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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Deckless! » » Recommend a packet trick that is somewhat unusual, offbeat, or fun (8 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Reviewer EndersGame
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I'm looking for a fun packet deck that is a bit off-beat and something different.

So not the usual recommendations (e.g. B'Wave), but something a bit more unusual, ideally with some fun non-standard cards, and which still is strongly magical enough to produce great reactions.

Any suggestions?
Emory Kimbrough
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Gee, I just answered this in the other reply I sent to you a couple of minutes ago - Cameron Francis's "Nothing But the Truth" has lie-detector images on the card backs.

Also, head to Christian Schenk's Card Shark web site ( Under "Online Shop" click on "Vintage Style Effects." There you'll find several answers to inquiry. (A tossed-out tarot. Beautiful butterfly cards. Rorschach Inkblot-Test cards. An effect from Paul Gordon. And more.)
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Love the look of Nothing But The Truth by Cameron Francis - thanks for the suggestion!

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Headhunter- Bob Farmer
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Rick Holcombe
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Daryl's "Presto Printo" is always a fun one
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Profile of MagikDavid
Highly recommend "CARDTOON" by Dan Harlan. See it here.
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Bob G
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In your first sentence I think you means packet *trick*, EndersGame? I recommend Colombini's "Close Quarters," available on Lybrary. Four quarters drawn on separate cards (you have to draw them yourself on blank cards) assemble, so that now all four are on one card. Then the four quarters are "moved" to another card, where they appear as a drawing of a dollar coin.

Darko on the Café demonstrates his own very effective variant where four quarters turn into a *real* coin.

Bob G
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MagikDavid, I have to get out my Cardtoon deck again. The handling on the video you referenced is much better than what first learned from the instructional video when I first bought the deck.
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Profile of MagikDavid
Bob G - Yeah, I thought the same thing. His handling is less complex than Harlan's original. Seems to fit the criteria that EndersGame was asking for, don't you agree? A little 'off-beat'... something different... visually magical and always gets a great reaction.
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Bob G
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I do, MagikDavid -- it's definitely fun and offbeat. I'm pretty sure Enders was asking for packet tricks, but what the heck. I like your quote, by the way -- very funny.
Bob G
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I looked at the trailer for "Nothing but the truth," and enjoyed it very much. Surprisingly, it didn't include the surprise ending I've read about. Anyway, I have a question: I'm assuming that the spectator always "chooses" the card shown in the trailer. How difficult would it be to make up one's own packet that involved a different card? I don't mind if the cards have a home-made look (e. g., True and Lie written by hand), but I'm wondering how difficult it would be to set up the T. and L. cards in a way that would match the different card. Hope that made sense!

As I think about it, I could probably work this out for myself. Still interested in your thoughts.


Bob G
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Just realized I should have directed my previous post to Emory -- or anyone else who has ideas, of course.
Leo Reynolds Jr
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Alien Autopsy or Cup Cards Both are fun and very different from standard cards and easy to do.
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Profile of warren
On Jan 11, 2019, Leo Reynolds Jr wrote:
Alien Autopsy or Cup Cards Both are fun and very different from standard cards and easy to do.

I wasn't familiar with Alien Autopsy so put it in google and there was a couple of youtube clips and I still have no idea what the effect is.
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Profile of dmoriarty1
I've got two packet tricks that I use often and believe offer a unique approach:

1) I think Alakazam's "What the tarot holds" is a pretty interesting effect:

The method is pretty easy to figure out, and I don't use the tarot cards--just regular cards, and I assign different meanings to each card (e.g., Ace = wealth; hearts is good, spades is bad). In this way, the cards can be pulled from an ordinary (even borrowed) deck, examined, and then you can proceed with the effect. I actually made a little holder for the cards that has "What the tarot holds" printed on one side, and the meanings of the cards on the other (I use AKQJ10 spades and hearts). I've gotten a lot of mileage out of this little packet trick!

This fits my presentation and style, so I would recommend picking up the tarot cards and routine from Alakazam.

2) Another little goodie is Rick Lax's Reverse Psychology:

Again, pretty easy to create and master, and it adds the psychological angle to make the presentation interesting.
Feral Chorus
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Take a look a Close’s Clones. Not your run of the mill packet trick.

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Profile of DaveGripenwaldt
You might check out the "Vintage" section at Card Shark. They have a number of effects that use non-standard cards.

Here is the URL:
Paul Rathbun
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Stick men 4 from the Richard Sanders Show dvd set.
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Color Monte (unless that's a "usual" recommendation?)
The mirror finish colored diamonds are unusual (to laymen) and the kicker is extra unusual.
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Profile of magikmax
Gone by Daniel Bryan is a nice packet trick, sold by Alakazam Magic in the UK. AFAIK they offer free world-wide shipping on their own items (which this is one)
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Deckless! » » Recommend a packet trick that is somewhat unusual, offbeat, or fun (8 Likes)
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