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JoeJoe Inner circle Myrtle Beach 1915 Posts |
On Jan 31, 2018, Nickoli Sharpe wrote: What you observed was me turning my back to the "camera" ... not the "audience". At the point you claim my back is turned, I am looking at the person on my far right directly in the eye (always). Why always?? Quote:
On Jan 31, 2018, Endless West wrote: At that point in the routine, I am displaying the ball to everyone in the circle - from my far right, to my far left. Eye contact. Pause, delay, suspense. You are looking at my pouch, everyone else is looking at the ball I am "breaking the ceiling" with. The lemon doesn't exist in their minds. Watch my lecture, learn something. And it doesn't have anything to do what-so-ever with the sequences I am referencing in this thread. Let me explain it like this, the first cups and balls I had were three different colored plastic cups and I was taught if you stack two cups and put the ball on top, when you put the cups back down the ball will be on the cup in the right. Well one day I realized I could put that cup down in the center, and nobody would notice. Or, I could put it down on the right ... or even the left. If I didn't have two cups stacked, I could just put the cup with the ball on the right anyway and again nobody would notice. Then I realized I could "clip" a ball as I picked up the cup and it would be empty. I could set the cup down again and it would have a ball. I got good at clipping, and I could put a cup on top of two balls and clip only one of them, or clip both of them even. Suddenly the routine didn't matter ... I could put balls where ever I wanted at will on demand. I then came up with three different ways to get all three balls under the center cup. I then came up with three different ways to get them back. That was when I realized I could film myself doing this, and not know which way I did it when I watched it back. It became a lot of fun at that point, sometimes I didn't want people to stop and watch because I'd be so into it myself I wouldn't want to stop and do the "routine". Hopefully that will explain it better. "free style" I call it, just having fun moving balls around with my mind. -JoeJoe
Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=https://www.youtube.com/user/AmazingJoeJoe]
Nickoli Sharpe Regular user Worldwide 160 Posts |
Wonderful sounds like you have it all thought out.
Thank you for taking the time to show me how it’s done. All the best Joe Joe, Nickoli |
cbguy Veteran user 350 Posts |
Why do so many magicians have egos the size of the state of Texas? There is absolutely no need to bust the balls of everyone else and think your way is the only way?
This is why I do not like most magicians. Joe Joe seems like a guy I'd hang out with, talk to and be a friend. Some other folks who have posted here come across sounding like they are better than everyone else. Who would want to hang out and be friends with someone who comes across like a social-path? Seriously, when people start name dropping and coming across like they are the $hit, I'm pretty sure that person is just trying to stroke themselves because they have some kind of insecurity or self-esteem issues. Chill out and be a little more friendly. |
Magic_son Regular user 195 Posts |
I have said for years that I think JoeJoe should go on the lecture circuit. He has so much knowledge. He can tell you what area to busk, to pick up the most traffic, he can tell you ideas of what to wear to keep cool, the height of a table and why, and on and on.... he has created some of the best IT utilities in the world, and after all that, he is a genuine great guy!
Kozmo V.I.P. 5482 Posts |
I do Kozmos routine....works for me
Endless West Regular user A town called Malice 185 Posts |
Sorry Koz, he said does anyone NOT do Gazzo!
😂😂😂😂😂😂 |
ferrissteve Regular user 109 Posts |
I've been doing a 2 cup routine for years that incorporates aspects of many routines. Up until recently I had been ending with 3 loads from the pocket. While that worked it was always a pain ensuring the pockets were just right for the routine. So I bit the bullet got a Gazzo pouch and use it to the fullest with great aplomb. The big 'BUT' is that while the C/B is probably my favorite piece of magic I don't perform it each and every show - it has to the be the right crowd and situation. The C/B isn't simply a quick trick but an entire mini act unto itself...will say this, the melon coming out of the hat plays big.
Zauberman Veteran user 325 Posts |
I very recently watched a Cup and Ball routine on Youtube that was heavily influenced by Gazzo.
I thought it was quite well done, and so did the audience by the applause and laughter. HOWEVER....the comments below by obvious other performers/magicians got quite vicious. Calling him everything from a clone, to having no imagination, a thief, and things I can't write here. Comments were soon disabled by the owner and now the clip is private. The thing is, the performer is an acquantance of Gazzo, and kept some things the same but changed others. He himself has been doing the routine for a good 2 decades. Why I am writing this, is that there seems to be a real distaste for anyone seen doing Gazzo's routine. WHY??????? Realistically it s probably one of the best and greatest routines a Street Performer can do. Period. And I have never met a magician that doesn't take or use other peoples material to some degree. Rant over |
JoeJoe Inner circle Myrtle Beach 1915 Posts |
Sorry if any one is offended by what I said. Nobody is "offended", we are just pointing out there is more to a final load than what you see on camera. In all fairness, Gazzo gets flack from magicians that he puts the entire cup in his pouch and he doesn't care either. We have both done this long enough to know that what an audience sees is not the same as what a magician sees. -JoeJoe
Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=https://www.youtube.com/user/AmazingJoeJoe]
ROBERT BLAKE Inner circle 1472 Posts |
What magicians do not see is how many people are around him. How he holds interrests. See that is the real magic.
Magicians only wants to see tricks. Most are not interested in presentations. That is hard work. |
imgic Inner circle Moved back to Midwest to see 1361 Posts |
Who’s Gazzo?
