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Profile of Mindpro
I am pleased to announce the third release in the Entertainer’s Success Series, probably the most anticipated release yet. Let me introduce to you….


This is without a doubt the most all-around, universal release yet of the Entertainer's Success Series, that is for literally every and all levels of entertainers from someone preparing to do their very first paid gig, to long-time working professionals.

This release includes over 50 of the most important and useful tools that every entertainer or entertainment business should have in their toolbox of business resources. These can be a great addition to any performer’s entertainment business and operations. Regardless of whether you are only an occasional performer doing only a few shows per year or a touring professional, these resources are sure to be a welcome addition to any entertainment operation.

These include the most needed and used business forms, planners, goal sheets, cover letters, e-mails, contracts, riders, invoicing, marketing materials, promotional material templates, sample/demo video storyboard templates, phone scripts, multi-part e-mail sequence campaigns, credit card authorizations, receipts, post-event surveys, payment due/collection notices, testimonial generators, BOR/Merchandise forms, inventory sheet, mileage log, releases, bid submissions, proposal outlines and so much more!

These are the actual professional tools and resources that can make a huge difference in your business operations. If you book yourself, if you work with other entertainers, we have the toolkit resources to protect yourself, your customers, and your business.

Truth be told, if you perform for money on any level at all, you need these resources.

In these pages you will find not only the over 50 tools and resources, but also an overview description of each individual tool detailing its purpose, how it is to be used and even its reason or purpose in an entertainment operation.

Many of you can begin applying these to your business operations immediately. You can use them as-is or you can use them as a template or guide in assisting you to create your own tools specific to your exact needs, markets and business. Most are likely to use a combination of both.

As you regularly see here and as I receive many e-mails or private messages asking us “What do I put in a contract?” or “Should I ask for a deposit, if so how much?” or “What’s in a rider?” Another area of great concern is designing and creating promotional materials. I always hear “What should be in a promotional package?,” or “What is a one-sheet?” and of course “Do you have a sample I could use?”

Now all of these questions and interest will be addressed with the materials provided in this 149 page e-book. No longer does it have to be “trial and error” or “a guessing game” or do you have to do a search for general and outdated info on the internet that must be altered or adapted for entertainment business use. I am providing the most important and necessary tools for any entertainer and entertainment business. I have removed the guess work for you. I have not only provided you with what to use, but also the hows and whys.

In this day of online forms, e-mails, auto-responders, automation processes, hands-off marketing, websites, social media, capture forms, squeeze pages, online videos, youtube and a variety of other digital, online and web-based approaches to business operations, the tools provided in this e-book can also be used and easily adapted to this latest technology.

Special Café-Release
I am still being quite selective as to who I am offering this to. I am offering this to Café members and purchasers of my other entertainer's business resources through a special ordering page.

The first release, Press & Media For Entertainers was quite well-received by entertainers and owner-operators of all levels and many have having fantastic results and success by easily implementing the information in the e-book. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in free press and publicity has been achieved and I am so proud of all of your successes.

The second release was my long-time Talent & Entertainer’s Business Organizational & Tax Preparation System which of course was quite well-received due to its release at the end of the year and with the recent tax season. This is the same system that I, myself, all of my businesses and many of my coaching clients have used for over three decades now (with updates each year of course). This is a multifaceted system that helps every entertainment business in need of structure, business organization and of course clarity and confidence at tax time each year.

These are also available for a limited time. Please PM me for more information, terms and ordering details.
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Profile of charliecheckers
I have had the opportunity to purchase and briefly review the content offered in Mindpro's Toolkit - E-Book. First, a few qualifiers- I purchased this material largely because I want to better discover what someone with significant success believes to be important in running a business. I am seeking broad and transferable mindsets perhaps even more than the content itself. Additionally, much of the content provided covers areas of running a business that I have spent little time focused on, so I do not have knowledge of alternative sources for such information or comparative offerings.

This "tool kit" seemed to cover every possible aspect of documents needed to gain and retain clients as well as perform with optimal conditions. A description of each document and why one needed to consider utilizing the document was covered throughly. Mindpro often speaks of being aware of how your business is portrayed and perceived by others. This came across loud and clear when viewing how a true professional approaches their work and the resulting images that one conjures up just looking at the quality of the documentation and respect given for detail and concise communication. We are fortunate that for some reason business advice and tools are undervalued. Obtaining this information from a trusted source at the asking price is a great bargain. I would imagine that for many entertainers this could be a game changer in the way they perceive how to present and operate their own business.
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Profile of JoshLondonMagic
What qualifies you to provide legal forms? Are you an entertainment attorney?

