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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Now that’s funny! » » Funny or not funny (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Bairefoot
I was told by a spectator that paid to see my show $27.50 that he has seen about 10 magicians in his life. And he said something I want to share. A lot of magicians are not funny in the world of entertainment they are only funny in their magic people surroundings, clubs, rings, etc. Then they try and use these same routines in the real world and fall flat on their faces. But, the magicians think they are funny. They don't understand that they are being laughed at. He told me this he said because He taught I was very funny in the real world and magicians. By the way this guy wasn't a magician buy an actual paying audience member.
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Mindpro
I agree with this so much. I see so many magicians that bill themselves as "comedy magicians" and they are not funny at all. There really isn't any comedy at all. What they THINK is comedy is usually stock lines, attempted humor at a subject's expense, or relying on old bits, liners or jokes.

For some reason, this is tolerated and accepted in the magic world and community, but in real comedy circles this is considered being a hack and it is greatly opposed and these guys often find themselves blackballed from venues, bookers, and for some even the industry.

Look at the supposed name on this board who puts up clips of him doing his magic show at comedy clubs - it's not funny, no comedy at all, and worst of all the laughs at is own stuff, and even worse than that the only person you hear laughing in the audience is his wife!

Fact is most magicians that attempt to do their "comedy magic" in comedy clubs have no comedy and the magic often comes off as lame or poor. This is exactly why most comedy club owners and bookers have such a poor taste in their mouth towards magicians and how these guys have actually damaged the community and made it difficult for real comedians that do magic to try to convince owners and bookers that they are the real thing.

Magicians that perform only for other magicians are not getting a true read on the material or performance. Go to any magic convention or club meeting and you see this regularly. Personally, as a professional, I do not consider these guys as real performers at all if this is all they do. They are usually hobbyists and enthusiasts, which is fine, but many of them think it is the same for realy paying audiences. It definitely is not. Unfortunately, they will learn this the hard way, if at all.
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Profile of Bairefoot
Hey Mindpro. I am glad you agree. Hope you can come and check out my stuff sometime when you are in Myrtle Beach SC. Or Maybe you can get me booked on some your big money shows.
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Mindpro
Oh, I haven't forgotten about you. Soon, very soon.
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Dannydoyle
This is not only true if magicians by the way.

For example I have seen it in vocal bands, jugglers and Elvis impersonators.

The problem is when you live in an echo chamber you tend to believe what you already believe. Most magicians can't figure out that people in general don't like magic as much as they do. That is the first hurdle.

The thing I spent months trying to get across to a vocal band we produced was exactly this problem. There were 5 of them all the same age and similar interests. They were working in a foreign country where pretty much they had the 5 of them who spoke the language. They cracked each other up! Rest of the world not so much. So when they showed up at a resort to do the show for others who shared the language it BOMBED and they couldn't figure why?

You don't have to look any further than this very section of the Café to see what magicians think is funny and why it is a problem!

Here is the worst part. When you claim to be a comedy mmagicians, you have just expanded the people you will be judged against! And no, hacking together some Bill Malone lines with some David Williamson stuff is NOT funny.

All in all I agree but it will never change. Better to buy a donkey and find a windmill. Because you could take what most magicians know about comedy, roll it up into a ball, stuff it up the hind end of a gnat, and it would roll around like a BB in a boxcar.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of disbelief
I don’t enjoy comedy when the performer makes fun of an audience member. I do enjoy comedy If it’s storytelling.
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Profile of gallagher
I don‘t want to get involved in the "funny/not funny" discussion.
I don‘t know enough, of either.

"….. roll it up into a ball, stuff it up the hind end of a gnat, and it would roll around like a BB in a boxcar.“

as a word twisting Poet,
I HAVE to say:
Great line!

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Profile of dmcknight
My experience has been, put a microphone in front on someone for long enough and they'll think they're funny. A difference is how long they have a mic - magicians, musicians, and wedding reception toast-ers all exhibit this quality for the most part.

...and I totally dig the "BB in a boxcar" line!
"Success" is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
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Harris Deutsch
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Profile of harris
My comedy is based on my realty.
Why do we laugh, change the name and the story is told of us.
People laugh when they can relate, are surprised, see contrast, exaggeration etc etc etc.
comedy clubs frown on stock lines and stealing material.

Autism 1 Hitchhikers 42
Harris Deutsch aka dr laugh
music, magic and marvelous toys
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Now that’s funny! » » Funny or not funny (3 Likes)
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