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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. » » Conscious Magic Episode 5 - Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard (a Magic Portal review) (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Conscious Magic – Episode 5 – Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard

The Hype:
"Our mission with Conscious Magic is to elevate the art of magic by empowering the performer to have a deeper insight into the process of creating, performing and even thinking about magic on a new level."
- Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink

Know Technology
The performer apparently uses a "special" app on their phone to read a spectator's mind, only to show that, in the end, there was no phone and no app! This leaves a mystery as to how he knew their thought. Take a classic of mentalism into a new direction and learn the techniques that will make this possible.

Deja Vu
The performer has a moment of Deja Vu and writes something down on a piece of paper and places it on the floor. The participant thinks of someone in their lives. The performer gets another bout of Deja Vu and looks at the paper on the floor, which reveals the name of the person that was just thought of.

Key Accessory
A completely normal key is selected, signed, and placed on a rubber band around the spectator's wrist where they feel it bend at their fingertips. More than just a metal bending effect. This is an experience your audience will literally keep with them for a long time
Decades ago, Richard Marx created Key Warper. Andrew Gerard created a routine that maximizes the impact and hides all the dirty work. Key Accessory is strong enough to make them ask themselves a question: could this be the real deal?

Bidding Around
Bidding Around is a prime example of Gerard-isms in full effect. A classic turned on its head and rearranged into distinct moments that evolve into an impossible ending. Spectators question whether what they saw was even real!

Bonus: Dreamweaver (Gimmicks Included)
Reveal your spectator's thought-of dream with no fishing or peeks.

My Take:
I personally love this series. I previously reviewed Episodes 1-3 and plan on ordering Episode 4.

On this disk, the boys employ their usual format. They will perform the effect on spectators on the street. Then they will go into great detail documenting the history of each one. Then, of course, you get complete instruction. And, the good thing (for some at least), there is only one card trick on the entire DVD. On previous releases only four effects were taught (except for Episode 1 where you only learned three). This time around they throw in five, so you seem to be getting a better bargain with this one. Again the focus is on mentalism and these two guys have it down. The effects are not only easy to do but powerful.

Know Technology - Ran uses a move from a previous DVD but doesn't teach it again. Andrew uses a different move to accomplish the same thing. This is taught thoroughly and that is a great thing for me. I have used it in the past but now I know where I had gone wrong and how to fix and improve my handling. You might already have the empty phone case needed but if not, it is well worth a trip to the store to pick one up. This one fried the spectators on the disk and it will probably do the same to yours.

Deja Vu - This actually seems to be a recycling of Know Technology but without the phone. Still powerful magic and you will enjoy doing it. If you are someplace and someone wants to see something, do this. As long as you have a business card and something to write with, you are set. And, if you use your own card, your spectator will take home and keep your contact info.

Key Accessory - Andrew previously released this a few years ago and admits it was very expensive. Mentalism normally sells for a higher price than standard magic. I guess this is to keep it exclusive and out of the hands of kids. I haven't done any metal bending in the past but he makes it look so easy and practical that I just might have to add this one. You might already have the necessary things needed in your home but if not, a way to get them either free or at low cost is suggested. And if it is as easy to obtain as Andrew says, you might end up with a lifetime supply. His method and misdirection is really good and the disposal of the gimmick uses a time honored method and is invisible. This would be great for both walk around and street magic. This is one metal bending you will do.

Biddling Around - Andrew's take on the classic Biddle trick. At the end, the card vanishes from under your hand and travels to the middle of the deck reversed. Nice trick and I most likely will play with it but I don't feel it has the strength of the other routines on the disk. Andrew does one thing in the street performance that I would not recommend. He places his hand on a young girl's leg then has the card vanish from beneath his hand.

Dreamweaver - This is a trick contributed to the project by Paul Carnazzo. You are given a pocket sized gimmick to carry with you which is nicely printed. It does require some simple math and some memorization but a young magician is taught to do it and performs ti in two minutes. If you already use a mnenomic system it will be easier but this is well taught and pretty simple. This is a good effect just to throw in your pocket and carry around.

This disk is fun to watch. I have seen so many serious teaching videos that might even put you to sleep. The boys use humor to keep it interesting. They even change their hairdos from one effect to another and Andrew is almost unrecognizable with his. I almost felt like eating popcorn when I watched this. Very entertaining.

I highly recommend this disk and suggest you even get previous Episodes. Murphy's has made this a little easier by offering a package of the first three Episodes at a reduced price (which will actually save you thirty dollars if you purchase this way,
The Mysterious One
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I own this. I love the Conscious Magic series. And I also echo your comment about not touching the girl's leg. It could come off as the magician being a creep. Andrew didn't come off that way in his performance based on the response of his spectator. I am sure that he also gained rapport with his spectator as well before performing for her. He seems to be a master of gaining rapport with people, part could be from his hypnosis background and another part could be his personality. Also, he is performing in LA, a part of the country that is more liberal. I have performed there for a gig once. The people were awesome and different from my usual more conservative audiences in Texas (who are also awesome).

I love their thoughts on the effects. A really fantastic series.
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Profile of thekillingjoke33
How could I miss that dreamweaver is included?!
Luke Wolf
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Profile of Luke Wolf
Thanks for the review! I discovered Ran Pink through hsi T-Rex (like most people I'd say). I was curious about this new release, but you helped made it clear
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Profile of djwow
I just want to say that I've seen Andrew perform Biddling Around several times live and he is the consummate performer and gentlemen and not at all creepy. He usually uses a table or bar for laying down the card and I'm pretty sure the lack of one in the CM performance is why he used her leg. Just my two cents. Regardless, when I perform it I just use my own leg!
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Profile of Illusion77
Thanks for the review!
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. » » Conscious Magic Episode 5 - Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard (a Magic Portal review) (1 Likes)
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