Just curious because if someone came on here asking for tax advice I'm sure you'd advise them to seek a professional for their particular situation.

Josh London
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Profile of Dannydoyle
What qualifies you to provide any services you do?

I don't necessarily disagree but lets apply it to you as well. Any marketing degrees? Any computer degrees?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Ed_Millis
Is this the one that will help me understand how to educate a potential client (and myself!) on how entertainment is purchased? I remember in one of your posts you said "don't ask that!" -- I presumed because it was part of your work for sale.

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Profile of JoshLondonMagic
On Apr 23, 2016, Dannydoyle wrote:
What qualifies you to provide any services you do?

I don't necessarily disagree but lets apply it to you as well. Any marketing degrees? Any computer degrees?

First, I don't sell legal documents since I'm not an attorney. I think that's reason enough to question the product.

Second, I'm certified by Google in both Adwords and Analytics, certified in Bing Ads. I'm also a Google Partner.

Do I have a degree in computers? No, because I don't provide network/hardware services. I help entertainers book more gigs.

Danny, I'm surprised you're upset by this. If some guy with 10 posts came on here and asked for a template of a contract what would you or Mindpro or any of us say? I'd think "See an attorney," would be the advice, right?

I'm sure there are posts with both of you saying that here.

Nice to see you again though Smile
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Profile of Dannydoyle
All I am asking is consistency from you, which you do not provide.

As I said I don't necessarily disagree and if I was to encourage someone to get legal documents of any sort I would discourage them from getting them from another entertainer no matter how long they have been in the business.

Often laws vary from state to state and year to year. But again apply that same stranded to yourself.

How about all the posts with you saying it is not possible to question a product you have not purchased?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Mindpro
Thanks for the kind words charliecheckers. Of course we knew it wouldn't be long until the know-it-all-pop-in experts and pot stirrers would arrive to try to further agendas and stir things up and fan the flames.

No I am not an entertainment attorney. It seems everyone but I guess Josh knows this. First of all, I or no one ever said anything about providing legal advice or legal forms. These are forms used in operating as a performer or entertainment business. There are many forms including contracts and riders, and as I explain in the book, that I have had created by my entertainment attorneys and a legal advisory group that I've regularly paid handsomely. Not only have they been created through proper means, the are also based on compliance with several entertainer and theatrical associations if you must know, plus, combined with over 40 years of real world experience. That is what qualifies me to offer such industry-specific information.

This is also what qualifies me to provide and offer such other resource information as well. I am not a Johnny-come-lately or bandwagon jumper, guru-wanna be based on only minimal actual experience. These materials have stood the test of time and are still being used by performers and entertainment businesses, including my own, throughout the world.

Because of individual laws for specific states, countries and territories, I always suggest to check and comply with all laws and ordinances if in question, seek the assistance of a specialized professional.

These tools are quite universal and can be used as is or as the template or foundation to create your own based on specific performance markets, areas and other applications.

I know this industry and know exactly what is out there and available past and present, and I know that there is nothing close to this professional resource. Industry specific information. This resources would literally cost thousands of dollars if you were to seek the services of professionals to create each individual tool. Also since this includes tools from the entry-level, beginning performer to those professionals that tour, have residency shows, produce their own shows, hire other contractors or performers, work nationally or internationally, there is nothing available like it. That of course is the reason I have finally released it to the community as part of this series. Students of mine and those I personally coach or consult were the only ones that have had access to some of these materials until now.

Nowhere are all of these useful and significant resources available together in one place, anywhere, period.

These tools and resources are not just for magicians they are for all types of performers and entertainment businesses, including the individual or solo performer or those that choose to scale their business with additional services and offerings, and everyone in between. These tools and resources work for many different entertainment business models.

Thanks for your concern.

Danny, from what I have seen Josh is continually his popping in for nothing more than personal attacks and stirring the pot towards you and myself. Can the others be far behind (you know everyone here is just waiting for it, lol).
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Profile of charliecheckers
On Apr 22, 2016, Mindpro wrote:.
The second release was my long-time Talent & Entertainer’s Business Organizational & Tax Preparation System which of course was quite well-received due to its release at the end of the year and with the recent tax season. This is the same system that I, myself, all of my businesses and many of my coaching clients have used for over three decades now (with updates each year of course). This is a multifaceted system that helps every entertainment business in need of structure, business organization and of course clarity and confidence at tax time each year..

