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Just naughty by nature, Danny. It's about as relevant as most of the 26 pages so far.

Personally, I thought that the three posts together made a rather poignant vignette, but maybe everybody else had to be there? I dunno...
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In fact, it's my new virtual triptych.
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It's kinda how the rest of the educated world views the USA. Go figure.

And..... Rinse and repeat.
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Or you could add these guys, if it helps [it really doesn't, rather the opposite]. But it adds another layer, and it was our fault. Even during the post revolution land grab. Hahaha.

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Save that one for the immigration threads!
"Torture doesn't work" lol
Guess they forgot to tell Bill Buckley.

" we reason and love, we are able to hope. And hope enables us to resist those things that would enslave us."
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Profile of NYCTwister
So after all this bulls#it NO ONE has had the COURAGE to answer these simple questions -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?

All we've gotten is fools who can't support their own arguments, without going off onto tangents, which have nothing to do with the subject.

If all of you " Everyone should be allowed to be allowed to carry whatever weapon they can afford to buy because this is MURICA." can not answer these SIMPLE questions with DIRECT ANSWERS, then they should STFU.

Aces you've already failed so you can, for once, be silent.

Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.
If you need fear to enforce your beliefs, then your beliefs are worthless.
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"Torture doesn't work" lol
Guess they forgot to tell Bill Buckley.

" we reason and love, we are able to hope. And hope enables us to resist those things that would enslave us."
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Profile of acesover
On Sep 13, 2014, NYCTwister wrote:
So after all this bulls#it NO ONE has had the COURAGE to answer these simple questions -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?

All we've gotten is fools who can't support their own arguments, without going off onto tangents, which have nothing to do with the subject.

If all of you " Everyone should be allowed to be allowed to carry whatever weapon they can afford to buy because this is MURICA." can not answer these SIMPLE questions with DIRECT ANSWERS, then they should STFU.

Aces you've already failed so you can, for once, be silent.

Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

Answering your questions even though you said I am not allowed. I won't get into that discussion right now.

1. They don't. Nor do they need a Corvette that holds 2 passengers and can go 140 miles an hour, but they want one.

2. Seems like your questions overlap number 1 but who said they are buying it because of a threat. Same reason for the corvette. Who is chasing them? Smile

3. If you even had a clue you would realize that one cannot purchase a full auto weapon without a Fed. license and a background check and a heft fee for the license after passing the background check. As far as background checks a felon cannot purchase a handgun. Or a person under local constraints and before you can purchase a handgun you are subject to a background check as the dealer must give info in order for you to qualify. Often times it comes back NO. You must find out why. They don't tell you. But quite honestly you probably know the answer.

Lastly. I hope I am not in any trouble for responding to your questions. Smile Even though you said I am not allowed. This is 'MURICA" and I have a right, yes a right to express my opinion. But I guess that is just another part of the constitution you are not happy with. I can only say...I iwonder why...oh never mind you get the drift.
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000
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Profile of Dannydoyle
On Sep 13, 2014, NYCTwister wrote:
So after all this bulls#it NO ONE has had the COURAGE to answer these simple questions -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?

All we've gotten is fools who can't support their own arguments, without going off onto tangents, which have nothing to do with the subject.

If all of you " Everyone should be allowed to be allowed to carry whatever weapon they can afford to buy because this is MURICA." can not answer these SIMPLE questions with DIRECT ANSWERS, then they should STFU.

Aces you've already failed so you can, for once, be silent.

Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

How many Americans actually own an Uzi?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of acesover
NYCTwister said: Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

To late to be sorry. A lot of people after committing a crime say the same thing. Smile They got upset because things did not go their way and committed a crime in order to vent. But they were sorry. Yea right. Is that supposed to make it right? People like yourself should not own firearms because you can not control your emotions. Smile

You posted the "I am sorry" with the post. So how sorry can you really be? Smile
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000
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Profile of NYCTwister
On Sep 13, 2014, acesover wrote:
NYCTwister said: Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

To late to be sorry. A lot of people after committing a crime say the same thing. Smile They got upset because things did not go their way and committed a crime in order to vent. But they were sorry. Yea right. Is that supposed to make it right? People like yourself should not own firearms because you can not control your emotions. Smile

You posted the "I am sorry" with the post. So how sorry can you really be? Smile

So, once again you talk but say nothing. Your inability to defend your so-called position is becoming pathetic.


