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I got a chance recently to look through Café member, Dr. Larry Barnowsky's latest book on magic, Magica Analytica and he continues to knock the ball right out the park there from his home in Cooperstown, NY. FIrst and foremost, the guy is a formidable magician in his own right, not to mention a very successful physician, and in his spare time he creates some amazing magic, and on top of all that finds the time to author book after book in our craft. He's done about 4-5 books to date and his new one, Magica Analytica continues his high level of magical contribution.

Larry is a really smart guy and superb coin magician, but he actually is good at all forms of magic, closeup and stage, and has concentrated on writing books toward that. Most cleverly, he is known as Count Elmsley and his latest contributions lie in yet another part of magic, that of mathematics with cards, marbles, rings, numbers, and there's even a stellar coin effect thrown in there called "Wire Transfer." Thanks Larry. Smile

There are nearly 20 tricks covered in the book, all with splendid explanation and photos that rival the best takes in the business. This is such a good read and I'm sure you'll find a lot of great things in this new offering. What makes Larry's books so good is that it truly is a life's love for him. He grew up with it, passed down from his grandfather, and has been mesmerized by it since he was a boy. Amidst all the important things in his life, magic has a place there too. We are lucky to have such smart sharing of mind from a guy that has taken it seriously and keeps it fun all at the same time.

When you get this book, check out effects like "Rings of Alexandria,"Match Point," "The Arch of Sunz,i" and "The 27 Trick" to see the type of top-flite thinking going on here. Remarkable stuff! Of course, theres great magic all through the book, along with tidbits from Larry's life that has led him to this very day in magic. Just a wonderful piece of work (From truly a Good Doctor that happens to also be a Great Magician) that belongs on everyone's magic book shelf.
Highly Recommended! Smile


*Check out my latest: Gifts From The Old Country: A Mini-Magic Book, MBs Mini-Lecture on Coin Magic, The MB Tanspo PLUS, MB's Morgan, Copper Silver INC, Double Trouble, FlySki, Crimp Change - REDUX!, and other fine magic at gumroad.com/mb217magic Smile

"Believe in YOU, and you will see the greatest magic that ever was." -Mb Smile
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I just finished reading Magica Analytica cover to cover and I am impressed by the originality and ingenuity of the effects explained. The book itself is a very high quality production with glossy pages studded with step by step sharp color photographs. As in his other books, Larry has stayed with the same successful format of Effect, Skills Needed, Props Needed, Setup (if any), Explanation and Script, and Discussion (at the end). Most of the effects are rated one diamond on a scale of one to three. Nearly all moves are explained except for common ones like a DL or double cut. Many of the effects are self-working and rely on some pretty terrific mathematics that make the tricks work. The magician can do these effects without knowing how they work. Larry explains the math in the discussion section for those who want to know how and why it works.

There are two nonmathematical card effects that are truly outstanding. The first effect in the book called The Capture of the Jackson Mob and this is a wonderful story trick which is fairly easy to perform (one diamond) and builds to a very strong climax. Later in the book is Duel of the Experts which is a two diamond effect. The moves are clearly taught and easy to learn. This is a contest between two card mechanics each showing off their prowess. Very visual and magical moments in this routine. The only sleight that you may not be familiar with is the Kaufman Radical Change from Card Magic. This is taught in detail as if you were seeing a video frame by frame. This is one of those great routines to open up with. I will be adding it to my set.

I already own the Rings of Alexandria apparatus. It is explained in detail in the book with some extra information not in the original instructions. Larry even gives you plans on how to build your own. The effect seems impossible to the spectator where the device appears to know how many cards they randomly placed in their pocket and the total of the values of those cards. You can do the effect without the apparatus using a crib which is provided in the book.

A similar effect using the Arch of Sunzi apparatus will allow you to perform a similar effect but in this case you tell them how many cards are in both pockets. The apparatus can be easily made but I opted to buy it from his website since I am a klutz when it comes to crafts. You can also use a crib for this one. The math behind these two effects comes from Number theory and I had math in college but never heard of this stuff. This will blow them away.

