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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » Trick Index By Issue (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Trick Index By Issue
  1. John Lovick - "$100 Bill Switch"

    Potassy - "Bill to Potato"

    Dan Tong - "Chop Cup Routine"

  2. Joel Givens - "Ninja Coin"

    George McBride - "Bar Room Blues”

    Geoff Williams - "Ready to Link"

  3. Ellusionist - "Hold Out"

    David Forrest - "8 of 2 Kinds"

    Danny Garcia - "Quarters"

    John Luka - "The Invisible Palm"

  4. Bill Malone - "Thinking Man's Sponge Ball Routine”

    Lonnie Chevrie - "A Stab in the Dark"

    Justin Miller - "3 Card Melody"

    Cameron Francis - "Cagey"

  5. Liam Montier - "Visual Voodoo"

    Johnny Thompson - "The Biddle Trick"

    Gregory Wilson - "Kissing Up"

  6. Jamie Badman and Colin Miller - "Katch the Kopper"

    Dean Dill - "The Tonight Show Matrix"

    David Regal - "Exhibit ‘A’"

  7. John Guastaferro - "Constellation"

    Craig Petty - "Empowerment"

    Alan Rorrison - "Relentless"

  8. Joshua Jay - "Vegas Visit"

    Eric Jones - "Ishkabibble Sandwich"

    Mark Leveridge - "Stay at Home Coins"

  9. Steve Dobson - "The Otherworld Poker Hand"

    Cameron Francis - "In Tens"

    John Van Der Put - "Thinking of You"

  10. Alexander De Cova - "Chinese Money Mystery"

    Mark Mason - "Foot & Mouth"

    James Prince - "Card Over/Under and In Matchbox"

  11. Jon Armstrong - "What if?"

    Lance DeLong - "World Famous 2 Coin Trick"

    Juan Tamariz - "The Secret of Magic"

  12. Gary Kurtz - "Signed, Sealed, Delivered"

    Jeff Prace - "No More Card Tricks"

    James Prince - "Strike 3"

  13. Daniel Garcia - "William Tell"

    Shaun McCree - "Cold Cut Transpo"

    Etienne Pradier - "Card to Pocket"

  14. Lonnie Chevrie - "Bob”

    Bill Goodwin - "Hold the Mayo”

    Kenton Knepper - "Headache Free"

  15. Wayne Houchin - "French Kiss"

    Paul Romhany - "8 Ball Production"

    David Roth - "Custom Coin Box"

    Jason Wethington - "Okito Box Routine"

  16. Cliff Bumgardner - "Flush Cut"

    Dan Fleshman - "Ring and String"

    Mark James - "Skittled"

  17. James Brown - "Box Clever"

    Cody Burleson - "Strawed"

    Gary Kurtz - "Hypothetical Possibilities"

    Garrett Thomas - "Color Monte"

  18. Wayne Dobson - "Nailed"

    Robert Neale - "Brick Wall"

    Jay Noblezada - "5 and 1 Transpo"

  19. Jon Armstrong - "Out of This Blah, Blah, Blah"

    Gary Jones & Chris Congreave - "Nearly CAAN"

    Eric Jones - "Eye Candy"

  20. Eugene Burger - "21st Century Bill Transpo"

    Justin Miller - "Shockingly Sweet"

    Lee Smith - "Crazy Catch"

  21. Bill Malone - "Skinner Matches"

    Mike Mello - "Handy Prediction"

    Chris Randall - "Desert Rose"

  22. Michael Ammar - "Ring Band-It"

    Calen Morelli - "Loaded 2"

    Jeff Prace - "Time Stands Still"

  23. John Carey - "Balducci as I Balducci"

    Eric DeCamps - "Ring & String"

    Lee Smith & Gary Jones - "Kickback Kings"

  24. Paul Gertner - "A Familiar Ring"

    Justin Miller - "Seal a Feign"

    Dan Tong - "Bill to Wallet"

  25. Shawn Farquhar - "S.T.E.P. Project Vol. 1"

    Dave Forrest - "One More Thing"

    Dan Harlan - "Glass Backwards"

  26. John Carey - "BTB"

    Shawn Farquhar - "S.T.E.P. 2"

    David Solomon - "Simplex Oil and Water"

  27. Danny Archer - "Pick a Coin… Any Coin…"

    Shawn Farquhar - "S.T.E.P. 3"

