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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Boxes, tubes & bags » » Rubber covers - wine glass (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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The UK, Portsmouth
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Profile of Sealegs
Does anyone have any source for old fashioned rubber covers for wine glasses?

Many years ago I bought the entire stock from the now defunct ‘Camtryx’ magic dealers and that meant I had enough to see me out for my lifetime... but I’ve just lost them all while traveling home from my last gig! Smile

I have made my own using balloons but they don’t hold a candle to those ones that have been designed for the specific job. I can’t find anywhere that manufactures/sells them anymore.

Thanks for any help.

Edit: I’ve just discovered these and will be giving them a try!
Neal Austin

"The golden rule is that there are no golden rules." G.B. Shaw
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East Orange, NJ
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Profile of jimgerrish
You might also try "swimming caps" or "bathing caps" for men.
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Inner circle
East Orange, NJ
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Profile of jimgerrish
Another choice- large round rubber balls that are later production items themselves.
Michael Baker
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Near a river in the Midwest
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Profile of Michael Baker
I always had good luck making them from balloons and slightly rolling the hem. But, they worked best on wineglasses that tapered slightly outward at the top. I'll be curious to hear your review of the product you linked.
~michael baker
The Magic Company
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The UK, Portsmouth
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Profile of Sealegs
I’ve made my own from balloons before and while they work they don’t have the flat top the specially designed covers have. This means the liquid content can bulge out into the balloon rather than It being kept completely within the glass by the taught cover. On one occasion I had to improvise a cover by using a condom. The contents of the glass ‘emptied’ itself into the condom which had stretched to accommodate it. Luckily the condom remained attached to the glass but it was a disconcerting, unwanted and potentially ruinous situation to have the glass empty and all the liquid lying next to it in a stretched, bulging rubber condom cover!

While my homemade covers from balloons don’t create as bad a situation as this the curve of the top of the balloon still creates more slack than I would like and that I’m comfortable with.
Neal Austin

"The golden rule is that there are no golden rules." G.B. Shaw
David Todd
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Profile of David Todd
I've tried these recently. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCMCMD5H They seal a glass with liquid effectively , yet using the tabs are easily peeled off .

The two smaller sizes, 2.6" and 3.8" , work fine for wine glasses.

The larger sizes could work for bowls of various sizes, but I noticed that the largest size -- 8" inches -- was said to be able to fit up to an 11" inch bowl, but I could not easily get it on a 10" bowl. I was able to use it fine with a 9" inch bowl. Eventually, with my wife's help I was able to wrestle it on to the 10" bowl, so if you work with an assistant that could be ok, but I would recommend it for 9" or 8" bowl.
David Todd
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Profile of David Todd
On Jul 17, 2024, David Todd wrote:
I've tried these recently. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCMCMD5H They seal a glass with liquid effectively , yet using the tabs are easily peeled off .

The two smaller sizes, 2.6" and 3.8" , work fine for wine glasses.

The larger sizes could work for bowls of various sizes, but I noticed that the largest size -- 8" inches -- was said to be able to fit up to an 11" inch bowl, but I could not easily get it on a 10" bowl. I was able to use it fine with a 9" inch bowl. Eventually, with my wife's help I was able to wrestle it on to the 10" bowl, so if you work with an assistant that could be ok, but I would recommend it for 9" or 8" bowl.

Let me warn you, if you want to use these for a bowl of water , the outside of the bowl and the cover need to be DRY when it is applied. So that's why you would want to use a smaller bowl -- 7.5" or 8" , maybe 9" -- because you can't be sloshing water over the side when you try to apply the cover. It's easier with two people ,even with the smaller bowl.

On further evaluation , I don't think I'd recommend these covers for a bowl production. If applied securely, then it is a bit too difficult to peel off quickly. Works fine for a wine glass, but not a bowl, although you would also want to keep a handkerchief or paper towel handy to wipe off the outside of the wine glass to make sure it is dry .
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