Eulers Force is going to be very popular. The math that makes this work is from Topology. That's in the field of math that explains how the Afghan Bands work etc. This effect is totally new. Card is selected and lost in the deck. Unforced number of points (dots) are selected and placed anywhere on a paper or easel the spectator wants. Lines are drawn connecting them (there are many ways of doing this) in an unforced manner. The spectator counts cards for each point, line, and space created. That leads him precisely to his card. I can see someone doing this with jumbo cards and a large drawing pad on an easel on stage or TV.

The 27 Trick uses a very cool object called an Enneagram. You can see part of it in the cover art. This is an easy card location effect with no card handling or sleights using the hidden math in this mystical object. They think of a number between 1 and 16 and then apply it to the enneagram. The spectator will likely want to use a calculator like one in a smart phone. Works every time and no setup.

Picassos Pick a Card Trick is one where a smart phone calculator should be used. They pick a card freely. You ask them to think of any number from 10 to 999 and perform some basic calculations. They cube the number (Picasso, Cubism, get it?) and perform some basic arithmetic on the answer. That number helps them find their card. This is new.

In the cover art there is a magic square from a famous print by Durer. The square adds up to 34. This effect, Durers Prediction is amazing. Cards are cut. Spectator takes one half and cuts it. Cards are dealt in pairs from the top but placed back to back. A total of four pairs are dealt this way. The spectator then is asked to flip over any two pairs freely. He repeats this twice more. The values of the cards are added and match the magic square in the print.

I love Evenhanded Deception. No setup. Spectator is given a prediction to hold. Deck is shuffled and cut. Cards are mixed face up into face down and then riffle shuffled by spectator. Cards are dealt into four piles and riffle shuffled again until there are two piles. Spectator is asked to reverse some cards (no force) in the packets while the magicians back is turned. Cards are spread showing them well mixed and placed on the table. Prediction is opened which states the exact number of face up and face down cards. A stunner and very easy to do.

Overall I really have been enjoying this book and learning some cool math has been bonus. I only touched on a small portion of the book. I highly recommend it. You will use the material in this book.

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Could someone describe the effect that uses the Arch of Sunzi?

Larry Barnowsky
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Cooperstown, NY where bats are made from
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Profile of Larry Barnowsky
Hi KJ,

Briefly, a deck is shuffled and the spectator cuts the cards freely. He takes half of the deck and places it in his left pocket. He deals the remainder of the deck into an equal number of piles and any leftover cards are added to the left pocket. He then takes the deck and deals equal number of piles (5 in this case) and places any leftover ones on the table. The rest are placed into the RIGHT pocket. This can all be done with the magician's back turned. The magican turns around and either using the Arch of Sunzi device (or another easy method discussed in the book) tells the spectator how many cards are in each pocket. No setup, normal cards, no force. Works 100% of the time. The hidden mathematics makes it work.

Larry Smile
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Warning: We will run out of new tricks in
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Profile of 1KJ

Thanks for the description. I really liked the Arch of Sunzi, and the effect you described sounds good. I think I'll pick up the book. Thanks again.

Larry Barnowsky
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Cooperstown, NY where bats are made from
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For those who want a special deal on ALL my books, click THE WORKS on the main webpage

Larry Barnowsky
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For those who want a special deal on ALL my books, click THE WORKS on the main webpage

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KJ, I have the Arch of Sunzi and although you can perform the trick without it, using it greatly adds to the presentation and overall mysterious effect. As suggested in the book, I started using it with Tarot cards and the spectators (especially the women) really respond and buy into the storyline. I enjoy performing it because even though I know how it works, every time I perform it amazes me. No card handling, peeking or forces. You could any regular deck. A truly self working effect.

