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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Good News! » » Andre' Kole (Robert Gurtler) has passed into the presence of Jesus (5 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Terry Holley
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Many of you know that I was an Associate of world-renowned illusionist Andre’ Kole from 1987-1996. I received word that after a battle with Alzheimer’s, he passed into the presence of his Lord Jesus Christ on October 17. Here is a copy of part of the notice I received.


Thank you to all those that have been praying for André, his family, and the team of specialists that have been caring for him in this final season of life he had been going through.
While we are sad to share the news of André’s passing from this life, many who share his worldview that there is an eternal life find comfort knowing André is where he has been telling millions of souls about for nearly his entire performing and ministry career.

Below is his official obituary that will be in his local paper. We are sharing it here with you, his loving and supportive fans.

There will be a smaller invitation memorial in the coming month once all the details have been addressed and we will be creating an online virtual memorial tribute page.
We miss him and know so very many of you will as well.

Robert J. Gurtler

On October 17th, 2022 Robert J. Gurtler passed away peacefully in his sleep after a long and valiant battle with Alzheimer’s.

A native of Mesa Arizona, he had just recently turned 86. Professionally known as André Kole, he became world renowned as not only a performer, but one of the foremost creators of magical effects. His genius was utilized by stage and television stars David Copperfield, Siegfried & Roy, Doug Henning, as well as countless other magicians throughout the world.
At seven years old one of his fathers business associates showed the young Bob Gurtler a coin trick, which sparked his interest. By fourteen he created The Gurtler Magic Company.
The pivotal moment of his life came when at twenty five he was challenged to investigate the miracles of Christ from the point of view of an illusionist. This led to the next fifty plus years touring his show, ‘André Kole’s World of Illusion’ in all fifty states as well as eighty countries under the banner of Campus Crusade for Christ International.

He not only presented a full evening magic and illusion show, but audiences were given the opportunity (if they wished) to hear and witness through a unique presentation, why he believed Jesus Christ was exactly who he claimed to be. Robert (André) shared the Gospel with an estimated ten million people in live performances, with approximately a million of those indicating their choice to follow Christ via comment cards.

There is currently a full length documentary and a limited docu-series being produced with Robert (André) as the central character focusing on another aspect of his career, investigating and debunking supernatural phenomena and paranormal activity.

Robert is survived by his wife Kathryne, daughters Robyn and Stacey, his son Tim, and his grandchildren Dustin, Dillon, Colin, Camden, and Skyler. As well as his brother Dr. Richard Gurtler and his family. Loved by thousands around the world, Robert will always be remembered as the Magic Warrior for Christ.
Co-author with illusionist Andre' Kole of "Astrology and Psychic Phenomena."
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Thank-you for sharing, Terry.

We pray for comfort for his family and close friends.

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Profile of Regan
What a man! He was a magical hero of mine. He will certainly be missed.????
Mister Mystery
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Profile of mvilloria
Aloha Terry, thank you for sharing. Did hear about Andre's passing. Praying for Peace and Comfort for family and friends. We rejoice that he knew the Lord Jesus as his Personal Lord and Savior and that we will see him again if we know Jesus too! What a Hope we have in Jesus. I had the privilege to meet Andre as he passed through Hawaii from a tour in the early 90's. He came with his crew to our show in Waikiki called the "Magic of Polynesia" starring John Hirokawa. Before our show we would have a Bible Study. While he was in town, I asked him if he could share at our study. He was pleased to:) I'll share something I personally witnessed first hand. I went to pick him up at his hotel and found him sharing the "Gospel", The Good News of Jesus with a person he just met. What an example he was of sharing his Faith and Hope of Christ Jesus Our Savior, that he wanted to share it with anyone that came his way. I look forward to seeing him again for all Eternity. Memories that will last Forever:)
Attached is a picture after our Bible Study that day. Blessing, Michael
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So many performers I would love to meet, Andre was one of them! RIP and may God Bless his family and friends.
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Terry Holley
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On Jan 13, 2023, mvilloria wrote:
Aloha Terry, thank you for sharing. Did hear about Andre's passing. Praying for Peace and Comfort for family and friends. We rejoice that he knew the Lord Jesus as his Personal Lord and Savior and that we will see him again if we know Jesus too! What a Hope we have in Jesus. I had the privilege to meet Andre as he passed through Hawaii from a tour in the early 90's. He came with his crew to our show in Waikiki called the "Magic of Polynesia" starring John Hirokawa. Before our show we would have a Bible Study. While he was in town, I asked him if he could share at our study. He was pleased to:) I'll share something I personally witnessed first hand. I went to pick him up at his hotel and found him sharing the "Gospel", The Good News of Jesus with a person he just met. What an example he was of sharing his Faith and Hope of Christ Jesus Our Savior, that he wanted to share it with anyone that came his way. I look forward to seeing him again for all Eternity. Memories that will last Forever:)
Attached is a picture after our Bible Study that day. Blessing, Michael

Thank you for sharing this, Michael. Andre' and I talked one time while I was on staff about an illusion he was working on with John. As you found out, Andre' was the real deal! I guess the photo that you were hoping to share here didn't transfer. I would love to see it if at all possible. Also, if you are on Facebook, I invite you to join the "Andre' Kole's World of Illusion Show" Facebook Group.
Co-author with illusionist Andre' Kole of "Astrology and Psychic Phenomena."
J-L Sparrow
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Thank you for this post, Terry. I didn't know that Andre' Kole had passed until just now when I read your post (almost a year after he died).

I've been to a few his shows when I was a kid, and I remember seeing one trick where an Egyptian pyramid (about three or four feet tall) was wheeled onto the stage by assistants. After rotating the pyramid around (to show all sides of the pyramid), the top of the pyramid flipped open, and out climbed several people from the top of the pyramid, all dressed in ancient Egyptian garb, culminating with Andre' Kole's exit while wearing a pharaoh's headdress. At the time, I thought that that trick was accomplished with a trap door in the stage floor, as I reasoned that it would have been impossible for all of those people to have been in a pyramid that small in the first place.

A short time later I met Andre' Kole at dinner in a cafeteria. I told him about my theory about the trap door, and he replied saying that my theory wasn't correct. (He never did tell me the secret, and to this day I still don't know how it's done.) The fact that he was willing to converse with me as a pre-teen about his craft reveals his good nature towards the people around him.

Farewell, Andre' Kole! May you be enjoying eternity in Heaven!
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Good News! » » Andre' Kole (Robert Gurtler) has passed into the presence of Jesus (5 Likes)
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