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Steve Brooks
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ISOLATED - Signed Rubiks Cube in Jar by Kieron Johnson



Dynamo did it with a phone, Jamie Grant became a staple of Ripley’s Believe it or Not by putting a deck inside a bottle. Now Kieron Johnson is changing the industry by putting a signed Rubik's Cube in a Jar.

It cannot be taken out. Let them shake, rattle or spin it to their heart’s content. It’s trapped for good.

Like ISOLATED will, Cube magic is taking the world by storm, appearing lately on every major TV Talent show in some form or another. The hard part is finding one that hasn’t gone viral.

The cube gets into the jar in seconds and is 100% examinable. There is no hype with this effect it’s now on the market ready to ship with 5 STAR REVIEWS and amazing comments abound both here on the Café and Ellusionist's website.

  • No duplicate signatures, pre-show or clever copywriting by us. Its in there!
  • Repeatable. Resets in less than 30 seconds.
  • So easy to do. Special gimmick lets you perform live every time.
  • No cheap materials. This was hand-built by experts in the UK.
  • Audiences know how difficult solving a cube is, so instant solves are impressive… but their cube appearing trapped in a small glass jar is literally MAGIC.
  • In over 2 hours of extensive explanations you’ll learn Kieron’s many ways of fitting this easily into a routine. A true worker, he performs this multiple times at every walk-around gig to every single stage appearance.




"Very direct and practical. I can’t wait to use it in my show!" - Henry Harrius

" Kieron has evolved the cube in bottle effect to create a powerful weapon in cube magic" - Takamiz Usui

"Isolated is a perfect example of Kieron’s deviously creative and yet obviously practical approach to performing with a Rubik’s Cube." - Karl Hein

In this jam-packed project you'll be able to take your first leap into the world of cube magic. Or for seasoned pros, finish with a climax that isn't just impressive, it's impossible.

We didn’t believe it, until we saw it. Become a cube convert. Get ISOLATED today. TV Rights Not Included.

This jaw-dropping reputation making effect is available only from Saturn Magic and Ellusionist.


I'm thinking that anyone in the magic community who has not noticed an avalanche of tricks hitting the market which make use of a Rubik's Cube® has either been locked away in prison, stranded on a deserted island or more than likely binge watching a favorite television series. STOP! Battlestar Galactica is over with, okay? Breaking Bad? Done! Finished! Is that whining I hear? Look, you've had have plenty of time to catch up with Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and Peaky Blinders (Please, don't even think about The Man in the High Castle or the new Lost in Space because magic is way more important, right?). Besides, after all of that you probably should get some well deserved rest anyway. So why not start by pouring a glass of your favorite beverage, find a comfortable chair and open up those Johnny Thompson books you've been wanting to read so badly. Smile

All joking aside, over the past year or so it seems that not a month goes by without somebody introducing yet another cube trick. Why? I think this is because these tricks are fun to perform and our audience's are amazed. But I think it goes much deeper than that. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that a Rubik's Cube® is something which is immediately recognizable. When you introduce one of these cubes in your act you are not required to justify its existence. Everyone already knows what it is (or at least they think they do Smile ). A Rubik's Cube® is very familiar and is therefore pretty much above suspicion of any kind. That is to say, lay people see the cube and immediately make certain assumptions about its nature (e.g, weight, solidness, etc. ). Believe me when I say; they will never challenge their own assumptions. After all, this is not some strange shiny brass tube, funny looking box or any other odd object the audience has never seen before. You are simply holding a cube in your hand. A cube that millions of people have spent many hours trying to solve with no success. We need to take into consideration that the solution to this puzzle cube has alluded the majority of these folks for a very long time, possibly most of their lives. Because of this they have psychologically developed an emotional connection with it. Further, people have unknowingly conditioned themselves to believe that only super intelligent people can solve something like a Rubik's Cube® and that even Mensa members need some time in solving it, right? Because of these aforementioned notions surrounding the cube, seeing a magician perform miracles with it is almost more than a layperson can bare. Just one more reason so many different effects using a Rubik's Cube® have become so popular within the magic community.

Even after reading all of the above some of you may still be on the fence regarding doing a trick using a Rubik's Cube®. I have had this very conversation with several of my magic buddies who seem to hold the mistaken notion that doing tricks with a Rubik's Cube® does not constitute magic.

