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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Hot off the Press! » » Different Deck - Green Back Edition... (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Steve Brooks
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Northern California - United States
3798 Posts

Profile of Steve Brooks


More than just a project creating playing cards, dice, coins, & shirts. This project is all about creating L.U.C.K.!



The Different Deck is a standard deck of 54 playing cards with one major difference - the cards are inverted so instead of a 3 of clubs, you have a club of 3s. Instead of a 4 of diamonds, it is a diamond made up of 4s and so on.


Each card is a unique piece of art filled with symbolism and hidden elements. If you look closely at the queen of spades you will see "queen" not only written in several languages, but you will find a queen chess piece and even a Queen Elizabeth signature.


A year ago I launched the Different Deck project - a special deck of cards that was nearly 8 years in the making. We raised over $70,000 and had over 1500 backers. Plus, unlike most card projects we did not offer any dice, coins, poker chips or T-shirts.


Now, to celebrate the anniversary of the Different Deck, we are doing a limited Kickstarter exclusive Green Back edition of the Different Deck.

NOTE: These decks will ONLY be for backers of this campaign.

Plus, we are offering the much requested HOPE T-shirts, Different Dice, and a Lucky Coin among other collectibles!


Each Different card is rich in meaning. Every dot, every swirl, every language, and every hidden item was placed where it was placed with thought and purpose.


The more you look at a card and the more you look for hidden elements, the more you will find - things like ambigrams and words sharing letters, like the "T" in one word making an "X" in another.

There are over 100 different languages and numeric systems represented in this deck, plus there is symbolism and imagery in each card as well (an ant on a queen, or a toy jack on a jack, or an 8 ball on an 8, and so on). There are some really fun things in subjects ranging from science and math, to history and mythology.


As expected, the Green Back Deck has green backs, but it is so much more. This deck takes the hidden messages of the previous deck and adds LUCK to them. Plus, this deck is 100% inspired by Kickstarter backers. In fact, the original idea was from backer Jonathan Gorman. Jonathan is an accountant and shortly after the Different Deck project ended he asked if it would be possible to do the 4 aces with a financial / money theme.


Nike, the artist for the Different Deck agreed and the 4 aces for the Green Back Deck were brought to life.


Along with the green back and special edition aces, the card design features the special paper style used for US currency.

This is a limited run - we will only print as many decks as we need to fulfill this project.The plan right now is to print high quality decks from MPC (I just ordered a small run of decks from them for something else and they were GREAT) but if we hit the stretch goal of $37,000, we will do Bicycle Branded decks printed by USPCC.


I have made several decks before so I don't anticipate any problems there. I have also made T-shirts before, I have made coins and dice and stickers and even poker chips before. I have also gotten much better at fulfilling shipments thanks to Kickstarter. So assuming I stay healthy this should be a breeze.

For more information simply Click Here! Smile

"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Hot off the Press! » » Different Deck - Green Back Edition... (0 Likes)
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