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Sideshow Rod New user Portugal 52 Posts |
I think if people are vicious or angry about someone doing a routine that has been sold on a DVD for people to learn they
have issues. I would rather see someone do a good routine , be it their's or someone else's, than someone not put the energy in and no-one sees a show. I have worked the streets, theme parks, hotels, cabaret shows and toured with a cabaret tent over the years.... I just enjoy watching people entertain, let everyone do what they want and if you think "oh here comes the orange", maybe you should go to the bar or get an ice cream, as it isn't you performing .. just moaning. Enjoy life everyone and enjoy everyones show.. we are all better in heads and the best one is the one performing, not criticising ! SSR |
Kozmo V.I.P. 5482 Posts |
TreyP1T New user St. George, Utah 10 Posts |
I love Gazzo's routine, but any similarity my cups and balls routine has to his is coincidental as I developed much of my routine before I became familiar with his. Well, maybe not purely coincidental, some of the similarities no doubt come from us both mining some of the same sources, i.e. Vernon, to develop a routine. If I've copied Gazzo directly in anything it's been subconsciously.
I'm Trey, I'm a magician, a liar, and a cheat. But you can trust me!
ed rhodes Inner circle Rhode Island 2903 Posts |
On Jan 23, 2018, ed rhodes wrote: I forgot. I don't have to tell you, I can show you;
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
Guardian452 Loyal user Los Angeles 235 Posts |
Been a busker since I was 14 from San Diego; Don Driver was my mentor along with many others like Jimmy Talksalot, Sleeveless (Stephen Sloan), Bob Elliott.
gaddy Inner circle Agent of Chaos 3552 Posts |
Well... Can I hedge here and say that, for many years, I used Gazzo's C&B's routine STRUCTURE without actually doing Gazzo's routine, per se?
His "humour" isn't my style, and I could never get away with the antagonistic nature of his whole shtick. But I have learned so much from Gazzo at the numerous lectures of his that I have been lucky enough to attend, I feel like I owe him a great debt of gratitude! I've since retired this routine and am working on a new one unlike most seen today. More to come,. I guess ????
*due to the editorial policies here, words on this site attributed to me cannot necessarily be held to be my own.*
JoeJoe Inner circle Myrtle Beach 1915 Posts |
The most unique part of my routine is the way my pouch works, If you don't already know, I am not loading the cups from the top of the pouch, but rather from under the pouch.
Nobody's pouch works like mine, as a vegan, I don't wear leather so I had to sew my own pouch from denim, it is not possible to load lemons like I do with leather. It is based on the concept of being able to pull a table cloth from under the dishes without them breaking. After I first made the pouch, I went in early so I could film it from three angles (right, left, center). These three sets were all filmed on the same afternoon. You get a good view of the pouch work in the second two. https://youtu.be/sIMbYm_ez1Q -JoeJoe
Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=https://www.youtube.com/user/AmazingJoeJoe]
Guardian452 Loyal user Los Angeles 235 Posts |
Joejoe I like your videos a lot. Very interesting pouch and load style. Very slick. Very Very creative and smart to be able to perform without a routine. Cups and balls always took me a bit to keep track learning, haha. My routine is very structured as I use a combo set but I liked your almost matrix style assembly utilizing the clip move. My routine is linked in this thread above.
My only note, and it's clear you're seasoned so take it or leave it, but I think you could slow down just a little. Also a few moves seem jolty and could be smoothed out a little to appear more natural looking. Thank you for sharing and again, just wonderful videos. It's clear the audience loves it.
Been a busker since I was 14 from San Diego; Don Driver was my mentor along with many others like Jimmy Talksalot, Sleeveless (Stephen Sloan), Bob Elliott.
JoeJoe Inner circle Myrtle Beach 1915 Posts |
The speed I talk is determined by how fast people walk past me, the faster they walk the faster I talk because the faster they walk the less time they have, the less time they have the more money they have. afternoon shows are always slower than night shows. Barefoot landing is "uptown", lots of rich people who like speed.
The most important time to talk fast is the end of a trick, you have to start the next one before they decide to walk away, if I'm not talking then they are thinking, and that is something I do not want them to do - if you talk fast. you force them to pay attention. Going slower may work on a pitch off the beaten path, but not on a boardwalk because as I'm performing people are walking past us tempting the audience to move on. There are lots of distractions at barefoot, other things to do. As for the moves, I don't know exactly which ones you refer to, but … in June I'm awkward because I'm out of practice, July I'm as smooth as my silk hanky, by August I'm sloppy from the summer grind. I did twenty shows a day, any given night would be good bad and ugly, there was never a night where I didn't have at least one bad show. I didn't use my performance as a factor in deciding if a show should be uploaded, I decided based on the uniqueness of the audience … which means yeah, you watch my videos you will see me screw up … I wanted these videos to be real and authentic, especially the ones from the latter part of my career when I was no longer experimenting. I can't see very well these days, but your show sounded great, obviously not your first show, that was tight. Your a talker, just the right tempo for the environment. What stuck out the most? you know the importance of asking and remembering names, my advice to newbies? Go to library and read one of harry lorayne's memory books to learn how to remember names. that's more important than any trick you do. -JoeJoe
Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=https://www.youtube.com/user/AmazingJoeJoe]
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