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Magic Mark
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On Aug 5, 2020, cardbiker wrote:
Still don’t know how to connect the Apple Watch! Does anyone know if a device exists that would fit into the top of a card box which would then fit in your top pocket so you could glance down and get a peek , thanks

That’s exactly how I use my PeekSmith.

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Profile of cardbiker
On Aug 6, 2020, Magic Mark wrote:
On Aug 5, 2020, cardbiker wrote:
Still don’t know how to connect the Apple Watch! Does anyone know if a device exists that would fit into the top of a card box which would then fit in your top pocket so you could glance down and get a peek , thanks

That’s exactly how I use my PeekSmith.


Hi Mark what is a PeekSmith and where can I get one ? Thanks
cardistry master
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On Aug 6, 2020, cardbiker wrote:
On Aug 6, 2020, Magic Mark wrote:
On Aug 5, 2020, cardbiker wrote:
Still don’t know how to connect the Apple Watch! Does anyone know if a device exists that would fit into the top of a card box which would then fit in your top pocket so you could glance down and get a peek , thanks

That’s exactly how I use my PeekSmith.


Hi Mark what is a PeekSmith and where can I get one ? Thanks

Its a little device that lets you peek information from many apps. You can see more information and how to buy it here peeksmith.info
cardistry master
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Greg could you check your messages.
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On Aug 6, 2020, cardistry master wrote:
On Aug 6, 2020, cardbiker wrote:
On Aug 6, 2020, Magic Mark wrote:
On Aug 5, 2020, cardbiker wrote:
Still don’t know how to connect the Apple Watch! Does anyone know if a device exists that would fit into the top of a card box which would then fit in your top pocket so you could glance down and get a peek , thanks

That’s exactly how I use my PeekSmith.


Hi Mark what is a PeekSmith and where can I get one ? Thanks

Its a little device that lets you peek information from many apps. You can see more information and how to buy it here peeksmith.info

Thank you 👍
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Profile of kissdadookie
Using the t_g to get your spectator’s device to go to your link, excellent! Tried it out today (the big t_g under the shirt method, justifies handling their phone since you are just showing them what you want them to do with the phone, which is hold it to their chest and not look when they are done doing whatever you are asking them to do). This is by far the best input method for this thing. Highly recommended.
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
On Aug 6, 2020, kissdadookie wrote:
Using the t_g to get your spectator’s device to go to your link, excellent! Tried it out today (the big t_g under the shirt method, justifies handling their phone since you are just showing them what you want them to do with the phone, which is hold it to their chest and not look when they are done doing whatever you are asking them to do). This is by far the best input method for this thing. Highly recommended.

Here's a video of your idea:

G Ro
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Profile of otreboR
Hi Guys,
This question is for the users who use their Garmin Smartwatch to get their peek.
Since a few weeks I switched from a Pebble smartwatch to a Garmin Vivoactive 4 smartwatch.

On the Pebble smartwatch I always could read in an instance what the spectator had searched for.
On the Garmin smartwatch I still receive their search, but the message is sliding in from right to left. So this takes that little more time to read what they searched for.

Does anyone know if this is a Configuration I can change?
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Profile of kissdadookie
On Aug 6, 2020, Greg Rostami wrote:
On Aug 6, 2020, kissdadookie wrote:
Using the t_g to get your spectator’s device to go to your link, excellent! Tried it out today (the big t_g under the shirt method, justifies handling their phone since you are just showing them what you want them to do with the phone, which is hold it to their chest and not look when they are done doing whatever you are asking them to do). This is by far the best input method for this thing. Highly recommended.

Here's a video of your idea:

G Ro

Yes, I saw your video and played with the idea and loved it thus sharing it so that others whom may not be aware of it could play around with the idea as well Smile Makes the whole process super clean and easy.
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Profile of Fierita
Hi as I use iOS and Android and keep changing phones (always with the same account) I would like to ask two questions:

1) is there any way of buying a membership that will run on both platforms?
2) does inject 3 have a release date? I´m afraid of buying 2 now and having later to buy the update.

Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
On Aug 24, 2020, Fierita wrote:
Hi as I use iOS and Android and keep changing phones (always with the same account) I would like to ask two questions:

1) is there any way of buying a membership that will run on both platforms?
2) does inject 3 have a release date? I´m afraid of buying 2 now and having later to buy the update.


The only way to run the Inject on two different platforms is to buy it on each of those platforms.

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Profile of Michael.Kegel
On Aug 24, 2020, Magic Mark wrote:
On Aug 24, 2020, Fierita wrote:
Hi as I use iOS and Android and keep changing phones (always with the same account) I would like to ask two questions:

1) is there any way of buying a membership that will run on both platforms?
2) does inject 3 have a release date? I´m afraid of buying 2 now and having later to buy the update.


The only way to run the Inject on two different platforms is to buy it on each of those platforms.


It appears that's the very reason why Fierita asked the two questions above, isn't it?
Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
On Aug 24, 2020, Fierita wrote:
Hi as I use iOS and Android and keep changing phones (always with the same account) I would like to ask two questions:

1) is there any way of buying a membership that will run on both platforms?
2) does inject 3 have a release date? I´m afraid of buying 2 now and having later to buy the update.


