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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Deckless! » » Insurance Policy: Wallet-Sized Insurance Card? (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of karnak
For intimate closeup purposes where you might not want to unfold a whole big folded-up insurance policy (with a giant card printed on its flip side), does anyone perhaps make a version which foregoes the big printed policy document (more suited for standup/parlor/stage) in favor of an equally official-looking insurance card, of the size and sort we might carry in our wallets (like a pocket- or wallet-sized auto or health insurance ID card)?

Its flip side would then be a regular playing card of normal or perhaps slightly reduced size -- about that of a business card, or perhaps a credit card or drivers license.

Ideally the whole thing would be laminated, or made of credit-card plastic, to withstand wallet wear & tear.

Does such an item exist on the market?
For a supernatural chiller mixing magic (prestidigitation, legerdemain) with Magic (occultism, mysticism), check out my novel MAGIC: AN OCCULT THRILLER at http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Occult-Thriller-Reed-Hall/dp/1453874836
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Profile of Poof-Daddy

Same price at Penguin as well as themagicwarehouse.com
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Profile of karnak
Thanks, Poof-Daddy.

After looking at the product descriptions, I see that it's a bit different than what I was looking for. What I had in mind was an insurance card which, on the reverse, actually is (or displays a graphic of) the chosen card -- just like with the full-size insurance policy version of the effect.

Instead, this card simply says (in big letters) the phrase "YOUR CARD" on its back. So it's a different sort of gag, and really more of a false ending.

But then there is fine print at the bottom, which the spectator reads. Now, if this at least then actually named the selected card, then it might still be pretty powerful. But instead, the fine print just says that the magician gets one more chance to name the card. The magician then does so, simply stating aloud the identity of the chosen card. Kinda blah.

So the insurance card itself doesn't actually predict anything, or present the actual selection at all, or do much of anything really. It just provides a bit of by-play (or delay) prior to a simple reveal. No graphic representation of the chosen card is involved at all, so not the same sort of wordless visual impact for the climax as in the original.

I wonder if one of the custom card gaffers (how many are left now?) might be able to put something together more along the lines of the original, but card-sized?
For a supernatural chiller mixing magic (prestidigitation, legerdemain) with Magic (occultism, mysticism), check out my novel MAGIC: AN OCCULT THRILLER at http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Occult-Thriller-Reed-Hall/dp/1453874836
Mark Williams
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Karnak, I have used a DF'er for many years. It's the Guarantee Card/5 of Hearts. In my presentation, there are two misses followed by me announcing I put a card inside the card box, before we even started. I remove the Guarantee Card and ask if this is the one they chose. I tell them that the trick is Guaranteed to work. If it doesn't, I can ship the deck back for a rebate. Lastly, the reveal of their selected card, printed on the other side, is the final kicker.

I bought several of these DF'ers years ago. Not really sure if they are even made anymore.

I do not laminate these DF'ers, I just have it on the bottom of the deck. I openly place it into the card box...then start with several other routines before getting back to it. By the time I do this one effect, spectators have forgotten I placed anything into the card box at the start.

I mention this as there are alternatives to think about when presenting this trick. Hope it helps.

Best Magical Regards,

Mark Williams
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Profile of Poof-Daddy
You could also use a blank backer of the "force card" and print "your policy" (however you want it to read) on a large adhesive address/shipping label that would fit or be cut to fit on the blank side. Just an Idea.

I have recently looked at what I would need to make a couple (or a few) ID cards (similar to a driver license size and material) to use in a "Modern Z Wallet" fitted with "Rainbow" gimmick. This would be an easy way to make what you are looking to do. BUT - "Holy Stacks of Cash Batman"!!! those ID printers are expensive (although the "blanks" in credit card size) are a little more reasonable. I am going to look for a company that makes employee IDs and see if I can just pay them a few bucks to print me a couple.
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Don't spend so much time trying not to die that you forget how to live - H's wife to H on CSI Miami (paraphrased).

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Profile of karnak
Good ideas, Mark and Poof -- thanks!
For a supernatural chiller mixing magic (prestidigitation, legerdemain) with Magic (occultism, mysticism), check out my novel MAGIC: AN OCCULT THRILLER at http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Occult-Thriller-Reed-Hall/dp/1453874836
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Thomas A. Lilly
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Profile of Beowulf
I have a Magician's Credit Card purchased back in the early 80's from the Yogi Magic Mart in Baltimore: two laminated cards, one with a back reading "...in case of failure, we will credit him with a Grand Finale", and a second card with the reverse being a 7 of spades. Show the first card, tuck it back into shirt pocket leaving it peeking/peaking out, and proceed from there. Got me started on learning the Classic.
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Profile of karnak
Beowulf, that's almost exactly what I'm looking for. I just want it to be a single card, laminated or of PVC (credit card) plastic -- "magician's insurance" ID on one side, image of selected playing card on the other side.

So simple. Seems like a perfectly marketable idea.

If they were made to order, they could even actually have the buyer's (the magician's) name printed on them, like a real ID card.
For a supernatural chiller mixing magic (prestidigitation, legerdemain) with Magic (occultism, mysticism), check out my novel MAGIC: AN OCCULT THRILLER at http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Occult-Thriller-Reed-Hall/dp/1453874836
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Profile of obsidian52
Yeah, I remember having a credit card type of card for a Magic trick with my name embossed on the front....I forget not only the effect but who sold it
Paul Gordons policy effect is junk with a 52 on one on the back....Vinny Sagoo's is better with the "YOUR CARD" on the back but it does have the 1089force on the front only dozns of tricks with the 1089 force.
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Profile of ursmagicbalu
Paul Gordon have one and Vinny Sagoo too
“It’s not what you do that matters, or even how you do it;
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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Deckless! » » Insurance Policy: Wallet-Sized Insurance Card? (2 Likes)
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