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Donny Orbit Special user 944 Posts |
I remember reading somewhere that Houdini and his brother Hardeen would challenge each other back and forth for publicity. They were friends and it was all publicity. Blaine has modeled himself after Houdini as far as publicity goes, so that should tell you something.
XX |
xtreme_mixers New user 92 Posts |
Well ive seen chris angel and he is a good performer and me and a few others agree that it would be great to see a tricks match between them but it would be kind of corny but entertaining aswell for those who diss blaine I know for alot of young new coming magicians that he is the one who got most intrested in card magic ect... I know he did me even tho I dislike him for his jack in the box stuint (glass box in london for 44 days)not a hard thing to do trust me . anyway back to the point I think it would be intresting for chris angel and D blaine have a competition to see who is the best street performer (my moneys on Ange)
thnx xtreme god bless
Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. |
Close.Up.Dave Inner circle Behind you! 2955 Posts |
On 2004-03-02 18:43, ABlair36 wrote: Don't even try to say that. Criss Angel has had his own stage show LONG before Blaine ever hit the airwaves. And his show is AWSOME. He has a really original show with even his bands music playing in the backround. See his specials if you haven't, they're actually pretty good even though it seems like he's trying to copy Blaine. |
prospero Special user Elsewhere 572 Posts |
Criss Angel does a very different kind of magic than David Blaine. In my own opinion, he's a much better magician (just try watching Blaine's first few double lifts in "Street Magic," folks), or rather, he's more creative.
mOzerian Loyal user Sydney, Global 230 Posts |
That is quite true about Houdini and Hardeen....they battled in the public eye but for the publicity. Houdini was the greatest in the world at his own publicity and that's why he is remembered. He also had consistant challanges from many various escapologists and stunt artists...
Infact Houdini actually put out these CHALLANGES himself offering big rewards to his challengers, this was all for publicity. How I know this...I OWN HIS SCRAPBOOK...found it in an old second hand book store for 5 bucks. |
trickster2000 Loyal user Toronto 289 Posts |
On 2004-03-25 12:34, dave2lift wrote: Blaines first special aired in 1993 I believe, Im not sure when Chris had his stage show, but I definitly heard about blaine waaaay before angel.. |
prospero Special user Elsewhere 572 Posts |
'97, I believe. Blaine's technical skill is not his strong point. He does a few simple, effective tricks. The reason many magicians like him (and correct me if I'm being wrong and/or prejudiced) is because they see the reactions he gets and they realize that they can do THE EXACT SAME TRICKS HE DOES as well as he does, or better. Come to think of it, most of the people here are at least technically better than him. His "hey, man, wanna see something cool" which the undertones of "I'm psychic. I can Read minds. I'm psychic" greatly add to his presentation. Or maybe lack of one...
He's the master of video editing though. |
Close.Up.Dave Inner circle Behind you! 2955 Posts |
On 2004-04-03 15:57, trickster2000 wrote: 1997 not 1993. I too heard about Blaine before Angel, but hearing about Blaine before Angel doesn't mean that Angel wasn't doing his stage show in NY before Blaines special aired, which he was. But Angel going on tv gave him more publicity than he had since he was more of a local before his special. Now he's not a local, and since his special aired after Blaine's, you heard of him second. But that doesn't mean that he didn't have his stage show first. |
JackDaniel Veteran user nevada 376 Posts |
On 2004-04-04 22:32, prospero wrote: I think Blaine is more popular to the non-magic community, since he's acting out like "just another guy on the streets" and he's act seems impromptu to lay audiences. Angel's material is more expensive, he combines "stage illusions" with street magic, it (of cause) requires more "props" Still respect to Blaine for getting many new faces interested in the art. Still belive their in on the challenge together though, I't been done before, but my guess is that there will never be a real challenge other than Celebrity Death Match. Jack.
Visit the magic of Vegas and your life will change forever..
jugglerandmagician New user Richmond 4 Posts |
First of all I hope to meet criss in my lifetime( that is a long time, I'm 13). I know how to do his stuff that he hasnt released, it is excellent. david blaine uses camera trickery,thenhe started to do stuff like angel's survival stuff
Review King Eternal Order 14446 Posts |
This is like Bobby Riggs chalenging Billy jean King. Riggs was over the hill and couldn't get any attention on his own. Same here.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been" ..........John Greenleaf Whittier |
sinnead zenun Elite user Mt. Makiling 408 Posts |
Well, maybe it is all for publicity...
the man who fooled david blaine hehehehe... |
m.s.magic Regular user England-newcastle- 105 Posts |
On 2004-03-04 07:47, JackDaniel wrote: Criss wore make up on supernatural because was set on halloween and they thought he would try that as he has done a lot of work with masks
What is real and what is an illusion ? it all depends on your perception, reality is only limited by the boundries of the imagination, and imagination can defy the laws of everything - Criss Angel
XTC New user 2 Posts |
On 2004-02-28 05:56, Che wrote: Criss feels inferior to no one, in my opinion it's the other way around, David Lame is SCARED! Criss fears nothing! He knows he's good and doesn't have to prove anything to anybody. He does what he does because he can and Blain CAN'T!!!! How many awards has Blain won compared to Criss, Criss Rocks!! |
dynamiteassasin Inner circle Naval Air Facility, Atsugi, Japan 1158 Posts |
A stunt? that would be nice but inappropriate. The two are really good performers but with different style. The two are better of doing what they do best. If this happens, I agree with what the other people in this post replied, one would look inferior to the other.
m.s.magic Regular user England-newcastle- 105 Posts |
On 2004-08-31 23:01, XTC wrote: ROCK ON MATE !!! oh btw way criss has 5 world records, many wards including Magician of the year award TWICE Blaine, has none becasue all of his records have already been broken
What is real and what is an illusion ? it all depends on your perception, reality is only limited by the boundries of the imagination, and imagination can defy the laws of everything - Criss Angel
Illusia New user UK 15 Posts |
I was watching a magic show on Sky One the other day and the presenter said a great quote...
"Magic cannot be defined by the size of the audience it draws, but by the amount of wonder it creates" I think that quote is appropriate here... |
ed rhodes Inner circle Rhode Island 2904 Posts |
On 2004-03-02 14:46, Bill Palmer wrote: I still remember the "Doug Henning vs Harry Anderson" bit they did on Saturday Night Live many years ago!
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
Dan Monroe Loyal user Indiana 209 Posts |
I don't know why there is such a big debate over who is better. Who really cares! They are both great at what they do and have gotten magic back into the mainstream public eye that helps us all out. My hat goes off to both of them.
Now, Calm Down people! Dan
The power is within us all...I'm just a little more full of it.
danmonroe.bravehost.com |
EvanSparts Veteran user Michigan 333 Posts |
WHO CARES, all it would be is a battle of who does more work before the cameras are on or who has a better tech crew. I think Criss is jealous of Blaine's success as a lot of magicians here are.
Dan you have the right idea here they have both help magic, I just hope that people don't start asking me if I can walk up a wall. |
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