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Dr SH Elite user French Spirit in Sydney 425 Posts |
On Jan 7, 2016, Sam Griffin wrote: Sam , there were a specific topic about magic dealer in Australia ... http://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/viewt......c=489710 |
MaxfieldsMagic Inner circle Instead of practicing, I made 3009 Posts |
The "wish list" button on most magic sites is your friend. If there's something you really want, dump it into your wish list for a while and let it marinade in your mind. Once you have more info and you've slept on it a few times, sometimes you'll decide you want it after all, but other times you'll come back to it later and say "nah!" or even "why did I click on that?"
Now appearing nightly in my basement.
Doug Trouten Elite user Minnesota 471 Posts |
There was some discussion earlier in the thread about tricks that are purchased and never used. Let me suggest a few uses for those:
* You could donate them to your local magic club for use as prizes in a contest. * You could trade them for another magician's unwise purchases. That way you each get to enjoy the initial rush of a new trick before putting it back in your junk drawer. * You could bring them with you when you attend a magic convention, and see if any of the dealers will swap with you. Years ago I traded a "Diminishing Deck" to Dan Harlan for one of his hexaflexagon color mixers. He hadn't seen "Diminishing Deck" yet, and built the color mixers himself, so we both walked away from the deal with something new to play with.
It's still magic even if you know how it's done.
Terry Pratchett |
Wizard of Oz Inner circle Most people wish I didn't have 5203 Posts |
On Jan 14, 2016, MaxfieldsMagic wrote: Best advice ever. I just started using the Wish List feature on my regular go-to sites. It gives you the satisfaction of shopping, but not the guilt of impulse buying. You can come back and think, "do I really want that?" Also, I've now put several effects on Wish Lists right after they came out, only to read poor reviews a week later...or, see the same effect for sale here on The Café for a reduced price. The Wish List rocks.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
JonathanMage New user A certified lurker, with only 2 Posts |
As a beginning magician, one of my most important discoveries was this forum, and this thread has helped crystallize in my mind some truths that I was already beginning to experience the hard way. I am finding that more education (books/DVD's) and practice on the fundamentals and classics is far superior to impulsively spending money on over-hyped products. I have made a few errors in this regard early in, but thankfully recognized the error of my ways quickly. Thank you to all of the contributors in this thread for your insight and advice.
ColtonRaelund Regular user COLTON ZOROASTER RAELUND 116 Posts |
My advice is this: HASTE MAKES WASTE! So, you must make haste SLOWLY! (I got that from Dick Oslund )
plink Special user 661 Posts |
I have a 'NEW' section in my 'favorites' list on my computer that I use like the dealers 'wish list'. It works great! I have set a two week minimum before purchase. Very few items make it that long. A problem I have is seeing a 'sorta want' item in the Deals section of the Café. If you don't buy it soon it may well be gone. Any suggestions on buying smart there?
pmarzionna New user Washington, DC 81 Posts |
Some really great tips in this topic!
One thing that has worked for me recently is to create a buying list, basically an excel spreadsheet with the products, suppliers, and prices of the products that I want to buy in the near future. What I do, whenever I want to buy something, is to look at the buying list, and check if the item is already there or not. If it's not, I simply don't buy it - although I might add it in the list for a future "buying round". This procedure has saved me from making impulse purchases, and has helped me prioritize effects, props and books that I really need/want. |
Eillo New user 3 Posts |
As a complete newbie to magic this thread has been a goldmine of information. I impulse-purchased a couple of products, luckily all but one of them has been getting regular use. (I should add the one that isn't being used regularly isn't due to the quality of the product, but down to my own skill level and the time needed for the particular product). One very simple thing I've started doing is when I see something I want to get, I check that it's within my skill level, read a few reviews on it, all the usual stuff. I then totally ignore it for two weeks, if my desire for it has gone away then I take it that it just isn't right for me (at the present time), if I do still want it then it goes on the wish-list for when I've become competent with the tricks I already have!
magicsachin Regular user Texas 132 Posts |
These days there any are many dedicated Websites & Youtube reviewers for all new Magic Tricks coming out to market....Keep checking the Honest reviews before taking any decision...Always stay away from knock-offs....Support the Original creators...
Thank You
Aus Inner circle Australia 1005 Posts |
On Feb 16, 2016, magicsachin wrote: Doing your research is VERY important and The Magic Café is a great place to start doing that, but another site I wont to bring to light is the web site My Loveley assistant which is exclusively dedicated to magic reviews. http://www.mylovelyassistant.com Also scan the Wizard Product Reviews on youtube and any review sections in Genii or Magic Magazine. Also I wont to add another perspective to doing your research, and that is don't just look at a product in terms of good or bad but if this product offers better value for money then an alternative product. To illustrate lets take the product I Hate David Copperfield Trick by Geoff Williams which sells wholesale to your local dealer for $20 US from Murphy's Magic, for the uninitiated details for the product can be found here: http://www.murphysmagic.com/product.aspx?id=43351 With a little research you would also find out that this trick is a extraction from Geoff Williams other recorded works namely his Miracles For Mortals Volume One dvd which contains ten other tricks including the I hate David Copperfield card trick. http://www.murphysmagic.com/product.aspx?id=43502 This dvd sells for $35 wholesale which works out $3.50 per trick, compare that to the single trick dvd for $20 which works out to be 57% of the price of the Miracles For Mortals Volume One dvd the value should be clear to anyone which is the better buy. Another example is Tony Clarks Paper Balls OTH download (its also on DVD) for $19.95 http://www.murphysmagic.com/product.aspx?id=56570 A much better choice in my opinion would to get The Annotated Magic of Slydini ebook for $29.95 which not only explains the paper balls over the head routine but other routines that Slydini did as well. http://llepub.com/index.php?main_page=pr......cts_id=6 Not everyone has the luxury to spend that little bit extra money which is totally understandable but we should not waste good money on things because of ignorance of the alternatives. Do your research. Magically Aus |
jamieguitar New user 19 Posts |
Great advice, Aus. Thank you.