I am enjoying Magica Analytica. The plots and methods are very original. The best effects IMO in the book are Capture of the Jackson Mob, Misplacing the Aces, Evenhanded Deception, Rings of Alexandria, Arch of Sunzi, Eulers Force, Awe-Sum Force, Duel of the Experts, and Picasso's Pick a Card Tick.

The carefully written text and color photos with helpful annotations and arrows makes learning the tricks a breeze.

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Profile of wunceaponatime
This is the best magic book I've read this year. Very original concepts and effects. Euler's force is so clever. That could have been sold as a one trick DVD for more than I paid for the book. I can see using that principle for objects other than cards. Another effect I really like is arch of Sunzi. I bought the prop that goes with it but this can be done with nothing other than a deck of cards and the cards can be borrowed. There is a superb card routine called Duel of the Experts which doesn't use any math at all. Well explained and helpful summary of the sequence of moves at the end. Great prediction effects throughout the book with new methods that mentalists will likely utilize . Gorgeous color photos.

Tom Jorgenson
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I might add, FYI, that the first edition is limited to 150 copies.
We dance an invisible dance to music they cannot hear.
Larry Barnowsky
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I was just interviewed by a couple of local papers regarding my new book. Magica Analytica. It made the front page of the actual newspaper. Below is the link for the most recent article.


Larry Smile
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Just did some effects from Magica Analytica at a Christmas show for co-workers. Audience included several PhDs in science fields and engineering. Opened with a magic square effect and followed that with Eulers Force and then Arch of Sunzi. Finished with borrowed ring to nest of boxes. After the show I got more compliments about the Euler Force effect than anything else.

Larry Barnowsky
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Cooperstown, NY where bats are made from
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Profile of Larry Barnowsky
Thanks BJ for the feedback. Euler's Force is quite diabolical but because of the math it's self-working.


I still have some copies of Magica Analytica in stock and I just built 5 more Arch of Sunzi Props.


For Magic Café members: If you order Magica Analytica and Arch of Sunzi, you'll receive a free 48 inch Velvet rope (choose red or white) and a 3 1/2 inch Nickel Plated Ring + Priority Shipping in USA or First Class International at significant discount for everything:

For further info click here


Larry Smile


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Profile of wunceaponatime
When is Magica Analytica II coming out? Any previews of the contents? Any special props like Arch of Sunzi?

Larry Barnowsky
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Cooperstown, NY where bats are made from
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Profile of Larry Barnowsky
I am currently writing Magica Analytica II. Half of the book has been written. I don’t have a publication date firm yet but my target is the Fall of this year. The book will be in full color and spiral bound similar to Magica Analytica. Unique mathematical principles concealed in the background are utilized to create baffling self-working magic effects.

Here are the first nine chapter titles and some previews:

Downsizing the Deck
Game of Thrones
Spring Loaded Deck
Drawing a Blank II
Too Tired To Deal
Still Too Tired To Deal
Sphere of Influence
Without Undue Influence

In “Sphere of Influence”, the spectator freely choses a number from 1-16. The spectator drops a ball bearing which tumbles through a 3D maze eventually falling into a tray with 16 numbered slots. The ball lands into the slot that is labeled with the spectator’s chosen number. Functions like an analog computer with no moving parts or electronics. Plans and schematics for the apparatus are included in the book. A limited number of these will be made for sale by special order.

In “Triangulation”, a card is selected with a freely chosen number. Using that number, points are placed on a pad within a square, and lines are freely drawn forming triangles. The number of triangles is counted and that number is used to count cards from the deck leading to the spectator’s thought of card.

In “Too Tired To Deal”, with the magician’s back turned, the spectator shuffles the deck himself and places any number of cards in his pocket. The rest of the cards are dealt into piles and placed face up or face down depending on whether there are leftover cards. Magician is able to know how many cards in the pocket and how many cards are face up on the table still covered by the spectator’s hands. Somewhat like Arch of Sunzi, but does not use the Chinese Remainder Theorem but something very different.

