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Magic Mark Inner circle After this post I will have 1579 Posts |
On Sep 18, 2020, cardistry master wrote: I emailed Marc Antoine to ask why I was being asked to pay twice as much for his Thumper vs. brand new buyers of his Mental Dice. Marc’s response was, basically, sorry... pay that price or don’t buy it. So, I didn’t buy it. A friend of mine reached out to Marc Antoine too, he got the same type of reply. Mark
Doing tricks can be easy, being an entertainer is more difficult.
Troyze Regular user Johannesburg 105 Posts |
It's funny how people think the trailer has too much exposure...
here is the reality check..they technology has been around for a while. You can buy the toy that tell yous the value of the dice on the market. This magic trick is just another application to use it. If you think your audience knows your trick because of the magic trailer then you are wrong and you live under a rock. |
videoman Inner circle 6893 Posts |
On Sep 18, 2020, Harry Patter wrote: If anyone is interested in supporting Marc Antoine, I have my back up version of his Mental Dice for sale complete with thumper and set of 3 (yes 3!) dice. PM me if interested. |
victors911 Regular user 110 Posts |
Hocus pocus writes it provides mystery gift, someone know what gift is?
rowland Inner circle 1537 Posts |
Interested to know which one people are ordering that already have the three dice. Do you order the black one to keep it separate femoral the white one that comes in the set or the white one so you could switch it in if you wanted to assuming of course it is exactly the same colour
Illucifer Inner circle 1403 Posts |
On Sep 18, 2020, Harry Patter wrote: No, Craig Filicetti developed this concept long before Antoine's product. And this new product is absolutely unethical.I'm constantly ashamed of the community of magicians. They have no respect for each other and each other's creations. Only money.
It's all in the reflexes.
amirb401 Regular user 146 Posts |
Would love if anyone who got the product (or has the regular Mental dice) Could help out and say what he thinks about the product itself ^^
Not wanting to spend 1k$ on PM Dice, and really don't need 3 dices, this seems like the best solution for me at last. 1 chargeable dice, thumper, low price tag for such a routine. Looking to get some opinions on the product itself. thanks! |
Fatgumbo Veteran user Melbourne, Australia 343 Posts |
Do I have to strap the receiver to an arm or leg? Or can I just keep it in my pocket- or would I not feel the vibration through my pants material?
New to this sort of tech. If anyone knows, that would be appreciated. |
tomd Special user 750 Posts |
On Sep 19, 2020, Fatgumbo wrote: I think they’ve designed the thumper so that you could have that option if you want. Soft-medium-hard thumping settings are available, with the softest setting intended for when you are palming the thumper in your hand, or when you are in a really quiet environment. Can’t confirm, but I’d imagine the hard setting would allow you to feel the thump in your front pocket. |
learachel Elite user 446 Posts |
WORKS WITH MENTAL DICE SET!! Can you tell us more? with a dice I can understand, but 4? One at a time?
Fatgumbo Veteran user Melbourne, Australia 343 Posts |
On Sep 19, 2020, tomd wrote: Makes sense, thanks. |
MonsterMagic Special user 551 Posts |
No, Craig Filicetti developed this concept long before Antoine's product. Complete credit to Craig for the technology. I was referring to the use of three dice and a colour coded reader. The app that comes with Marc's dice is the game changer for me. |
ArtIn Inner circle 1764 Posts |
On Sep 19, 2020, Troyze wrote: Here is your reality check: When Craig Filicetti started to sell RD (his webpage was secured by a password) years ago it was a hidden treasure. Not much knew or talked about it, nobody could google it and owners used it for years without any disturbance. It is and was used by absolute top pros in the business! The kickstarter “toy” you are talking about originated from EStooge. They first sold it to magicians and later decided that the mass market was more lucrative. That is how your toy was “created” and what happens if secrets get treated badly. With Murphy trailers like that, curious spectators don’t need to find “YT reveal videos” anymore. Magic is a business of secrets! If you put it in a open available video it’s not a secret anymore - simple as that! |
amirb401 Regular user 146 Posts |
Once I charged the die, how does one activates the die before a show? if I go to a close up show, how long should I expect the die to maintain battery?
is the thumper working on a replaceable battery or the unit itself is charged? How long can I expect the thumper and the battery to survive per charge? How easy is it to change thumping strength during performance? Can the thumper be put on the pocket without the strap? is it easy to detach the unit from the strap ? (I think this was clear on the video but ill ask aswell just for the sake of clarity for others since it was asked here already) |
Doric Special user 791 Posts |
1 the one spot is a secret on/off button
2 2 minutes 3 6 x AA batteries 4 question doesn't make sense 5 very difficult 6 no 7 no, you'd need a pair of pliers |
amirb401 Regular user 146 Posts |
On Sep 19, 2020, Doric wrote: Are you speaking from experience? do you have it? not sure if you're being sarcastic or no, to be honest. if the die can last 2 minutes on before being drained out, then its far from being worth 150$ very difficult, how does one change the vibration strength? pliers? really? the video shows a slide onoff feature, its very quick and didn't emphasize it but it seemed QUITE SIMPLE to be frank. so therefore, ill ask again as its unclear, do you own this? it came out 1 day ago, and your answers are very cryptic and seems not so real. |
Doric Special user 791 Posts |
Probably best to discuss in Inner Thoughts.Too much exposure going on here for my liking.
My answers were deliberate, to mislead the curious. |
JackMagic Inner circle 1989 Posts |
On Sep 18, 2020, Magic Mark wrote: Says a lot about his Customer Service ! |
Saturn UK Inner circle 2655 Posts |
To defend Marc his English is not great so answers may not be worded correctly or how he meant them to come across.
All the information is there for his thumper if only people will read and look. We get so many questions on products when the answer is there in the video or ad copy. We see it all the time on the Café - How does this differ from ........ The person just needs to look and they will see how., but for some it’s easier to ask than bother to read and watch a video. His thumper does way more than just thump which is why it is more expensive.
#theshopwithstock Pleased to be different! FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/saturnmagic.co.uk |
DrewBstoss Special user SLC, Utah 583 Posts |
Murphy's claims "rights" to the Anverdi Line but they aren't producing HIS Mental Die. Anverdi was no doubt ahead of his time in terms of utilizing tech in magic but his original Mental Die is a glorified prop trick. It used a JUMBO DIE placed INSIDE A BOX - there's no denying that an intelligent audience would view it as a MAGIC TRICK. Murphy's can't even argue that the plot/premise is unique to Anverdi because the concept of secretly learning the number on a die predates him.
Craig at PM was, to the best of my knowledge, the first to push the idea into the "real world" by producing a piece of kit that: 1) Didn't require a box or any other extraneous props 2) Used a normal looking die that could be handled as such 3) Combined the idea with a th***** so that the performer obtained the information without ANY visible means of communication Those are SIGNIFICANT innovations!!! Craig had the good sense to price his product high so that it didn't saturate the market. He also respected magic enough not to parade an exposure video all over the internet. Murphy's isn't selling "Anverdi's Mental Die" - they are selling Craig's product. They are also destroying secrets in the name of sales. I am constantly saddened by how often the "magic community" cannibalizes the potential to preserve magic/mystery for our audiences - not to mention the theft and unethical behavior that runs so rampant. Drew
"The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before." Neil Gaiman
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