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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » APPearing Soon... » » City Prediction by SOMA (31 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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On Mar 6, 2015, Expertmagician wrote:
No big deal....I can wait until I have a real use for the app.
For $2.99 I would have played with it.

For $16, that's another story and I am not even sure if I will use it even if the method is clever.

I can wait....who knows...maybe an April Fools day special Smile

Of course, every one has their own criteria to purchase toys Smile

This web site also says to wait:

The "applesliced" also says that the price was just changed Feb 22nd about 2 weeks ago.

Bet they will drop the price when they find sales falls through the floor....who knows.

Thanks for the link.
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Profile of einhorn
If $15.99 is too much for an amazing app that allows you to do something incredible almost any-time then save your money. For me I feel this is really good value for money. Why should someone release something for pennies when clearly so much work has gone into it's development. The price is a bargain. In My Opinion
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Profile of gyorkop
Hi Guys,

Since there were a lot of questions and debates, I would like to make things clear.

The reason that you cannot use the same ID in your iPhone and iPad is that the performances rely on the registered ID and we do not want them to interfere each other. If you still prefer to use the same ID in different devices, please PM me.

If you reinstall the app you cannot use your previous ID. If you still want your older ID, please PM me the ID and email address provided during registration.

As Gordon mentioned, you can always return to the secret menu by swiping down with three fingers. If you have troubles with that, make sure that in Settings menu General > Accessibility > Zoom is turned OFF. Otherwise three fingers gestures will not work.

There were a lot of discussions comparing City Prediction to HandzOFF. I think HandzOFF is a great app using the performer's iPhone and can be used for multiple effects but it also requires practice and an external prop.

On the other hand, City Prediction uses the spectator's iPhone, requires minimal practice, no memorization and you don't have to buy any extra prop for the performance.

Thank you all for your feedbacks and have fun performing City Prediction.

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Profile of LankyHobo
Looks great. Just to clarify, on the description on the AppStore it says works with any iPhone iOS 6+. But below that it says compatibility requires iOS 8 or later. Whose phone requires which?
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Profile of gyorkop

The latest version of City Prediction works with iOS 8 but the version 1.0 supports iOS 7. When you perform the trick, your spectator's iPhone must run iOS 6 or better.

For iOS 7:

1. Open iTunes page of City Prediction on your Mac/PC:
2. Click to "View in iTunes" button on the left side
3. Purchase the app
4. Open App Store on your iPhone
5. Select "Updates" > "Purchased"
6. Install the latest compatible version of City Prediction (1.0)

I hope it helps.

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Profile of LankyHobo
Thank you very much, Peter, that's very helpful. I have iOS8 so perfect for me already. I look forward to getting this as it looks amazing. many thanks for your help and congrats on this effect.
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Profile of pegasus
This is by far the best app out there IMO. This is [insert favourite swear word] brilliant.
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Profile of daniltan
This app is good. But it's only limited to a single use. While with Greg's SupaThump you can get many more except what City Prediction could do. So IMO get them both!
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Profile of Lonnie-Lyerla
Was the use of this app strictly on iPhones and only iPhones? If that doesn't make sense, I'm asking if the spectator has to have an iPhone aswell?
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Profile of Robvs
On Nov 5, 2014, Greg Rostami wrote:

PLEASE raise the price ... trust me, you won't regret it.

all the best,
Greg Rostami least pretend to be doing us customers a favor. Your smell-o-vision app was overpriced and made me balk at Magic Live when it was discounted, forget the current price. Work on price fixing and collusion of this type of effect in private and throw the consumer a public bone.
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Profile of Robvs
On Mar 5, 2015, Myke Phillips wrote:

In my opinion iUnlockYourMind is a more powerful and personal performance piece for me than revealing a city. Just my humble opinion as a performer, not a creator.

Humble opinion? That's the quality that you think you demonstrate when you come on here and tell every other magician that the apps they are developing are too similar to something you've created (Social Media comes to mind here too) and then follow up by "well thought out" post that turns praise of a $3 app into an insult of their ability to use your overpriced app to the same level of response? That's humble? Glad I decided to never send you a dime a while ago.
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Profile of Robvs
While there are a few posts here that expose and most can read between the lines and figure out the complete mechanics of this effect, I just thought it's worth an explicit criticism that the demo video isn't necessarily the exact way that the spectator will see the effect if the magician is working alone.

The second half of the demo video is a more accurate picture.

I just thought I'd share my patter for when I Google a city...
"Why did you pick that city? Do you know what the temperature is there? Let's find out...OH, 83 degrees? I think that's a city I'd like to go to also, and can see why we would both pick that." This is the basics, today I engaged in lots of conversation to justify the method. And it is a very pleasant effect.
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Profile of rasp
Ooooooh sounds like someones glass is half empty.
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Profile of Robvs
Used this app to pin the honeymoon hotel of my spectator. Awesome.
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Profile of Robvs
Used this app to pin the honeymoon hotel of my spectator. Awesome.
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
On Mar 13, 2015, Robvs wrote: least pretend to be doing us customers a favor. Your smell-o-vision app was overpriced and made me balk at Magic Live when it was discounted, forget the current price. Work on price fixing and collusion of this type of effect in private and throw the consumer a public bone.

Hi Robvs,

Based on your posts I can see that you're really entertaining your audience with this app. Perhaps you've changed your opinion about the pricing of these effects.

So do you still think, the price is too high? If this wasn't an app, how much would you have paid for an effect like this?

Regarding teleFoto (my smell-o-vision app), all of my customers will tell you it's worth a LOT more than $50.

The bottom line about good organic app magic (like City Prediction) is:

* You always have it with you.
* Requires practically no skill so you can concentrate on your performance.
* Packs a KILLER PUNCH!!

The reason why I didn't talk about the collusion or price fixing in private is because it's time for ALL good apps (not just magic apps) to have a higher price.
I have nothing to hide from the consumer. I want the consumer to recognize that these products take a lot of effort and have tremendous value.

I know too many brilliant app developers that are BROKE because the world believes all apps should be free or $0.99 ... I'm afraid that kind of pricing only works for the top 0.00001% of the apps.

So thank you for throwing app developers a bone and buying our products ... we've got more AMAZING things in store for you.

Greg Rostami
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Profile of DynaMix
Great response Greg.

There is a widespread ignorance out there from the non tech magicians that just reads off very poorly to people who have a basic understanding of technology and its (growing) place within magic. Those of us who successfully and thoughtfully integrate these effects organically into our sets know the value of these apps. I hope you all continue to make money and prosper because it's a fascinating field to be involved in. Best of luck Greg.
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Profile of Robvs
Please just stay out of the oil industry.
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
The oil industry makes a lot of money. App developers do not.

Just to sell an app on iOS, you must pay Apple $99/year.
59% of developers don't make enough money to cover that $99 fee.

The consumer assumes that ALL app developers make millions of dollars like Angry Birds and Candy Crush.
The reality is 59% of developers fail, 40% barely scrape by (need another job to make ends meet) and only 1% see REAL profits.

G Ro
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Profile of Robvs
Not sure how that allows for shady business practices which discourage the open market from determining the value of an effect and discourages price competition that appeals to consumers' wallets. When finances are difficult for a business it does not give them the legal or moral right to engage in the illegal practice of gathering manufacturers and agreeing to raise prices in unison.

You are the Mobil gas station on the corner of my block, selling "the best" gas for 75 cents more expensive than everyone else, failing to realize that if the price dropped to fair market value you would exceed everyone else's sales. But instead you're boarded up in a few years.

The average price of an app is less than 50 cents- yours are decimal points away.
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