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arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
My apologies, Cliff, I did misinterpret the wording for your clue about Lita Ford.
To answer your question: I wasn’t in any movies. I was hired to play on a studio session for Joan Jett, adding keyboards to two tracks which were to be used on a movie soundtrack. (At that stage I already knew her). Don’t recall the name of the movie … I was pretty in-demand in those days, going from studio to studio, with my cartage guys transporting, setting up and tearing down all my keyboard equipment from venue to venue. |
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
Your turn, Alan M ...
Alan M Elite user California 436 Posts |
Joan Jett went to the same high school as me!
I appreciate if someone can step in with the next challenge. Day has spun out of control due to work. |
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
OK, since I have one ready …
I was born in Washington, D.C., on July 28, 1937. My early life was a troubled one, with my family’s stability threatened by my father’s alcoholism. I dropped out of high school during my junior year after staging a series of burglaries. |
Alan M Elite user California 436 Posts |
Sorry folks. I know I have passed the buck more than once and I won't make any more guesses without having a new challenge ready to go.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
Threatened with jail unless I joined the armed forces, I enlisted in the Navy and embarked on what appeared to be an exemplary career.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
I served as radioman on a succession of surface ships and nuclear submarines, rising to petty officer, chief petty officer, and warrant officer.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
During most of my naval career I worked with encryption codes and devices, and had access to detailed information about the movements of both U.S. and Soviet fleets.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
In April 1967, I was assigned as a communications watch officer at the headquarters of COMSUBLANT in Norfolk, Virginia, where my responsibilities included running the entire communications center for the submarine force.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
Later that year, I walked into the Soviet embassy in Washington, D.C., and offered to sell top-secret information in return for substantial payments.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
I regularly passed classified documents to agents of the Soviet Union. They even gave me a device that allowed them to decipher all communication sent using Navy cryptographic machines.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
I also recruited others, including a close friend, my brother, and my son into a growing spy ring that I maintained after my retirement from the military.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
The espionage activities of my spy ring were described by some officials as among the gravest security breaches in the history of the U.S. Navy.
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
I'm surprised no one has got this yet!
I was arrested in 1985 after my ex-wife and one of my daughters informed the FBI of my espionage activities. The rest of the spy ring was also rounded up. |
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
In return for a reduced sentence for my son, I agreed to plead guilty and to provide a detailed accounting of the material I had passed to the Soviets.
S2000magician Inner circle Yorba Linda, CA 3465 Posts |
Joseph Rosenberg
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
Not Joseph.
This mystery personality was the notorious American spy, John Anthony Walker. Books have been written about him and his family, and there was also a TV mini-series. Walker received a life sentence and ultimately died in prison. His son was sentenced to 25 years in prison, and his brother received a $250,000 fine and a life sentence. His friend, who refused to plead guilty -- insisting that he did not know that the stolen documents were being sold to the Soviet Union -- received the stiffest penalty of all: a $410,000 fine and 365 years in prison. Surprised no one guessed it. Who wants to go next? |
Fedora Special user Arizona, usa 809 Posts |
I was born December 4 1936.
I made a record 110 appearances on American bandstand. Before I was a professional singer I was a truck driver. |
arthur stead Inner circle When I played soccer, I hit 1782 Posts |
I never got to see American Bandstand, so I'll just take a wild guess based on approximate year of birth: Frankie Avalon?
Fedora Special user Arizona, usa 809 Posts |
Not Frankie
In 1958 I made a song originally titled "rock and roll baby" the lyrics were written by my mother. My manager took the song to bob crewe and frank slay, who rearranged and rewrote the lyrics. |
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