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Profile of reignofsound
On Aug 27, 2017, jeanboucher wrote:
Does Greg use some kind of watches or other receiving device on the Demo?
We can see him go inside his pocket quite often...
I guess my question is: Can we perform it like in the Demo just by buying the app?
Don't take it wrong but most of the Demos these days are misleading...

I'm tired of buying stuff that goes back inside the original boxes as soon as I open them because they do so much editing!

Yes, you can use it like Greg in the video.
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Profile of PRINCE
Those who know me from other posts know I will say it how it is and if something is mis leading, not true etc I will be the 1st to say and make comment of it, as I too am sick to death of this in question HOWEVER I can reassure you and anyone else that nothing in the Demo's are/is misleading and exactly how you see Greg performing it, is exactly how you can perform it. To the haters, yes I do have this and can afford to comment as a user and owner.
Nathan Alexander
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Profile of Nathan Alexander
It looks like a miracle worker. I can only imagine the reactions it gets. I literally just bought Cipher today, and now have to find a way to sweet talk my wife into me getting more. Looks like it's time to treat her again...
robbie mcgrath
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Profile of robbie mcgrath
For me this is just on another level ,

don't have a bad word to say about it ... greg and team just seems to be working on this 24/7 to help in anyway possible , this is without a doubt best purchase in a very long time , you don't even need to carry anything with you which that alone is great .borrow everything and you are away for slates and davids idea is just brilliant , sneaky out its just fantastic , just thrown in my two cents
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Profile of PatrickGregoire
Just got this and the Houdini Card is genius but the swipe feature for the transmitter isn't working. The biggest let down is the new "automatic pairing" - it's a great idea but most people already have Google.com as their default homepage plus if they don't, people know they can just type their search term in the address bar and it'll bring them to a Google search...
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Profile of JasonL2112
I have to agree. The janky links is what is keeping me away as well. Wikitest has a VERY solid solution for this, but I can't see one in this app based on what I know of it and the demos.
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Profile of PatrickGregoire
Even Wikitest is clever but quite weak in the setup of the routine - Google immediately gives you a specific answer to your search and yet you go off looking for a website that gives you an approximation...
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Profile of MadisonH
On Aug 28, 2017, JasonL2112 wrote:
I have to agree. The janky links is what is keeping me away as well. Wikitest has a VERY solid solution for this, but I can't see one in this app based on what I know of it and the demos.

This is a case of running without being chased. They go to the specific website to ensure they get an image. But quite honestly, spectators will do whatever you ask without questioning it if you're a confident performer.

Don't believe me? Next time you read a mind, try and then fail and then tell the spectator to put both of their hands on top of their head and stand on one leg. Now tell them their thought.

They will do it because they don't know what the "mind reading" process looks like.

Same with this. They don't know what's coming. They will just do as you ask.
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Hi Patrick,

The new Houdini transmitter uses a new swipe technique that we call clock swipes.

The Inject Facebook group has illustrations that show how clock swipes work.
I'm in the process of adding those illustrations to the new manual.

If you PM me, I'll give you instructions on how to do it.

Regarding Google searching, there are many motivations that can be used to take your spectator to the google image search site.

If the google image search site is framed correctly, it flies under the radar.
More importantly, your spectators are left in a REAL google image search.

In the next few days, we'll be making some BIG announcements regarding the google image URL.

Hi Jason,

Inject gives you three (soon four) different URLs to choose from.
You can customize the ending of these URLs to be anything you like (which has MANY magical applications).

Inject is a bi-directional technology.
You can use it to easily (and instantly) convert your spectator's device into either a transmitter or a receiver (or sometimes BOTH).

If you're using Inject to make your spectator's phone into a receiver, then your URL will NEVER be seen by your spectator.
I have several performances on YouTube that demonstrate that.

If you're using Inject to make your spectator's phone into a transmitter, then we give you two options.

Both of these options were designed with speed in mind.
Also, both of these options were designed so that the magician's phone is never in play.

1. The new auto-paring feature in Inject 2.0:

Pros: You don't touch their phone.
Cons: You have to tell them to go to a manufactured (fake) URL.

You obviously can not ask your spectator to go to google.com, unless you can take control of your spectator's WiFi router.

2. Manual pairing (from Inject 1.0)

Pros: You ask your spectator to go to Google.com.
Cons: You (the magician) must touch their phone to type the beginning of a search term (like "birthday of", or "define", etc.) in google.com.

Another pro is: There are no signs of your fake URL in their browser's history.

In the last two years, many professional magicians have used the 1.0 manual pairing in thousands of performances with stunned spectators.
I have several performances on YouTube that demonstrate the above method.

My goal in designing Inject is to give you a tool that allows you to create ANY effect.

That's the reason why we give you all of the possibilities.

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Profile of JasonL2112
Respectfully, while I do agree that they will do just about anything...... that doesn't mean they walked away with the same impression we sometimes think they did... When using technology, justification is incredibly important. Easier to justify when saying we need to visit this site where I stumbled on x, but then the problem (for me) is an ambiguous url with a bunch of "/" and numbers & letters that feel somewhat contrived. Think about how you would have this conversation casually... Go to google and search for "X", ok, yeah, its that one (as is the case with Wikitest). Amazing to think about it, but some people aren't even familiar with inserting a forward slash in a url anymore...

Thank you for that note, the multiple URL's and possibility of customization makes several of the routines much more appealing to me. Do any of the artificial URL's end in ".com"?
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Hi Jason,

Yes, one of the URLs ends with ".com"

Soon, there will be another one.
G Ro
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Dear Inject fans,

We are very excited to announce Inject 2.0 for resale.

If you own a magic shop, or you know someone who does, please contact me about selling Inject.

Inject can either be sold as a physical product, or it can be sold as a password.

For the first time, a magic app can be demonstrated and sold at magic shops, magic clubs, and conventions.

Please contact me with a PM here on the Café, Facebook, or email for this exciting business opportunity:


Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
If you haven't done so already,

Take advantage of the Inject 2.0 introductory offer of $69.99 .

The price of Inject 2.0 will go up to $79.99 on October 1st.

The latest 2.5 version of Inject, which was released yesterday, has NEW features that were created by some of the top minds in magic including David Penn, Bobby Motta, Patrick Kun, and many others.

all the best,
Greg Rostami

P.S. MANY exciting features and effects are coming soon ... which means the price of Inject is always going up.
People that purchased Inject when it was $39 have been getting ALL of these new features for free.

Inject-Magic on iOS:

Inject 2 on Android:
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Profile of civins
What's the link to the inject Facebook?
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Hi civins,

Here's the link to the Inject Group on Facebook:


With over 2,100 members, it's the most active magic group on Facebook.
Many of the features in Inject are a direct result of suggestions on Facebook.

I'll see you there,
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Profile of jonnyboy
Greg, should Inject 2.5 be showing up in Google Play Store as an update? I don't see it, although you mention that it has been released.
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Profile of rev_marcus
On Sep 30, 2017, jonnyboy wrote:
Greg, should Inject 2.5 be showing up in Google Play Store as an update? I don't see it, although you mention that it has been released.

It will say version 2.5 after you update under settings then info in the app.
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Profile of adiabaticman
Hi Greg, Could you please respond to my PM or my message sent through your website? I'm having trouble signing in to Inject 2.0 on Android.
Watching those electrons dance on the adiabat, from Franck-Condon to the Asymptote.
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Hi adiabaticman,

I just left you my mobile number in my response to your PM.

Please call me so that we can get you up and running.

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