I disagree. Here's why: When magic of any kind is done properly it is full of mystery and is generally very entertaining for most people. By the same token if presented poorly it can quickly turn into nothing more than a puzzle to be solved, and rightfully so. Having said that, I would wholeheartedly agree that if a magician did nothing more than stand before an audience and slowly twisted the cube in various directions until its eventual resolve it would not be seen as magical and would be very boring indeed. After all, even if the magician finally solves the cube he's using the same method mere mortals use to solve a puzzle cube and let's face it - even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and again. However, when we do actual magical effects with a Rubik's Cube® (e.g, an instant solve) there is simply no explanation for this, thus it must be magic. Magic is, after all, anything happening that is normally an impossibility. Certainly solving a Rubik's Cube® instantly would be perceived by a lay audience as being impossible, right? I would imagine even a member of Mensa would enjoy having the ability to solve a fully mixed Rubik's Cube® in less than one second. But what if you could not only solve a cube, but cause a cube that was actually initialed by an audience member to instantly appear trapped inside a tiny jar? Now that's what I call magic!


I will tell you right now that the advertising copy above is unequivocally accurate. You are using a genuine puzzle cube that is actually initialed by a spectator - no stooges, no switches, etc. They sign the cube themselves. The cube is placed inside a bag and you immediately pull a small jar from the bag and inside the jar is the Rubik's Cube® with their initials boldly showing for all to see. Not only that, but the initials are seen thru the side of the jar - not the top. And yes - you can give this impossible object to your spectator as a gift. They can now take the jar home, show it to family and friends and ponder over its mystery for years to come. As crazy as this all sounds that is exactly what takes place. I realize this is hard to believe, but its true - all of it. Very refreshing in an industry where advertising can be very misleading. I applaud magician and creator Kieron Johnson, Saturn Magic and Ellusionist for giving us a great effect and being 100% honest in their advertising.

As seen in the above photo your kit arrives extremely well packed and includes pretty much everything you need to devastate an audience right out of the gate. You will need to provide a Sharpie® or other such marking pen but that really seems to be a moot point given that most of us already use one of these in our performances anyway. You also receive a link and password giving you access to a special training video which will guide you step by step in the handling and presentation of this stellar effect. Running just shy of two hours this rather exhaustive tutorial leaves no stone unturned. Unsurprisingly the video is hosted by Kieron Johnson who goes to great lengths in teaching you this awesome effect. The video highlights multiple performances and you are methodically taken thru every little nuance of Isolated's care, handling and all around workings. In addition to the basic effect you are also taught a few bonus effects with a Rubik's Cube® including welcomed ideas and suggestions for those who already own Henry Harrius' RD360 and how to incorporate the two tricks together. An additional bit of business taught is Kieron's Johnson's Freacapped. With the provided gimmick you can now magically cause a Sharpie® pen to recap itself. Previously sold as a stand alone item it is included here as a bonus effect - Nice.

Can Isolated be reset and performed again? Yes it can, but I advise against it. Let me explain. When I say it can be reset and done again, it can, and the video tutorial certainly teaches you a very efficient way of doing so (as an aside I will tell you it didn't take long for me to devise an even simpler reset solution Smile ). If you do decide that you wish to reset Isolated and use it again the effect will not be as strong because at the end of the performance you are keeping the jar yourself. Though you may explain to your audience that you are doing so as to have a memory of your performance I believe your audience will leave the show thinking that there was some sort of shenanigans going on and of course they would be correct. That said, as far as I'm concerned you need to let them keep the jar and take it home as a memory - a memory they won't soon forget. "But Steve, if I do that I've lost my jar!" Don't panic! Saturn Magic offers 4 Pack Refills and at a reasonable cost all things considered. Besides, this is a great opportunity for you. You can take your Sharpie® and autograph the lid or better yet, have some circular stickers made with your logo which you attach to the lid memorializing the moment and of course your name and contact details. Smile Either way you look at this there is a price to be paid. Either in refills or in the diminishment of the trick itself. In that light I think this is one of those effects you only do for very special events or high dollar gigs. In the end only you can decide this for yourself.

Having said all of that, I will point out that while the trick is not difficult in execution I would still strongly suggest you give the video several viewings so as to become comfortable with the apparatus and its presentation. For example, your performing persona may be nothing like Kieron's and you will need to consider just how you want to frame this effect in your own show. Will you present this as comedic or very serious? Only you know the answer to that question. My advice is to be yourself because nobody else can be. Whatever your decision in the presentation you can be sure folks will be talking about this for a very long time. I am of the opinion that this trick is so strong that it really does need to be a closer because I really can't think of anything that can follow Isolated. Accurate advertising, excellent teaching and real value here for the money. Quick, simple, strong. What more can I say? I give Isolated My highest recommendation. Smile


My rating:

Suggested retail: £150.00 Directly from Saturn Magic

Suggested retail: $175.00 Directly from Ellusionist

4 Pack Refill for ISOLATED - Suggested retail: £150.00 from Saturn Magic

Isolated Magnet Conversion Set for Rubik's Dream 360 by Henry Harrius RD360 - Suggested retail: £6.99 from Saturn Magic

"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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