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Profile of ParkinT
The Trainer Deck (Aronson and/or Mnemonica)

"I have quit many times", you often hear from a smoker. And I can empathize with that sentiment regarding MemStacks.
I have learned the Aronson Stack numerous times!

Every 'system' or technique is such an uphill climb. They share the idea that you must first learn a set of symbols that equate to the numbers 0 through 9 and then combine them with [other] symbols that represent the values and suits.

That is TWO SETS OF SYMBOLS you must learn at the same time.

As a magician who has struggled with the tedious process of memorizing a stack, I finally devised a system that is a SHORT-CIRCUIT in establishing permanent mental associations between the cards' values and it positions in the stack.

The Trainer Deck is a physical deck whose sole purpose is to help you create the necessary memory neural pathways as quickly and directly as possible.
These are NOT cards you will use for performances! These are not Flash Cards either!
These were printed in a limited number (I could not afford the requisite minimum for USPCC)

The Trainer Deck is a direct and effective system that will allow you to finally master a Memorized Deck.
You have a choice of Aronson or Mnemonica.
Greg Rostami
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WOW Thom!!

If you've seen anything that Thom Parkin has released, you know that he's innovative both in his app based effects as well as his "analog" magic.

The Trainer Deck is BY FAR the easiest way you'll memorize a stack.
Once you see these images, you'll NEVER forget them!

This makes memorizing a deck accessible to everyone.

Greg Rostami
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Profile of ddyment
Both of the above make the false assumption that the only way to memorize a deck is via classical mnemonics (i.e., learning a mnemonic alphabet, 104 word images, and 52 word-pair relationships). This is not only incorrect, it is not even the easiest way for many people (people learn things differently).

There are four techniques for memorizing a full-deck stack, and any one of them might be best for you.
The Deceptionary :: Elegant, Literate, Contemporary Mentalism ... and More :: (order "Calculated Thoughts" from Vanishing Inc.)
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Profile of Rick
I do not have this deck yet but I plan to soon, this is a beautiful design and a very useful tool I believe that will help aid learning a stack that Thom has mentioned. However you learn a stack is up to you, this certainly can’t hurt to use and try out. Congratulations Thom on your work, and I wish you well with this.
Bobby Forbes
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Profile of Bobby Forbes
I can definitely see how this will be a fun interesting way to learn a memorized deck. The few examples on your product page show promise as they are stuck in my head without even trying to remember them Ha!. Good luck with this, I hope it does well! I have no doubts this will be helpful to some people.

Ive been doing mem deck stuff for many many years. I practice memory techniques daily. Numbers, shuffled decks, etc using a 3 digit major system and a memory palace. I have used PAO for many years before switching to the system I currently use. For anyone who wants to learn a mem deck and know which card is at what number or vise versa, I don't think there is a question this product can be useful. For memorizing on the fly or shuffled decks of cards, other techniques will need to be used or course. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Give this a chance if you have given up on learning a stack over the years using the major system,peg word, etc. Don't hurt to try.
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Profile of Deckhead
Straight up Thom is a friend. He’s a brilliant mind. I’m here to support him. That’s what friends do especially when you believe in what they do. I have a few of the things he has created and it’s top notch. He has designed oh really awesome deck here. It’s pretty simple. If you’re interested in learning the mnemonica or aronson go give the deck a look. It may be for you. It may not. But if you want to learn the stack quick and have had problems in the past this could be a fun way to learn. Also of course Thom’s friends are going to come here and support him. Everyone has a brain and can decide for themselves if they think it’s something they want to buy. It’s just like buying every other product on the market. Reach out to him if you have to. Any questions just ask. He will be happy to answer. First time I met him it was middle of the night and he spent 30 minutes on a zoom call with me answering questions about a product of his. Great guy. Btw that said product is called Instant Magician. Seriously awesome product. My favorite trick right now.
Harry Lorayne
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Profile of nofreewill
I purchased the Aronson Deck, and it is FANTASTIC. The pictures are both beautiful and memorable, the latter of which really helps me learn quickly. As a side note, the product comes with access to a support site that details each card's artwork, offers tips, and provides a story that you can use for a magic trick.

My wife, who is not a magician or mentalist, greatly enjoyed the aesthetics and appreciated the deep thought that went into each and every illustration.

This deck is both a work of art and useful.
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Profile of JBSmith1978
Honestly a deck like this is long in the making and I hope many transformation decks follow.
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Profile of mayhem
Just saw this, and after seeing other items Thom has released and I like his way of thinking, no brainer on buying this. I expect this will be a good way to memorize a deck. I've had luck the one Penguin released, but I've learned the hard way if I don't practice going through the deck a few times a week, you start to lose it. I'm hoping this will fill in the gap when I need to keep it fresh.
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Profile of Joemv
I have ordered the mnemonic learning cards today. I will give an update when I receive these and have a bit of a learning experience. I would like to thank Thom for giving people learning a memdeck the opportunity to learn a stack in a brand new way. Hope I receive them sometime this week.

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Profile of AutarchicFlux
I've been learning Mnemonica for years and have *almost* instant recall of each card in each position, but under pressure it still sometimes takes a few seconds thought, which is no good. I'll be picking up a pack of these as one more tool for drilling and trying to attain totally instantaneous recall.
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Profile of dman11
Are these available anywhere else? The site only takes credit cards and I don't use those.
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Profile of ma91cm1ke
I have the same question, any chance these will be available through any dealers? I'm in the UK and there are no options for international shipping. I know and use the Aronson Stack regularly but would just like to own one of these decks, they look great.
Gaz Lawrence
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Profile of Gaz Lawrence
If you have been doing magic for a while and put the effort in it’s so easy to learn a memorised deck.
In fact I have changed various card effects with various different stacks (some I have made up myself) just to fool magicians and really found it easy.
I think you have to be naturally good at maths and remembering things visually and as I am I have never seen the issue with this.
I learned a new full deck false shuffle last week and yes it took me 1 hour a day for 7 nights but that’s nothing for the pay off afterwards.
Once learned it’s like riding a bike you never forget if you have the right mind set and practice just a tiny bit each week imho Gaz 😊
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Orlando, FL USA
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Profile of ParkinT
On Jul 13, 2021, ma91cm1ke wrote:
I have the same question, any chance these will be available through any dealers? I'm in the UK and there are no options for international shipping. I know and use the Aronson Stack regularly but would just like to own one of these decks, they look great.

International shipping is available. Please reach out using the email address on the site (or the "Contact Us" button).
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Profile of Ceierry
Hmmm. Very interested for a Memorandum one
Author of 10S Star Sign Divination - for a digital copy.
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Profile of Philippe
A while back, I, like so many, set off on the memorised deck journey, I was doing pretty good but, for several reasons I kept leaving gaps in the required learning, so it became a struggle. I was hooked on the principle so what to do?
The answer required all of ten minutes Learning time and became the system I would not do do without. The Boris Wild memorised deck.
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Profile of MysticMel
This deck is most interesting. I'm old enough to be Thom's father. Yet, this deck gives me the confidence that I can memorize a desk of cards. I only hope that after learning the deck. I have enough left to actually learn a trick.
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