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Cliffg37 Inner circle Long Beach, CA 2491 Posts |
Axel, I am not sure where you are going with that. You may be right, just type the name of who you think it is.
10. I was offered a recurring role on the 1960's Batman TV show, but I said I would take the role only if I could Kill Batman. My offer was declined.
Magic is like Science,
Both are fun if you do it right! |
tommy Eternal Order Devil's Island 15717 Posts |
I think he has gone Bonaventure.
If there is a single truth about Magic, it is that nothing on earth so efficiently evades it.
Tommy |
Axelchen Elite user Germany 413 Posts |
Sorry cliff, that was perhaps too cryptical...I guessed Spencer Tracy
Axelchen Elite user Germany 413 Posts |
(his famous "brother" was supposed Dick Tracy...), sorry for that...
Cliffg37 Inner circle Long Beach, CA 2491 Posts |
To Arthur, Given that you started this thread, I am asking you for a ruling on this. Spencer Tracy is the correct answer. Axel knew it, I think with his statement about a famous brother named Dick. Then Tommy said Bonaventure which was Spencer Tracy's middle name. I think they both knew it, but Axel was first to actually state the name correctly. Who gets the win, and the next person to guess?
11. When asked the secret to my successful acting, I simply said "I don't do anything, I just recite my lines." 12. In one of my last roles, I had a small part, but was very very very very mad. 13. I passed away withing two weeks of completing my last film. 14. I hid it well, but after years of depression, drug abuse, and binge alcoholism, my body was a mess. At 5 foot 10, I weighed over 200 pounds too. 15. I was quite adept at playing the hero or the villain, I was good for both comedy and drama too.
Magic is like Science,
Both are fun if you do it right! |
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
Good one, Cliff! I was at a complete loss. I guess even though Axel’s initial answer was somewhat “disguised”, he knew the personality first, and posted before Tommy (who also provided an indirect answer).
So Axel, it’s your turn! |
Axelchen Elite user Germany 413 Posts |
Ok, thank you gentlemen, sorry for the confusion and sorry tommy!
1) I was born in 1937 in New Jersey, my parents gave me the name John Joseph and my sign is taurus and I think I fulfill many of the characteristics that are attributed to this sign. 2) My mother was just 17 years old as I arrived, so my grandma played as being my mother to protect her daughter´s reputation. Not aware of this, I thought she was my elder sister. My mother´s family came from Ireland, England and Germany. Who my father is, I don´t really know and it seems that I am also not really interersted in knowing who my father is. 3) As my mother and I left my Hometown to live in Los Angeles, I was 17 years old and my first job there was in a toy-shop. |
Axelchen Elite user Germany 413 Posts |
4) My next job was to manage and to maintain the fanposts for Tom and Jerry (cartoon) at MGM...
Axelchen Elite user Germany 413 Posts |
5) After that I took acting lessons, I wanted to be an actor. James Coburn was my classmate. It took some time until my first important movie, I played in some B-movies "The Raven" was one of them...
karnak Special user Connecticut 763 Posts |
Jack Nicholson?
For a supernatural chiller mixing magic (prestidigitation, legerdemain) with Magic (occultism, mysticism), check out my novel MAGIC: AN OCCULT THRILLER at http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Occult-Thriller-Reed-Hall/dp/1453874836
Axelchen Elite user Germany 413 Posts |
Tadaaa! Bingo and congratulations, you´re the winner karnak! The "fan-post-thing of Tom and Jerry" was unknown to me (found this quite amusing) and I recognized that his birthday is almost like mine (except for the year...)
so, karnak, I think it is your turn! |
karnak Special user Connecticut 763 Posts |
Being a fan of old horror & sci-fi movies, "The Raven" rang a loud bell for me.
Let me think a minute...
For a supernatural chiller mixing magic (prestidigitation, legerdemain) with Magic (occultism, mysticism), check out my novel MAGIC: AN OCCULT THRILLER at http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Occult-Thriller-Reed-Hall/dp/1453874836
Axelchen Elite user Germany 413 Posts |
Da*#, I thought it to be a little bit of misleading because he didn´t act in the front row like Price, Karloff or Lorre...should have kept this hint for later! But good work, karnak!
karnak Special user Connecticut 763 Posts |
I was born in California in 1934.
I died in California in 1993, at the still-youthful age of just 59. An accomplished amateur magician myself, I am best known for my starring roles in popular American TV series, ranging from sitcoms to crime drama to sci-fi.
For a supernatural chiller mixing magic (prestidigitation, legerdemain) with Magic (occultism, mysticism), check out my novel MAGIC: AN OCCULT THRILLER at http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Occult-Thriller-Reed-Hall/dp/1453874836
Cliffg37 Inner circle Long Beach, CA 2491 Posts |
Harry Anderson... nah, he did not pass on that early.