    Marien Hopman - "Knife Into Beer Bottle"

  28. David Acer - "Overtime"

    Josh Jay - "Salt & Peppa"

    Jim Loscutoff - "Rising Card"

  29. Josh Jay - “Metal Bending”

    Francis Menotti - “Pieces of Nothing”

    John T. Sheets - "Coloration"

  30. Dan Harlan - “Value”

    Richard Osterlind - "Bank Night"

    David Stone - “Hallucination”

  31. Ryan Schlutz - "Fraternal Bonds"

    Jim Cellini - "Cigarette Miracle"

    Marien Hopman - "I Blew It"

  32. Carl Andrews - "Sweet & Slow"

    Marien Hopman - "I Use Trapdoors"

    Eric Ross - "Election 2"

  33. Eric Jones - "Surrogate"

    Dan Tong - "Okito Box Routine"

    Gregory Wilson - "Muscle Pass"

  34. Lonnie Chevrie - "Funneled"

    Lance DeLong - "Coins Through Glass, My Way"

    Josh Kaplan - "J.K. Aces"

  35. John Bannon - "The Bullet Catcher"

    Cameron Francis - "Compact Sharpie"

    Adam Wilber - "19 Down"

  36. Mathieu Bich - "Warm Up"

    Losander - "Static Energy"

    Ryan Schlutz - "4 Shadowed"

  37. Lonnie Chevrie - "Clean Thru"

    Lonnie Chevrie - "Clear Thru"

    Curtis Kam - "My Friend the Plunger"

  38. Mathieu Bich - "Houses & Diamonds"

    David Williamson - "Easy Aces"

    Andi Gladwin - "Misdeal"

  39. Jeff Prace - "Light Flight"

    Dan Fleshman - "Final Twist variation"

    Liam Montier - "Coin-Corde"

  40. Francis Menotti - "Bilver"

    Irving Quant - "The Kings Invert"

    Shaun Robison - "My Grandfather's Pillbox"

  41. Josh Janousky - "Jumping Jack Flash"

    Jeff Prace - "Strawesome"

    Shaun Robison - "The Kiss Trick"

  42. Jon Dorenbos - "Double Trouble"

    John T. Sheets - "Band Fusion"

    Liam Montier - "Count Force"

    Liam Montier - "Forceps"

    Liam Montier - "Swivel Cut"

  43. Bill Cook - "Boomerang Sharpie"

    Ariel Shrum - "Chaotic Correction"

    Gregory Wilson - "4 Coin Rolldown Flourish"

  44. Dan Fleshman - "Turnaround Swivel Pass"

    Martin Lewis - "Torn & Restored Cigarette Paper"

    Jamie Salinas - "Back in Time"

  45. John Guastaferro - “Biddleless”

    Jeff Prace - “Tagged”

    Tom Wright - “Chill”

  46. Alexandr Erohin - “TurnChanging”

    Eric Jones - “Hellbound Remix”

  47. Joe Rindfleisch - “Rubber Band Flurry”

    Joe Rindfleisch - “Color Change”

    Steve Spill - “Everywhere and Nowhere”

  48. Magick Balay - "The Mind's Eye"

    Bill Citino - "I.T.H.C.A"

    Patrick Redford - "Storm"

  49. Bill Citino - "Okito Box Penetration"

    Kyle Purnell - "Business Card Utility Sleight"

    Ryan Schlutz - "Forget to Remember"

  50. Jeff Prace - "Where Time Stands Still" / "PR Aces" / "No More Card Tricks."

    Chastain Criswell - "Scotch & Soda (Hold the Scotch)"

  51. Tom Frank - “Four Ace Production” / “Vernon’s Silk and Silver” / “Intertwined Cigar Wrappers.”

    Chris Korn - “One Coin for Each Eye”

  52. John Luka - “Card to Pocket”

    Vincent Mendoza - “Liquid Band II”

    Vincent Mendoza - “Straight Thru”

  53. Giacomo Bigliardi - “Estimation Triumph”

    David Penn - “Spoon Bend”

    Ariel Shrum - “LaunchPad”
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54. Alan Rorrison - “Static”

Alan Rorrison - “Novo”

Alan Rorrison - “Instant-Lotto”
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » Trick Index By Issue (2 Likes)
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