In “Without Undue Influence”, a thought of number is used to choose a card. The card’s suit and value help the spectator find the card. You never need to know the number and in fact you don’t know the card until the spectator finds it.

Larry Smile

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Profile of PVinh1
I recently received my book purchase of Counting on Deception, Magica Analytica, and Kingdom of the Red. I am an amateur magic book collector. I was attracted to Larry's books because of the mathematical principles behind many of his tricks. I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics, but now practice radiology full time.
The books are beautifully produced. There is a large variety of creative and original tricks based on clever methods and mathematical concepts. Many effects can be performed without difficult sleights. Instructions are clear and concise. Many supplementary photographs aid in the understanding of the instructions.
I look forward to many more enjoyable hours of reading and learning new tricks.
Larry Barnowsky
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Cooperstown, NY where bats are made from
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Profile of Larry Barnowsky
Thanks PVinh1 for that post.
I still have some copies of Magica Analytica left.

Here's an update on Magica Analytica II:

The 20 chapters of text, artwork, and diagrams are complete. Original mathematically inspired effects with cards, numbers, dice, coins, silks, game boards etc.

The next step is taking about 100 color photos for the book.
After that, lots of editing and proofing. Hope to have this in print by the Fall.

These are the chapter titles:

1. Downsizing the Deck
2. Game of Thrones
3. Triangulation
4. Spring Loaded Deck
5. Drawing a Blank II
6. Too Tired To Deal
7. Still Too Tired To Deal
8. Sphere of Influence
9. Without Undue Influence
10. Make a Difference
11. Coins of Heptagonia
12. Coins of Heptagonia II
13. Casting Away
14. 3D Aces
15. The Magic Maze
16. Guessing Game
17. It Must Be Magic
18. Magician vs Mathematician
19. The Prime Directive
20. Topsy Turvy Cards

Larry Smile
Larry Barnowsky
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Cooperstown, NY where bats are made from
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Profile of Larry Barnowsky
Magica Analytica II has been completed. All text, color photos, color
diagrams and graphics, and color cover art are finished. Now, the laborious task of proofing the text begins.
Since my last post, I added one additional chapter, The Clock of Alexander, which could have been sold as a stand alone effect for more than the price of the book.

Format and construction will be similar to Magica Analytica I with #80 weight glossy pages and coil bound. Book is 112 pages long. I have some remaining copies of Magica Analytica I in stock.

Most effects are self-working based on well hidden mathematical principles. A few require some basic card skills (control a card etc.)

Book should be available early Fall 2015 or late summer.

Below is the updated Table of Contents:

1. Downsizing the Deck
2. A Game of Thrones
3. Triangulation
4. Spring Loaded Deck
5. Drawing a Blank II
6. Too Tired To Deal
7. Still Too Tired To Deal
8. Sphere of Influence
9. Without Undue Influence
10. Make a Difference
11. Coins of Heptagonia
12. Coins of Heptagonia II
13. Casting Away
14. 3D Aces
15. The Magic Maze
16. Guessing Game
17. It Must Be Magic
18. Magician vs Mathematician
19. The Prime Directive
20. Topsy Turvy Cards
21. The Clock of Alexander

Larry Barnowsky
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Cooperstown, NY where bats are made from
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Profile of Larry Barnowsky
An original card/apparatus effect I mentioned previously called The Clock of Alexander (which will be in Magica Analytica II) is now available for purchase. This is a limited edition and I will be shipping units by mid-July. Check out my banner for it in the Workers Pick a Card Forum. For photo and more information go to: The Clock of Alexander

Larry Smile
Larry Barnowsky
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Cooperstown, NY where bats are made from
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Profile of Larry Barnowsky

Magica Analytica II goes to the printer Friday August 28
116 pages in color coil bound.
Final price not set yet but probably under $35 depending on final printing costs.

Larry Smile
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