I’ll try again...

1) No.
2) No.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
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Profile of Michael.Kegel
On Aug 24, 2020, Magic Mark wrote:
On Aug 24, 2020, Fierita wrote:
Hi as I use iOS and Android and keep changing phones (always with the same account) I would like to ask two questions:

1) is there any way of buying a membership that will run on both platforms?
2) does inject 3 have a release date? I´m afraid of buying 2 now and having later to buy the update.


I’ll try again...

1) No.
2) No.


With all due respect, Mark, particularly the second question looks like a question that should only be answered by Greg Rostami.

As a matter of fact, I happen to be aware of certain details from which I know that a curt "no" to Fierita's second question is neither an appropriate nor a correct-in-substance response.

So maybe we let Greg or one those who develop Inject with him attend to questions like that before we briskly put off fellow magicians who ask relevant questions.

No offence.
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Magic Mark
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Profile of Magic Mark
On Aug 24, 2020, Fierita wrote:
Hi as I use iOS and Android and keep changing phones (always with the same account) I would like to ask two questions:

1) is there any way of buying a membership that will run on both platforms?
2) does inject 3 have a release date? I´m afraid of buying 2 now and having later to buy the update.


Let me try again...

1) No.
2) No release date for the next version of Inject has been publicly announced. Apparently, some people might have some inside information on this but they seem more interested in criticizing others vs. actually trying to help someone.

Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is much harder.
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
On Aug 24, 2020, Fierita wrote:
Hi as I use iOS and Android and keep changing phones (always with the same account) I would like to ask two questions:

1) is there any way of buying a membership that will run on both platforms?
2) does inject 3 have a release date? I´m afraid of buying 2 now and having later to buy the update.



I'm afraid the only way of purchasing Inject to run on both iOS and Android is to buy two copies of the app.
Inject is like any other app ... when you buy it for one OS it will not run on the other.

If we made Inject run on both iOS and Android, then people would get two copies for the price of one.

Inject 3 currently does not have a release date.
It is a very large project with many new features which are in the works as we speak.

Early adopters of Inject will get better pricing on the upcoming Inject 3 compared to new customers.
That means, you'll pay less if you get Inject 2 and then later upgrade to Inject 3.

What I can tell you for certain is, Inject 3 will be substantially more expensive than Inject 2.

I hope that helps,
Greg Rostami
Russell Davidson
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On Aug 7, 2020, kissdadookie wrote:
On Aug 6, 2020, Greg Rostami wrote:
On Aug 6, 2020, kissdadookie wrote:
Using the t_g to get your spectator’s device to go to your link, excellent! Tried it out today (the big t_g under the shirt method, justifies handling their phone since you are just showing them what you want them to do with the phone, which is hold it to their chest and not look when they are done doing whatever you are asking them to do). This is by far the best input method for this thing. Highly recommended.

Here's a video of your idea:

G Ro

Yes, I saw your video and played with the idea and loved it thus sharing it so that others whom may not be aware of it could play around with the idea as well Smile Makes the whole process super clean and easy.

Could someone please tell me how to do this? I only have the method where you need to type the Google variant - do I need to buy anything extra for this much cleaner version?
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Profile of Fierita
On Aug 25, 2020, Greg Rostami wrote:
On Aug 24, 2020, Fierita wrote:
Hi as I use iOS and Android and keep changing phones (always with the same account) I would like to ask two questions:

1) is there any way of buying a membership that will run on both platforms?
2) does inject 3 have a release date? I´m afraid of buying 2 now and having later to buy the update.



I'm afraid the only way of purchasing Inject to run on both iOS and Android is to buy two copies of the app.
Inject is like any other app ... when you buy it for one OS it will not run on the other.

If we made Inject run on both iOS and Android, then people would get two copies for the price of one.

Inject 3 currently does not have a release date.
It is a very large project with many new features which are in the works as we speak.

Early adopters of Inject will get better pricing on the upcoming Inject 3 compared to new customers.
That means, you'll pay less if you get Inject 2 and then later upgrade to Inject 3.

What I can tell you for certain is, Inject 3 will be substantially more expensive than Inject 2.

I hope that helps,
Greg Rostami

Thanks for the answer.
About the first post, as I was talking about a membership and user account that is not exactly the case. I have canva Pro membership which I can use in both platforms (with the same user) also we have photobooth software that can be used in two different computers but not at the same time, I wasn´t trying to share it with another person, in fact I was thinking on logging in both platforms with the same google or facebook or whatever account just to prove that I´m the same person. Some apps (with a login and membership) are platform independent.
About the second one, thanks for the info. I´ll just wait until October when I´ll buy the new iPhone and will return to iOS as main phone, as today I´m on android most of the time I needed to know if I have to wait and will do that. THanks
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Profile of kissdadookie
On Aug 25, 2020, Russell Davidson wrote:
Could someone please tell me how to do this? I only have the method where you need to type the Google variant - do I need to buy anything extra for this much cleaner version?

If you have a tag writer, just write your personal Inject URL to a tag. Perform Inject as Greg does in the video he linked. If you have WikiTest, same thing if you have Pro Tools.
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