Magic is like Science,
Both are fun if you do it right! |
Cliffg37 Inner circle Long Beach, CA 2491 Posts |
A pause for a moment of public service.
Because I am a service minded person, and because I am bored to tears in the quarantine, I took it on myself to correlate this alphabetical list of famous people who have been the guest on this thread. These are the people we have been guessing at for the last 11 months since Arthur started the game. Notice some have been done twice. Hopefully I have saved everyone the trouble of combing trough 108 pages to see if your choice was already done. Enjoy... Armstrong, Neil Atkinson, Rowan Babage, Charles Bacon, Kevin Barker, Kate (ma) Barnum, P.T. X2 Berry, Chuck Billy the Kid Bowie, David Bradbury, Ray Bronson, Charles Brooks, Mel Brown, Derren Bulock, Sandra Bush, Kate Campbell, Nicholas Carpenter, Karen Carradine, David, Carter, Billy Cash. Johnny Catherine the Great Chapman, Mark David Christie, Agatha Churchill, Winston Clavin, Cliff Cleary, Beverly Cline, Patsy Clinton, Bill Cobb, Lee J. Collins, Phil Crowley, Aliester Curie, Marie Cushing, Peter Davies, Sir Ray DaVinci, Leonardo Dawson, Richard Dern, Bruce Dickens, Charles Ditko, Steve Downey, Robert Jr. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Dr. Demento Eastwood, Clint Ekland, Brit Ellington, Duke x2 Elvira Englund, Robert Enya Faithful, Marianne Fauci, Anthon Feynman, Richard Fisher, Bobby Forsythe, Frederick Foxx, Redd Franklin, Aretha Franklin, Ben Freud, Ana Guy, Buddy Hale, Alan Jr. Hanna Barbera Hardy, Oliver Harry, Debbie Haydn, Whit Hearst, William Randolph Hendrix, Jimi Hermann, Alexander Hitler, Adolph Hogan, Hulk Hubbard, L Ron Huggard Jackson, Reggie Jagger, Sir Mic Janssen, David Jay, Ricky Johnson, Robert Joplin, Janis Kahn, Genghis Kelly, Gene King, Carole King, Martin Luther Kingsley, Ben Kinison, Sam Kipling, Rudyard Lafayette, Lamarr, Hedy Larson, Glen Lee, Christopher Lee, Stan Loraynne, Harry Lundgren, Dolph Lupino, Ida Lupus, Peter MacCleod, Gavin Madonna Majors, Lee Manson, Charles Marceau, Marcel Mathis, Johnny Mays, Willie McCartney, Paul McGovern, George McMahon, Vince McQueen, Steve Mengele, Josef Meredith, Burgess Mitchell. Joni Monroe, Marilyn Moon, Keith Mortensen, Vigo Muir, John Nelson, Horatio Newman, Paul Nicholson, Jack x2 Nicks, Stevie Nimoy, Leonard Oppenheimer, RobertParker, Dorothy Parton, Dolly Pasteur, Louis, Peck, Gregory Pele Penn Jilette Peppard, George Peters, Bernadette Petit, Phillipe Petty, Tom Poitier, Sidney Porter, Cole Redenbacher, Orville Reeves, George Rodgers, Richard Ronald Reagan Sagan, Carl Schwarzenegger, Arnold Scott, George C. Serling, Rod Shelby, Carroll Sienfeld, Jerry Simmons, Richard Slydini, Tony Snoop Dog Stead, Arthur Steele, George Stevens, Cat Stewart, Rod Stoker, Bram Teller Thermin, Leon Tracy, Spencer Trump, Donald Vanderbilt, Harold VanZandt, Townes Warhol, Andy Wayne, John Welch, Raquel West, Adam Willis, Bruce Wilson, Ann Winchell, Paul Zappa, Frank More interesting statistics to follow....
Magic is like Science,
Both are fun if you do it right! |
Cliffg37 Inner circle Long Beach, CA 2491 Posts |
Oh yuck, I had it nicely columned and the Café destroyed that, this is very hard to read.
Magic is like Science,
Both are fun if you do it right! |
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
Thanks for that, Cliff! I had started compiling a list of all the famous people I had chosen, but stalled at around page 58. So your efforts are very much appreciated!
Cliffg37 Inner circle Long Beach, CA 2491 Posts |
This WORD file should be much easier to read if anyone wants to download it...
Click here to view/download attached file.
Magic is like Science,
Both are fun if you do it right! |
Axelchen Elite user Germany 413 Posts |
Sorry for doubling Jack Nicholson...but he is worth to be mentioned twice..but thank you for listing!! The system is clear: adding the first name to the second name of the previous one...
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