My guess is that Josh was commenting on this paragraph The above post from Mindpro. Though I do not own this product, I have a general opinion. I believe one should educate themselves on matters that mean the most to them, even when they leave it to the professionals to do the work. For example, if you have health issues, educate yourself so that you can best arrive at the proper decision on how to proceed with healthcare professionals. Just know your role and do not overstep your bounds. Same with taxes or money. If it is a significant amount and important to your well being, become educated so that you can advocate on your own behalf. If you opperate your own entertainment business and want to ensure things are done in ways that emulate your desires, then take the time to educate yourself. I would think Mindpro's offering would be the ideal resource to achieve this.

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Profile of Dannydoyle
It seems as if it would be a fantastic guide to use to ask legal or tax help.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of TomBoleware
No problem out of me. (Aren’t y’all proud? Lol)

Fact is I love seeing needed products being offered here.

Just sad that only a select few are allowed to advertise here
without being harassed to the point they stop.

But Still, and notice how that word ‘but’ changes everything; Isn’t this supposed to be in the review section,
and not here where it is being seen as FREE advertising on the Café? According to the rules it is ok to provide
a link or mention your product, but to start a whole thread on your own product is a bit far reaching don’t you think?

Just seems that way to me.

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Profile of Dannydoyle
Yet you defend others doing exactly that. Hmmm. I for one am shocked. No consistency. Go figure.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of TomBoleware
Danny, it’s clear now that you must be getting a commission on everything he sells here.
You have never supported anyone selling a product. Smile

Honestly I have no problem with mindpro promoting his product; truth is he does it in nearly every post he makes.
I’m just saying if it were someone else doing it this way you and him would be the first to call it a ‘free ad’
and attack it without end. Just a fact.

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Profile of charliecheckers
Tom - I think you bring up a point worth discussing. I too have been outspoken about those who come in and "advertise" for free. The difference though is that most that do so come in and promote in nearly every post. TMC needs advertising to survive and remain free, but it also needs viewers to read the advertisements. Those with a high level of success and experience posting in TMC draws viewers and creates traffic on the ad boards and advertising PM's sent out. If they occasionally let us know about products for sale it is entirely different than one coming here expecting the same opportunity when they have done nothing to draw traffic.

Mindpro seems to have a high level of respect for Steve Brooks and what he offers, so it would not surprise me to learn that Steve is aware of Mindpro's post, approves of it, and maybe even encouraged it. This is an area where perhaps we are not all viewed equally, and that is ok by me.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Tom is just attacking mindpro, and now me as per his usual. The others will be along in a moment.

Tom is not aware enoug to know the difference in guys with 1 post coming in just to promote. No contributions other than that.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of TomBoleware
Danny, it’s not about post count. It’s about posting a full size ad instead of a brief description and a link to the ad.

But if he got permission, (like charliecheckers suggested) to post the ad here then I certainly apologize to him and everyone here.

My suggestion would be that he get one of his ‘students’ to post something for him and then he could comment on it without it being
so much an advertisement. You can't post ads here and not expect others to come do the same thing.

Just my thoughts.

Oh, and when ‘all those others’ you speak about is trying to tell you something, maybe you should listen.

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Profile of JoshLondonMagic
Mindpro, in your original post you indicated "contracts" would be included in the package. That's where I'm getting that from. So your reply to my post is inaccurate when you say you include them. It's great that you had your attorneys create them for you but you live in a different state than me and you might be a different legal entity than me.

Also I'd love to buy a copy of this and your other Ebooks but you've refused to sell them to me.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Josh absolutely. The different state thing or even a "commonwealth"as Virginia may make things different. I agree. Which is why they might make a good guide. But again lets apply this standard across the board to you as well.

Tom having a student post it would be manipulative and pathetic and had been done here so many times it is pathetic. Why not just be honest about it like he did? At least I can respect not being manipulated.

As for what you and the others are saying it is always loud and clear. You just don't get it. Your level of bad information is clear in almost every post. And "all of the others" is not many.

Josh the only reason you would but anything is to try to bash it. Why would anyone bother?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Mindpro
On Apr 24, 2016, JoshLondonMagic wrote:
Mindpro, in your original post you indicated "contracts" would be included in the package. That's where I'm getting that from. So your reply to my post is inaccurate when you say you include them. It's great that you had your attorneys create them for you but you live in a different state than me and you might be a different legal entity than me.

Also I'd love to buy a copy of this and your other Ebooks but you've refused to sell them to me.

Not sure your point. Yes, there are contracts included, but they are only a small portion of what the Entertainer's Business Toolkit includes. There are 50 documents, tools and resources in addition to contracts. However, since I perform and book entertainment nationally, yes these contracts are applicable to most locations, and yes you can always revise them to you own use, applications and any specific laws or requirements. Same for contracts for associations, they are typically created and approved for universal use.

