Morals be darned. Live for the moment and try and fix it later. If it does not work out. So what? I will change my moral attitude and now it is OK. Problem solved. Honestly it does not work that way. Many people know what is morally right or wrong but refuse to act upon it if it does not please them. They do not want to be inconveinced.
In your above statement do you really believe that abortion is a good law and should be used as a birth control measure for convenience? Or do you feel that it is somewhat immoral? Because if you feel that it is somewhat immoral...well there is no such thing as somewhat immoral. It either is or it isn't. It is like being PG. You are not a little PG. You are or you aren't. That is why abortion is immoral.
Best to take what anyone says here with a grain of salt. Because there are a myriad of opinions and morals that exist, and many can be found here. No one is going to change the moral fiber of another person on a magic forum. Besides I am not trying to change anyone just expressing my thoughts. As I have stated in previous forum discussions. I am not a missionary. Nothing more than an individual with my own thoughts and convictions. They may differ from yours. So be it.
Do you want someone else deciding your moral issues for you?
Then why do you want to make them for everyone else?
Odd how this logic always stops just short of being inconvenient for you isn't it?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
Magnus Eisengrim

Inner circle
Sulla placed heads on
1053 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:49 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Dannydoyle wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, acesover wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Stop. Take a breath. Consider the difference between "the moral standards I have for myself" and "the laws that should bind every single citizen, regardless of their personal beliefs".
Breathe deeply.
Think about why the questions are separate. Think about what your country would be like if they weren't.
I did all of the above. Nothing happened or changed. We still have abortion issues, we still have gun right issues, we have good people and bad people. We have laws making abortion legal regardless of how horrible it is in reality.
What was supposed to happen when I took this deep breath? I was really looking for something to happen that was wonderful.
Moral standards one sets for ones self is an off the wall statement. With that in mind one can rationalize anything they want to be morally correct in their mind. Morality is like porn. I know it when I see it just as most people do. But they do not care. Morals be darned. Live for the moment and try and fix it later. If it does not work out. So what? I will change my moral attitude and now it is OK. Problem solved. Honestly it does not work that way. Many people know what is morally right or wrong but refuse to act upon it if it does not please them. They do not want to be inconveinced.
In your above statement do you really believe that abortion is a good law and should be used as a birth control measure for convenience? Or do you feel that it is somewhat immoral? Because if you feel that it is somewhat immoral...well there is no such thing as somewhat immoral. It either is or it isn't. It is like being PG. You are not a little PG. You are or you aren't. That is why abortion is immoral.
Best to take what anyone says here with a grain of salt. Because there are a myriad of opinions and morals that exist, and many can be found here. No one is going to change the moral fiber of another person on a magic forum. Besides I am not trying to change anyone just expressing my thoughts. As I have stated in previous forum discussions. I am not a missionary. Nothing more than an individual with my own thoughts and convictions. They may differ from yours. So be it.
Do you want someone else deciding your moral issues for you?
Then why do you want to make them for everyone else?
Odd how this logic always stops just short of being inconvenient for you isn't it?
Please explain. I do not want to set anyone else's moral standards and I don't want them to set them for me. Where's the problem, Danny?
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.--Yeats

Special user
I believe I have
821 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:49 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, acesover wrote:
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, Magnus Eisengrim wrote:
Stop. Take a breath. Consider the difference between "the moral standards I have for myself" and "the laws that should bind every single citizen, regardless of their personal beliefs".
Breathe deeply.
Think about why the questions are separate. Think about what your country would be like if they weren't.
I did all of the above. Nothing happened or changed. We still have abortion issues, we still have gun right issues, we have good people and bad people. We have laws making abortion legal regardless of how horrible it is in reality.
What was supposed to happen when I took this deep breath? I was really looking for something to happen that was wonderful.
Moral standards one sets for ones self is an off the wall statement. With that in mind one can rationalize anything they want to be morally correct in their mind. Morality is like porn. I know it when I see it just as most people do. But they do not care. Morals be darned. Live for the moment and try and fix it later. If it does not work out. So what? I will change my moral attitude and now it is OK. Problem solved. Honestly it does not work that way. Many people know what is morally right or wrong but refuse to act upon it if it does not please them. They do not want to be inconveinced.
In your above statement do you really believe that abortion is a good law and should be used as a birth control measure for convenience? Or do you feel that it is somewhat immoral? Because if you feel that it is somewhat immoral...well there is no such thing as somewhat immoral. It either is or it isn't. It is like being PG. You are not a little PG. You are or you aren't. That is why abortion is immoral.
Best to take what anyone says here with a grain of salt. Because there are a myriad of opinions and morals that exist, and many can be found here. No one is going to change the moral fiber of another person on a magic forum. Besides I am not trying to change anyone just expressing my thoughts. As I have stated in previous forum discussions. I am not a missionary. Nothing more than an individual with my own thoughts and convictions. They may differ from yours. So be it.
Do you want someone else deciding your moral issues for you?
Then why do you want to make them for everyone else?
Ha, ha. Did you even read my post to the end? Take your own advise and take a deep breath and also count to ten. Now exhale. Hope you feel better.  Now go back and read my whole post.
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000
Magnus Eisengrim

Inner circle
Sulla placed heads on
1053 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:50 pm
Quote: On Sep 2, 2014, LobowolfXXX wrote:
Are you suggesting a society without legislators or a president?
Of course not. But I do believe in a private/public distinction. And (plug your ears, Stone) in the Harm Principle.
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.--Yeats

Eternal Order
21765 Posts
Posted: Sep 2, 2014 09:52 pm
You have mentioned the morality in saving the planet for example. I admit you never give examples of what needs to be done to do so but you regularly defend people with some fairly extreme views.
So do you want to impose regulations based on your own assumptions of what is happening?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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