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
On Jan 30, 2016, ColtonRaelund wrote: Ha! I'm being "quoted"! The original " " was an old Latin proverb: FESTINA LENTE! (Make haste, slowly!)
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
On Jan 6, 2016, Dick Oslund wrote: To AUS, and, "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN"!::::: I just revisited this forum, and, I found most interesting the fact that NO ONE has commented on my post quoted above! Dozens commented on YOUR post! --I'm not envious! I just find that fact MOST INTERESTING! (I note that there have been EIGHT "likes". One of the "likes" was for my post! Your post got a whole bunch of positive comments, but, no "likes"! MOST interesting!!! You made some excellent comments! The only thing that I did was to "amend" or "correct" some of your terminology. I am a "stickler" for using the correct terms. See Mark Twain's comment on "the right word". ("Lightning vs Lightning bug") I will not bother to visit this forum again. My comments were obviously, to me at least, not worth anything to the "magicians" (note the " ")who "frequent" this forum. (Well, EXCEPT for the one person who hit the 'like' button.) I wasted a half hour of precious time! I'm 84, and I'm very conscious of time.
ColtonRaelund Regular user COLTON ZOROASTER RAELUND 116 Posts |
HEY! I hit the "like" button! That "like" is MINE! Your half hour was not wasted!!! It was worth something to me, at least, I guess.
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
Thank you Colton!
I think we can PM each other. From your posts in another forum, re: books about showmanship, presentation, etc.,you understand what's important! --It's certainly not TRICKS! As S.H. SHARPE said, many years ago: "THOSE WHO THINK THAT MAGIC CONSISTS OF DOING TRICKS, ARE STRANGERS TO MAGIC. TRICKS ARE ONLY THE CRUDE RESIDUE FROM WHICH THE LIFEBLOOD OF MAGIC HAS BEEN DRAINED." DARIEL FITZKEE, in his "THE TRICK BRAIN" *pp 308-309) SAID IT VERY WELL, TOO: "i MUST INSIST THAT TRICKS ARE BUT TOOLS. THIS EAGERNESS TO ADD NEW TRICKS TO THE WORKSHOP, AT THE EXPENSE OF LEARNING HOW TO USE THE TOOLS WE ALREADY POSSESS, DEFINITELY RESULTS IN OVERCROWDED WORKSHOPS, BUT UNSKILLED ARTISANS." Sadly, too many who start out in magic get "hung up" on the "latest and greatest". Interestingly enough, "they" don't last long. Check out some of the older threads. How many of the "names" from just a few years ago, have "disappeared"? Remember the story of the young sailor and the old sailor? Those names belong to those who only "saw the top of it"!
Aus Inner circle Australia 1005 Posts |
On Jan 7, 2016, Aus wrote: Dick I did address your post, refer above. Magically Aus |
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
On Jan 30, 2016, ColtonRaelund wrote: Thank you Colton! At least one person on this lengthy thread, read my post!
Doug Trouten Elite user Minnesota 471 Posts |
I read your post, Dick! I even went back and "liked" it. But I have to admit that I don't use the "like" feature on the Magic Café very often. And it looks like I'm not alone in that. This thread has been read nearly 4,000 times, and has garnered only 16 likes. The venerable "Recommended books for beginners" post has been read an astonishing 149,460 times as of this writing, and has only 36 likes total. The most "liked" post I've come across is the "Magic Wagon" post in "Secret Sessions" which has 426 likes -- still not a lot, given the Magic Café membership of nearly 64,000. For whatever reason, "Likes" for posts don't really seem to be part of the culture of the Magic Café. But please know, Dick, that many of us appreciate the fact that legendary performers like yourself and others are willing to share their hard-won knowledge and experience here. Thank you for all you've contributed to the craft, and for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us.
It's still magic even if you know how it's done.
Terry Pratchett |
SvenSigma Regular user Germany 151 Posts |
On Feb 5, 2016, pmarzionna wrote: This is really a great topic. I'd like to add one suggestion: do not only create a buying list (or use the wish list feature of online shops). Also make a list of purchases you made, including date, origin, price and some markers if you like or use the stuff (or not). From time to time, evaluate which stuff/books/methods/DVDs/videos you do not use and why. That can be a good personalized guide for purchases as well. Besides, you have an inventory list that might be interesting if you think about selling or swapping items.
It takes a baby in the belly six months to learn how to put the thumb in the mouth.
The rest of life is essentially the same problem. |
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