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Profile of Craig333
On Jun 7, 2018, CR_Shelton wrote:
On Jun 7, 2018, Craig333 wrote:
Does this effect require you to constantly update your server or can the files be hosted on my own server and domain independently....

You will probably end up hosting some files on your own server for the app to access, but the functionality of the app relies on the Inject server.

god forbid you get run over tomorrow but if you did would that make this app toast when your server bills stop getting paid?

There is a team of people involved will keep the app functional when Greg chooses to retire, or gets too rich and famous to spend the time on it. Beyond that there is a community of tech-savvy users who would be quite capable of finding a way to keep it going, if it ever became true abandonware.

nice one thanks for that, really seems like a great product
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Profile of How
On Jun 7, 2018, Greg Rostami wrote:
This is Off-Topic, but I just had to ask you for your opinion ...

Over a year ago, a young man had posted a video on YouTube that exposed the secret of one of my released effects.

I politely asked him, several times, to remove the exposure video but he refused to do so.
I explained to him that all of his exposure videos (my tricks are not the only ones that he's exposing) are hurting the creators, the customers, and the spectators of magic ... but I'm afraid I couldn't reason with him.

Yesterday, this young man sent me this PM here on the Café:

Magicsecret - Hi Greg! I will take down my reveal video from YouTube ... only if you give me Inject 2.0 for free on my apple id: abha.guddi@gmail.com

Greg Rostami - I will not give you a free copy of Inject. Please remove your exposure video.

Magicsecret - I get phone calls and emails from magicians and lay men saying that I have helped them and they are using magic tricks (from my videos) in their shows and making money from them. I feel proud about that. So I don't think what I'm doing is immoral or wrong.
I do not have enough money to buy your Inject 2 app. It's almost impossible for me to buy the app due to rupee (unit of currency in India) to dollar ratio.
That's the reason why I'm asking you for a free copy of Inject 2.0


What do you think I should do about this?

Thank you very much for your time.
Greg Rostami

I think the best answer is to ignore him. He wants attention and is getting it my every response.
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Profile of matsam
I've recently gotten around to playing with Inject 2.0 a bit more, recently, and I love it!

It took me a fair amount of reading through the manual until I felt comfortable with it. As a suggestion to the developers, I think it would benefit from a more streamlined and intuitive UI (I spent a long time confusing receivers and transmitters, and selecting things that really should haven't been selectable in the app.) But, it is TOTALLY worth the time to figure it all out, and my feedback is purely meant to be constructive to benefit the success of the app (I'm in UX as a trade, and happy to provide more direct feedback if requested).

I particularly appreciate all the flexibility the app offers, so many different options to suit the style of the presenter. I recently got that janky $5 remote, and after fumbling a while through Facebook posts and trying different things, eventually got it to work, and it offers me even more options to present Inject my way.

Big congrats to Greg and his team for putting together this amazing tool, and I look forward to seeing what the brilliant and supportive Facebook community continues to come up with.
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Profile of Ceierry
Just to let you know, the PEP effect is one of the bests effects you can DO with inject.

Seriously, this is what I was waiting for!
Author of 10S Star Sign Divination - olivier.ceierry@gmail.com for a digital copy.
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Profile of matsam
On Jun 16, 2018, Ceierry wrote:
Just to let you know, the PEP effect is one of the bests effects you can DO with inject.

Seriously, this is what I was waiting for!

I love it! Big props to Thom.
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Profile of mr_misdirection
On Jun 7, 2018, Greg Rostami wrote:
This is Off-Topic, but I just had to ask you for your opinion ...

Over a year ago, a young man had posted a video on YouTube that exposed the secret of one of my released effects.

I politely asked him, several times, to remove the exposure video but he refused to do so.
I explained to him that all of his exposure videos (my tricks are not the only ones that he's exposing) are hurting the creators, the customers, and the spectators of magic ... but I'm afraid I couldn't reason with him.

Yesterday, this young man sent me this PM here on the Café:

Magicsecret - Hi Greg! I will take down my reveal video from YouTube ... only if you give me Inject 2.0 for free on my apple id: abha.guddi@gmail.com

Greg Rostami - I will not give you a free copy of Inject. Please remove your exposure video.

Magicsecret - I get phone calls and emails from magicians and lay men saying that I have helped them and they are using magic tricks (from my videos) in their shows and making money from them. I feel proud about that. So I don't think what I'm doing is immoral or wrong.
I do not have enough money to buy your Inject 2 app. It's almost impossible for me to buy the app due to rupee (unit of currency in India) to dollar ratio.
That's the reason why I'm asking you for a free copy of Inject 2.0


What do you think I should do about this?

Thank you very much for your time.
Greg Rostami

Greg I sincerely hope you didn't provide them with a free copy. Bare face cheek springs to mind.

