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Dick Oslund
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I think that fl*sh paint was discussed fairly recently in a thread on painting gimmicks.

Several members contributed information. I used to use Testor's "Flat Desert Tan". It was made for model builders, and came in a "1/4 oz." bottle. I think it's off the market now, but, not sure. Check stores that sell model kits and supplies.
jay leslie
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Not only do I have several TTs and Finger Ts
But I HAVE The original metal dies from Adams, that these were made on (thumb, finger and long thumb). Plus the little boxes they were sold in, made by my unofficialy adopted father Jim Swoger.

These dies are a piece of magical history I show at lectures. I've never considered selling them because I'd want a ridicules amount but phisically putting them in someone's hands and watching the huge smile on their face is priceless. I do have a small amount of flesh colored pant I can let go (light med dark)

I also have Thurston's original wood hoop from his suspension P&P sold. (Tip of the iceberg)
And I have Tampas snake basket.

(Granted, I don't have a huge or multi-million dollar collection but I do have a few good pieces.)

I hate to think about all the stuff I'm being forced to throw away because no one wants box tricks today, but it's happening and it will continue happening in an effort to downside.
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Profile of Pirouz
The old metal TTs I have were painted a flesh color or pinkish.
I don't want to paint the whole tip, just a touch up where the shiny metal is showing.
Like I said, I won't be using them. I just want them in better condition.
I'm a little embarrassed admitting how many TTs I own.
DLites , Flip Tips, flame, flash, king size, vinyls, rubber, goldfish tips, metal,
I don't know how it happened. I wasn't collecting them.
Some of them are pretty old and now I don't throw anything away.
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Profile of JNeal
Will you be at the Magic castle Swap Meet in April?
visit me @ JNealShow.com
jay leslie
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Probably not this time but you should take the pilgrimage to the shop and see what I have before it's gone.
Bill Hegbli
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Jay, now there is an interesting story. You have the S.S. Adam's metal TT and FT dies, when Magic Maker's Inc. purchased the Adam's company several years ago. I would think at any dies would go with the sale, as Adam's had their own manufacturing facility.

If you don't want the dies, or plan to manufacturer the products, you might contact Magic Maker's Inc., and see if they will pay the shipping to get their property.

I know from working in a factory, molds are paid for by the client, and they ship them to a manufacturer to run the process. Our company returned molds several times to clients when processes were completed or a new design mold was issued. We did have some very small molds on companies that went out of business, they were over 40 years old.


Jay, www.tricksupply.com have a number of your products on their website, from your comments are they left over from the Hank Lee days, as they purchased his inventory. He may be interested in your remaining stock.
jay leslie
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I've thought about this for two days before responding.

Bill, you have a strange view on a lot of subjects.
If Sam threw the metal away then it was no longer his property. In this case he GAVE it to Jim.
If a company buys-out another then it's based on current holdings. If they want to make something the original owner decided not to make AND it's been out of production the the law states the product belongs to anyone who wants to resurrect it.
Finally the insinuation that someone sells my products now and somehow that could be held over my head. Please...

Bill, 90 percent of the time you are helpful but the other 10 percent you're so far off base ..
Just look at how many times people argue with you. There was a reason you threatened to quit posting at 5000 and here is another example. If your going to say inflammatory statements without any basis other then it's you're opinion I wish you would write "IMO". That's In My Opinion.

Thank you.
Bill Hegbli
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
Wow Jay, you mis-read my post greatly. I was looking for the story behind the molds. And it was a suggestion that you could recover some of your money by selling them to Magic Maker's.

As far as your props, you stated you were going to trash them, so I was looking if your were still wholesaling, and those props at Trick Supply were current or left over from Hank Lee's inventory.

You see, I write what I have seen on the internet and your put it together with your posts, and come up with what I know, then you can correct me or not and tell how it really is. As I search the web, I see things and wonder, and being you are here and suggesting you are going out of business, or clearing your storage. I wonder what is going to happen. That is all. If you don't want to say, okay.

I did not have any opinion, I was looking for the back story. This is a discussion website is it not.

Thanks, a 90% right and 10% missing the mark is a great average the way I figure it.
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Profile of boctok
My old teacher gave me a couple of thumbtips when I started out 30+ years ago - one I think was metal, and the other was in a very thin kind of plastic. It was old when I got it - so we can assume it was from the 1950s. It wasn't really my size, but 20 years later I was playing around and tried to use it to vanish a cigarette. And that's when I found out what the material was - it must have been some kind of celluloid because you've never seen anything go up in flames - and a ton of smoke - quite so quickly. Luckily my apartment had wood floors, and I drop an upturned bin on top of it to contain the thick white smoke. If it was celluloid I understand why cinema fires used to be such a major event. Fortunately today's plastics are a bit different!
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Profile of kjones069
Does anyone know if any ‘full length’ METAL thump tips are being sold by any dealer(s)? I have one of the Goblin Thump Tips that I bought from Terry Seabrooke with his booklet for Cigarette in Jacket routine, but can’t find any for sale on the market today (other than some shorter metal thumb tips).
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