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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » Need info for my wife who is a newbie (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of bobinsdakota
Hello everyone,
I'm going to be doing some ventriloquism while volunteering at the local children's hospital.
My wife is interested in making some balloon animals for the kids as well.
Could someone point me to a good beginner DVD for her.
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Profile of GMcAlpin

My name is Kimberly. I don't know of a DVD, however there is YouTube.

If you search balloon animal in you tube, many videos will come up. I have found that for me, the best tutorials are those from Holly Nicole George. Just type in her name in the search box and her videos will come up.

I hope this helps.
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Profile of bobinsdakota
Thank you very much for your reply. We'll definitely check out Holly on Youtube.
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Profile of GMcAlpin
Please let us know how it goes.
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Profile of cyberdave03
The problem with youtube for learning balloon sculpting is that the performers move very fast; if you don't know the basics (and sometimes even if you do), it can be hard to follow. I recommend the dvd, Balloon Magic Made Easy #1 by Tricky the Clown. You can find it on eBay. It assumes you know nothing and takes you step by step to making a number of animals and other creations. I also recommend you use Qualatex balloons, 260Q, and get a good hand pump.
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Profile of Russo
Just in case you cant master balloon work - I used to have a lot of kids tears when the balloon POPs - so learned to cartoon ANY ANIMAL requested - the sheet of paper can also have your contact info on it - kids take them home -put on refridg. and your advt is there for all to see, One time I had a smart kid ask for a tomiciem( spell? later I found out was a 1 cell animal) - so I drew 2 mice, "two mice see em" - really did, - Have fun fun fun =Ralph
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Profile of thegreatscungilli
Make sure she gets a cheap pump from Walmart or a party store. Blowing up a bunch of balloons with lung power gets old fast.

Simple things, dogs/poodles, flowers, "hats" stuff like that. There are lots of you tubes on those items and if you watch them they are fairly easy to learn. I find the dogs, poodles and colorful flowers seem to go over very well. To add some variety you can use a marker to put "spots", eyes and nose on the dogs or faces on the flowers.

To begin with, make some and hand them out. If you ask kids what they want you may get a request like a buddy of mine did from one little guy who asked if he would make him a pirate ship.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » Need info for my wife who is a newbie (0 Likes)
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