Once again -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?
If you need fear to enforce your beliefs, then your beliefs are worthless.
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Profile of NYCTwister
On Sep 13, 2014, Dannydoyle wrote:
On Sep 13, 2014, NYCTwister wrote:
So after all this bulls#it NO ONE has had the COURAGE to answer these simple questions -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?

All we've gotten is fools who can't support their own arguments, without going off onto tangents, which have nothing to do with the subject.

If all of you " Everyone should be allowed to be allowed to carry whatever weapon they can afford to buy because this is MURICA." can not answer these SIMPLE questions with DIRECT ANSWERS, then they should STFU.

Aces you've already failed so you can, for once, be silent.

Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

How many Americans actually own an Uzi?

Answering a question with a question is not an answer. Do you have any answers to my questions Danny, or are you attempting to side track the thread yet again?

In cased you missed it the question was - WHY does any US citizen NEED an Uzi?

The second question was - What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?

Do you have the capacity to answer these SIMPLE QUESTIONS with DIRECT ANSWERS? If you don't then why are you, or anyone who thinks like you, involved in the discussion?
If you need fear to enforce your beliefs, then your beliefs are worthless.
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Profile of acesover
On Sep 13, 2014, NYCTwister wrote:
On Sep 13, 2014, acesover wrote:
NYCTwister said: Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

To late to be sorry. A lot of people after committing a crime say the same thing. Smile They got upset because things did not go their way and committed a crime in order to vent. But they were sorry. Yea right. Is that supposed to make it right? People like yourself should not own firearms because you can not control your emotions. Smile

You posted the "I am sorry" with the post. So how sorry can you really be? Smile

So, once again you talk but say nothing. Your inability to defend your so-called position is becoming pathetic.


Once again -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?

What part don't you understand about my answers. To question 1. I answered. They don't.

For question number 2 you are surmising that the only reason someone purchases an uzi or any other weapon for that matter is because they feel threatened. That is just not so. So there is no way to answer your question. Like asking the question. Do you still beat you wife? When you never beat your wife in the first place.

Lastly not everyone can purchase any weapon at will. Please explain the "anyone" comment and while at it the "at will" comment. I do not understand your meaning of the use of "anyone" or "at will". Quite honestly I don't believe you do either. First off there are age limits. Second as I stated before, hand guns or full auto weapons have to go through a background check. Where are you going with these made up questions?

While I have you here have you stopped beating your wife and making obscene phone calls to kids? Smile How does it feel being asked those questions? Of course I understand the questions are unfair and you probably never did any of the aforementioned.. But so are your questions? I can make it even more difficult by saying just answer yes or no. You are asking what threat are you anticipating? Who said anyone purchased an uzi because they were being threatened? Seems like you are the only one with the concept. That is why I asked why purchase a corvette? Who is chasing you? No one is chasinig you. But you wanted a corvette. So because you don't like guns people should not be allowed to purchase one. Well I don't like fast cars (not true) I feel no one should have one (again not true).

If anything here is pathetic it is definitely your questions. Just saying. Make some sense when asking a question.
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000
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Profile of LobowolfXXX
On Sep 13, 2014, NYCTwister wrote:
On Sep 13, 2014, acesover wrote:
NYCTwister said: Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

To late to be sorry. A lot of people after committing a crime say the same thing. Smile They got upset because things did not go their way and committed a crime in order to vent. But they were sorry. Yea right. Is that supposed to make it right? People like yourself should not own firearms because you can not control your emotions. Smile

You posted the "I am sorry" with the post. So how sorry can you really be? Smile

So, once again you talk but say nothing. Your inability to defend your so-called position is becoming pathetic.


Once again -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?

All of the capital letters in the world won't help poor logic. Perhaps before holding the board responsible for demonstrating why anyone needs an Uzi, you might consider trying to establish that there's anybody here who thinks that there are people who need Uzis.

Then you can move on to the fun part of your argument - trying to establish that "need" is relevant.
"Torture doesn't work" lol
Guess they forgot to tell Bill Buckley.

" we reason and love, we are able to hope. And hope enables us to resist those things that would enslave us."
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Profile of Dannydoyle
He will continue name calling and brow beating because he has his "obvious truth".

