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Profile of papawemba
For Ghost Leg, I just have 1 question....can the spectator check the envelope at the end ?

Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
The trick is called "Magic Maze." Why would the spectator want to look in the envelope at the end? After you take the cards out at the beginning, you put the envelope in your pocket. It is never thought of again.
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Profile of papawemba
Thanks Richard for your response ! I can answer your question easily: I mostly do magic to grabby spectator ;-) That is my environment...
But I guess that if put the envelope away, they will forget about it…(or find it suspicious lol).
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Profile of NashvilleNewman
I got all my 2017 Tenyo in the mail today. I can't believe the mechanics involved Psycho Gravity. While impressive, you'd think there would have been a simpler way to accomplish it.
Richard Kaufman
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Not if you want to get that odd hesitant moveent.
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Profile of Killertweety
Hmmm ... I still have to poor the 'stuff' into the other 'stuff' and also feel this perhaps could have been done by Tenyo. Or is it a matter of budget?
Richard Kaufman
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And what's the difference?
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Profile of Killertweety
Hard to say without giving away the secret Richard, but I think I didn't make myself clear Smile What I mean is the trick doesn't come 'ready to go', you have to 'do' something ... I was just wondering why Tenyo isn't able to produce the cylinder 'gimmicked' so buyers didn't have to 'do' this stuff. Not that it's hard to do, it's even fun! Perhaps producing the cylinder 'gimmicked' would have been more expensive, or it was not possible.
Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
You are correct: and there is a good reason for that. The item you are referring to will eventually need to be replaced. Or you may have to adjust the amount to get the trick to work exactly the way it should.
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Profile of NashvilleNewman
True on the "odd" movement. I actually like this years offering. I'm still considering the Mental stuff. There's a "Party" line also?
Wanted the Ring In Shoe also buy apparently it's just made by Bazar De Magia and "repurposed" by Tenyo...
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Profile of meridianfan
On Nov 1, 2016, NashvilleNewman wrote:
True on the "odd" movement. I actually like this years offering. I'm still considering the Mental stuff. There's a "Party" line also?
Wanted the Ring In Shoe also buy apparently it's just made by Bazar De Magia and "repurposed" by Tenyo...

Just for clarity, what is the difference between the Bazar De Magia version and the one bought from Tenyo? Is the packaging/instructions different or are there other changes as well?
Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
The ring on baby shoe is the creation of Chris Kenner. He has not licensed it to anyone for sale. For that reason alone you should not buy it.

Tenyo has not re-purposed or done anything to any of the items it imports: it just sells them with Japanese instructions. They are not "Tenyo" items. You can buy them with English instructions anywhere in the west. It has been this way since the 1970s when Tenyo sold items from Goshman, Johnson Products, Fantasio, and Chu's Magic.

I do not understand, even remotely, why something that is neither created nor made by Tenyo is of interest to a Tenyo collector. If you just want to buy the trick because you think it's just a good magic trick, fine: buy it from a dealer in the west for much less. But it doesn't belong in your Tenyo collection.
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Profile of markymarkmagicuk
Finally got round to filming the old puzzle trick, anyone else think it uses same method as the Tenyo maze thing! Sorry for the poor performance, but it was really just to show off the version I had years ago (although I've updated the props).

Someone on an earlier post asked about the magic set it came with in the 70s. I'm currently searching for an old cine film (yes, before the days of video, for those as old as me who remember!!!) of me as a young lad performing the magic from this set in my bedroom. As soon as I find it I'll convert and upload.
Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
Has anyone else ever seen this trick in a magic set? Magic sets are made by the tens of thousands, so someone else must have seen it, or still has one.

Do you have any photos of the original, or just the ones you've made yourself?
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Profile of NashvilleNewman
I haven't. Like others have said, The first time I saw anything remotely close was the "All Roads Lead To Rome " thing you could photocopy that was in the Genii Tenyo issue years ago.
J M Talbot
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Have never seen it either, reached out to a magic set collector to see if it rang any bells but it did not. Not sure why the method exposure was needed now.
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