Since the Business & Tax Organizational System was brought up, I will address this. Any professional - attorney, CPA or other is A.) only as good as the law they understand and interpret, and B.) they are only as good as the information you provide them with upon which to work. This is why it is important and in your best interests to learn, educate yourself and know your business and industry the best you can, so you can properly provide and assist your professionals. This system assists you to do this on a variety of levels. It has been created with our team of professionals and works for the small independent performer as well as larger multi-facted entertainment companies. Again, I am not offering legal advice but offering a system for operational use based on long-term industry experience and professionals. The tax portion of the system has the faced scrutiny of CPAs, accountants, and IRS auditors & representatives and been approved and praised by them as well. However, if you don't feel it sounds right for you, simply don't buy it.

Josh is correct, none of this info is for you. It is not for the $5000 performer turned kids party performers that tend to believe they know it all better. Again, no problem, but thanks for your concern for others. I'm sure they appreciate you popping in just to think of them.

Let's catch up on some other business here. Ed, no, none of these releases pertain to helping performers understand how to educate a potential client on how entertainment is purchased? The "don't ask" reference was referring to my materials only available as of now to my higher priced releases exclusively for coaching students and consulting clients. It would not be right to offer something here for free or in a more accessible version that they are paying premium price for. I hope that makes sense. It may likely be included in my full course that may be made available more widespread at some point.

To Tom, there is a distinguishable difference to two things which you are comparing. 1. The guy that only comes in here only to promote his wares without being a regularly contributing member. They are only here for personal reasons to promote and sell to our forums' members. 2. The new-wave of do it once (or minimally at most) and self-proclaim themselves as instant-experts not based on long-tern, time-tested experience. These guys typically on also minimally participate here and seem to surface when they are pitching their latest "I know it all becuase Ive been doig it for a year so two" products.

I am neither of these. Yes, these type of blatant promotional posts and pop in appearances I find irritating as well. There is a HUGE difference between this and them. Quite the opposite. After 40 years in the entertainment industry working consistently on both the business side of things as well as live performing (on my current Spring road trip run now) I speak from a lifetime of knowledge, experience and industry understanding. This is quite different form the two examples above. Also unlike the above examples, I do not operate form the position of telling others how I did it, it is not my story, but rather how the industry works, how entertainment business is conducted by all parties, and how this knowledge can be used, incorporated and implemented in each performers own business for optimal success. This is the difference and true value. I've yet to come across another person offering industry information from this perspective combined with my unique experience and positions in all six industry areas and perspectives.

Yes, I have spoken to Steve Brooks and I'm sure he is aware of these offerings. I'm sure he also understands I am a regular contributor here on nearly a daily basis, have contributed and shared information helping numerous performers here for years BEFORE ever making any of my materials available to this community. Even then, these recent materials were only offered after repeated (and I mean repeated) requests from members here for such information and resources. It is quite similar to Bob Cassidy in the Mentalist Section and other regular contributing members here who also release products to support the community. I have discussed with Steve and Dave about ads on the Café and the email blasts that we all get, which will likely play a part in the future for more widespread releases, but for now I am still being quite selective as to whom I am willing to offer and share with information with and that agree to the purchase terms and conditions. At this point with these limited releases, it isn't meant for everyone. That's why it is primarily offered only to those that participate here and have shown a true interest and desire in the business side of their performing or entertainment operations and business, and/or to those interested in beginning to perform for pay.

It's no different than when someone brings up your books. You are a regular contributing member as opposed to the pop in only to promote guys. Again, there is a difference. Perhaps you do not distinguish between the two as others of us do. Also Tom, to clarify the material my students have and would discuss would not be the material necessarily in these releases which would only create more confusion as in the Ed reference above.

Danny is correct, all of these releases are a guide and informational resource to educate and implement in the operation of your business.

All I'm doing is continuing to share more detailed and specific info relative to what I have here for years, to those that have asked and inquired for more info. If you haven't asked, aren't interested or or it doesn't apply to you, no problem, that's fine, but don't derail this or be prohibitive to those that have or are interested.

And to clarify an earlier comment, no I don't and never have offered marketing products for magicians. Anyone that knows me and follows my contributions here clearly knows that.

Hope this better clarifies things.
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Profile of Mindpro
On Apr 24, 2016, JoshLondonMagic wrote:
Also I'd love to buy a copy of this and your other Ebooks but you've refused to sell them to me.

Hilarious. Gee I wonder why?
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