Just wanted to say though that a friend of mine showed me this and I was delighted. Probably not something I will use personally but credit certainly has to be given for this, I hope it continues to sell well for you and keeps getting rave reviews.
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Profile of MurphysNEW
What is your favorite feature of Inject 2.0?
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
On Jun 19, 2018, MurphysNEW wrote:
What is your favorite feature of Inject 2.0?

It depends on the type of effect you like to perform ...

If you want to use Inject for p**-sh**, it's an indispensable tool for secretly (and organically) getting information from your spectators.

If you're into on-the-spot / impromptu performances, then you can't beat Google peek (especially since you can perform it even if your phone is dead)!!

For performances using other magic props (cards, books, color pens, etc.), there are over a dozen astonishing effects that are included with Inject.

To see video performances of all of the above, search YouTube for "Inject Magic".


P.S. Here's a recent performance of Google Peek without touching the spectator's phone (In French):
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Profile of danster08
I see that inject will work with smart watches that can receive push notifications. Does anyone know if it will work with a Fitbit?
Daniel Lee
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Profile of danster08
Also, if anyone has both inject and wikitest, what is your preference? Which do you seem to use more often? I will likely end up getting both, but just trying to decide where to start, as I can't get them both at the moment. Thanks for any advice and recommendations!
Daniel Lee
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Profile of NWJay
I have both but while Wikitest is one specific effect, Inject is more like a tool that you can use for a multitude, it’s so flexible. I’ve shown the same people multiple effects using Inject (admittedly on different occasions!) ) and they have never had an inkling I might be using the same tool. Don’t get me wrong, Wikitest is brilliant and gets *amazing* reactions - but as they both have similar price points, if you can just get one it seems a no-brainer...
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Profile of danster08
My initial thought was to get inject, for the reasons you mentioned, but after watching the demo, I had second thoughts. Something to do with making them go to a specific url and it seemed odd (like it was not a normal url, but some long random one). Perhaps that’s not how they all are, but this was how most in the extended video were done. Hopefully I am wrong and this is now how it has to be done, because I would really like to get this as I have heard great things about it.
Daniel Lee
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Hi Daniel,

The hesitation about the URL has been discussed several times on this thread.

There are three URLs that you can use in Inject.
Each URL can be used for different types of effects.

When we made the demo video (which was over two years ago), there was only one URL.

Since 2013, when we released Supa Thump, there has never been an issue with the URL.

For example, if you're performing the Houdini effect, here's what the URL looks like (the asterisks are there to protect the real URL for our customers).


If you show the above URL to anyone that knows anything about the internet, they'll tell you that it's nothing more than a URL to a JPEG file (which is exactly what your spectator sees when they visit the URL).

I'm sure you'll agree, there's nothing suspicious about that URL.

Please let me know if you have other questions.
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Profile of danster08
I think I am ready to take the plunge. I was going to purchase through the app directly, but the price is higher (79.99) through the app then through Penguin (75). What is the difference? Is it the same? Do you get a code through Penguin to input in the app. I have an iTunes gift card so was going to go through the app, when I noticed the price difference. Just curious before finalizing.
Daniel Lee
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Profile of MazingMandy
It's the same
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
As MazingMandy said, they are the same.

Thank you,
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Dear friends,

For those of you who are not on the Inject Facebook group:

I'm offering private one-on-one Skype/Facetime tutoring for Inject.

If you want to learn about:

* Creating your own custom effects/presets.
* Using your existing presets in new, clever ways.
* Tips, tricks, and pointers on performing Inject.
* How to perform Inject when you have no technology.
* And anything else you want to learn.

The cost is $30/hour.

As an added bonus, I will also host (upload) any custom effect that has 54 images or less for free with your purchase.

If you're interested, please email me at:

Thank you,
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Profile of MDantes
Is there any way to integrate Instagram with this tool?
S.A.N.C.T.U.M Chapter 18

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Profile of danster08
Just a heads up, if you purchase from a dealer, you have to wait for a physical item to arrive before you can start using inject. I guess it comes with a booklet with the download code or something. Not sure, as I have not received it yet. I didn’t realize this or I would have went through the App Store. No fault of the dealer, but just letting everyone know. Can’t wait to receive mine so I can start playing with it.
Daniel Lee
Greg Rostami
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Profile of Greg Rostami
Hi MDantes,

Yes, you can integrate Inject with Instagram.

The free way is ... post the URL of your image effect on your profile page.

To see how that looks, just find me on Instagram (search for gregrostami).
Once my profile pops up, just click on the link you see there.

You CAN post links on your images on Instagram if you have a business account (which is a LOT better).

There's more information here:

When it comes to using Inject for Social Media marketing, I highly recommend Inject's Facebook feature.
This feature allows you to post images (that will be your prediction) not only on your Facebook page, but what's even more impressive is, you can post your prediction images on your spectator's Facebook timeline!!

Greg Rostami
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