Does anyone "need" a car that goes 120 when speed limits are 70? If you don't "need" an Uzi don't buy one. Faulty logic indeed.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of NYCTwister
On Sep 13, 2014, LobowolfXXX wrote:
On Sep 13, 2014, NYCTwister wrote:
On Sep 13, 2014, acesover wrote:
NYCTwister said: Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

To late to be sorry. A lot of people after committing a crime say the same thing. Smile They got upset because things did not go their way and committed a crime in order to vent. But they were sorry. Yea right. Is that supposed to make it right? People like yourself should not own firearms because you can not control your emotions. Smile

You posted the "I am sorry" with the post. So how sorry can you really be? Smile

So, once again you talk but say nothing. Your inability to defend your so-called position is becoming pathetic.


Once again -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?

All of the capital letters in the world won't help poor logic. Perhaps before holding the board responsible for demonstrating why anyone needs an Uzi, you might consider trying to establish that there's anybody here who thinks that there are people who need Uzis.

Then you can move on to the fun part of your argument - trying to establish that "need" is relevant.

Ok have it your way. Is there anyone here that thinks that anyone needs an Uzi, and to save time, if so why?
If you need fear to enforce your beliefs, then your beliefs are worthless.
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Profile of NYCTwister
On Sep 13, 2014, Dannydoyle wrote:
He will continue name calling and brow beating because he has his "obvious truth".

Does anyone "need" a car that goes 120 when speed limits are 70? If you don't "need" an Uzi don't buy one. Faulty logic indeed.

More nothing..

If you have nothing to say in answer to the questions, wouldn't it make more sense to actually say nothing, i.e. to actually be silent?
Btw, a person asking a question to which they get no answers is not "brow beating".

Come on Danny, these are simple questions. Can you not answer even one of them without resorting to stupid car analogies?
If you need fear to enforce your beliefs, then your beliefs are worthless.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Sort of the point. Your crazy straw man rant when nobody said anyone needed an uzi. But continue with your sixth grade logic trick. You seem more angry that nobody will be manipulated by your silly game.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of acesover
On Sep 13, 2014, NYCTwister wrote:
On Sep 13, 2014, LobowolfXXX wrote:
On Sep 13, 2014, NYCTwister wrote:
On Sep 13, 2014, acesover wrote:
NYCTwister said: Sorry for the profanity, but I'm tired of seeing threads sent off on wild, stupid paths to hide the fact that they HAVE NO ANSWERS.

To late to be sorry. A lot of people after committing a crime say the same thing. Smile They got upset because things did not go their way and committed a crime in order to vent. But they were sorry. Yea right. Is that supposed to make it right? People like yourself should not own firearms because you can not control your emotions. Smile

You posted the "I am sorry" with the post. So how sorry can you really be? Smile

So, once again you talk but say nothing. Your inability to defend your so-called position is becoming pathetic.


Once again -

1. Why does any US citizen need an Uzi?
2. What threat are you anticipating that might require such a weapon?
3. Why should virtually anyone be able to buy such a weapon, or ANY gun, without rigorous background/psychological checks, or any waiting period?

All of the capital letters in the world won't help poor logic. Perhaps before holding the board responsible for demonstrating why anyone needs an Uzi, you might consider trying to establish that there's anybody here who thinks that there are people who need Uzis.

Then you can move on to the fun part of your argument - trying to establish that "need" is relevant.

Ok have it your way. Is there anyone here that thinks that anyone needs an Uzi, and to save time, if so why?

OMG. There you go again. No one "NEEDS" one. However some want one. If you have never shot one I cannot explain. If you did there is no reason to explain. You either had fun and enjoyed it or you didn't. But if you never shot one you have nothing to go by in order to make the fun or enjoyment judgment do you? So go out and find an uzi and shoot it because according to you just about everyone has one. Shoot it and see if you enjoy it. If you enjoyed the experience buy one because you want one in order to experience the fun again. If not don't buy it because you don't have fun with it. But if you do buy it. First read the manual and practice gun safety. Smile You do know of course there are safe ways to handle firearms just as there are proper ways to drive a car especially that corvette that you would like to have. And don't tell me you wouldn't like a Vette. Smile

Put your uzi in your Vette and you are set. Smile Yes I am a poet. Smile
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000
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Make America Great Again! - Trump in 2020 ... "We're a capitalistic society. I go into business, I don't make it, I go bankrupt. They're not going to bail me out. I've been on welfare and food stamps. Did anyone help me? No." - Craig T. Nelson, actor.
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