Ryan New user Calgary 89 Posts |
After doing a Roll Down Flourish with Four Coins (Bobo pg 204), I find that I am left in a rather tough spot. I am not sure what to do with the coins at this point, other then dropping them into my left hand, which doesn’t look as impressive as the Roll Down flourish in the first place. Can anyone recommend a great way to finish this flourish?
jimbo New user Jimbo 12 Posts |
Roll them back up
RiffClown Inner circle Yorktown, Virginia (Previously Germany) 1579 Posts |
Halfway through my coin roll I pick them up from the floor and try again.
(I'm still working on this one.)
Rob "Riff, the Magical Clown" Eubank aka RiffClown
<BR>http://www.riffclown.com <BR>Magic is not the method, but the presentation. |
Curtis Kam V.I.P. same as you, plus 3 and enough to make 3498 Posts |
Sorry if this gets posted twice, but I forgot to register first......
Two solutions. The first seems obvious, but I know the guy who claims to have invented it, and he may very well be right. I haven't seenit in print anywhere,and no one seems to do it: Roll down the four coins. Snap the fingers shut, trapping a coin between each pair of fingers, and between the first finger and thumb. Make a fist, then open the hand, showing a coin balanced on each fingertip. If you can do that you can do Nelson Downs' stunt of apparently dumping the coins into your other hand, (actually just clipping them as before) "send" the coins through your body, or through the tabletop, revealing them to be perched back on your fingertips. TWO: If that's not a challange, see Dana Betz's "Poker Rolldown" or something like that, from Paul Harris' "Close Up Entertainer". The coins are rolled down, then across the table, to be caught between the fingers of the other hand. Lotsa Luck!
Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
Bernard Sim Inner circle Singapore 1095 Posts |
Welcome Curtis, I really like your work. When are your new videos coming out?
Bernard Sim
Curtis Kam V.I.P. same as you, plus 3 and enough to make 3498 Posts |
Bernard, thanks for asking.
I just got through shooting Palms of Steel 2 and 3, and a couple of special projects with Chris Smith of Magicsmith. Steve knows all about it, I spooked the IBM convention and snagged Reed McClintock and Kainoa Harbottle during late night sessions, and they tipped some great stuff for the two videos. I hope Steve doesn't mind, but I'll have to refer you to my post on Dan Watkins' discussion board for all the details, and the outgrowth of it all, the COINVENTION. That's right, Reed and I are talking seriously about a convention just for coin guys, where the most cards you'll ever need are four, and then only as covers. More germane to your question, PoS 2 could be out in 2 months, but ya gotta bug Chris. Sorry I can't duplicate the messages here, but I gotta actually work sometime.
Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
Bernard Sim Inner circle Singapore 1095 Posts |
Thanks for the update Curtis.
Bernard Sim
MichelAsselin Veteran user 20th century, 3rd dimension 326 Posts |
After the roll down, you are seen taking three away to your pocket, only to rolldown four again; take away three more to pocket, rolldown again; pluck singly from, put in hand to pocket, only to rolldown from opposite hand.
The first sequence takes its cue from billard ball manipulation; if you need more info e-mail me privately.
" , ? ; !!! "
- Marcel Marceau, Feb 30, 1945. |
Reed McClintock V.I.P. 772 Posts |
Wait till you guys see the material Curtis is releasing it is diabolical.
As far as the coinventiongoes I am in the process of committee together to star planning it. This will be an absolute killer event. I am positive the line up alone will be worth going to see. Heck it might even be affordable to, lol I will keep you guys posted |
Kardenni Regular user Orlando Florida 116 Posts |
Hey Reed man! Is this the hangout for the skinny card guys? lol!
Anyway, I once knew someone who did a roll down, dropped three coins, rolled out again and he would do this like 4 or five times, it was like split fans with coins. It was insanely crazy! |
David Neighbors V.I.P. 4914 Posts |
Yea I have seen Gar Copper do it with poker chips In his Stage Act. Looks cool!
Best David Neighbors The Coinjurer |
Curtis Kam V.I.P. same as you, plus 3 and enough to make 3498 Posts |
Yeah, and I hate to say it, but wasn't there this girl, (that's right, a gurl!) From Germany or somesuch, a few FISMs ago who did this in her stage act? She was in the Junior category, and she rolled down what looked like four poker chips in each hand, but then the chips just kept on rolling, eventually dropping after they reached her 3rd and 4th fingers, in a steady stream.
I guess another answer to your question, "What to do after the four coin rolldown?" is "The five coin rolldown" (makes a nice circle) "The eight coin Rolldown" (2x2)and "The dime rolldown" (speaks for itself) Have fun, and write if you get work.
Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
harris Inner circle Harris Deutsch 8821 Posts |
I don't have Bobo's Book in front of me, or a
photographic memory. I assume you are talking about the roll down flourish ending with 4 coins between your fingers. I talk about reversing the tape and put them back where they started with. Then I have someone touch one. I use that coin to demonstate a reverse shot of a coin dropping. (the coin that falls up/Buckley and more recently John Cornelius. PS. This is a great spot for coin info. Harris
Harris Deutsch aka dr laugh
drlaugh4u@gmail.com music, magic and marvelous toys http://magician.org/member/drlaugh4u |
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