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1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
So I am looking for the easiest stripper deck to make that I can use as a normal deck but that lets me strip out and gain control over the four aces for example at any time allowing me to do tricks that require these types of setups like gambling demonstrations. And I want at least two different sets I can strip out such as kings and aces. It can not be a normal stripper deck since those are one way and if you mix the cards in the wrong manner you lose the ability to strip out the cards you want. A belly stripper deck would let me strip out one set, but this is a quite hard deck to make since it requires the entire deck to be shaved in a way that is hard to do, with a curved shave.
So I am thinking of making a normal stripper style deck but with shaving both opposite sides instead of the normal one side shave. This way this deck would retain its symmetry and even if cards are flipped, the deck is the same. Then I would not shave the four aces from this deck, so I think this would then let me strip out the unshaved aces no matter what orientation any of the cards are. Would this work? Has anyone tried this way? It seems like this would basically do the same thing as a belly stripped deck but without needing to make the hard curved shave of the belly for the entire deck, substituting it for a straight shave instead. And for two sets, I could have the aces and the kings slightly shaved differently along the line where the rest of the deck is shaved, so if I pull more towards the middle I can get the kings to come out, and if I pull more towards the end, I can get the aces to come out. Would this work? |
Ray J![]() Inner circle St. Louis, MO 1505 Posts ![]() |
Trial and error is best. If you have an idea, go for it. You'll either find it works or it doesn't and if it doesn't, you can probably ascertain why and make adjustments.
We are lucky to be living in a time when there are so many options. For example the expanded strippers offered by Conjuring Arts. Haven't tried them but the concept is valid. I don't use any gaffed decks anymore so I have no need for them. I still might buy a pack to just play around with them. I'm not against gaffed decks, just don't personally have a need for them at the moment. That could change. Here's a link to the Conjuring Arts cards. The big strength in my eyes is the fact you can add them to a normal pack and find them easily. https://store.conjuringarts.org/product/......new-red/ As far as the last part of your message, here's a thread which discusses something that used to be underground but like most things has risen to the surface. The cards do what you described. Be aware that there are degrees of "work" you can put or better "have put" into the cards. I believe one producer sold a 2 deck set, one with stronger work for practice and then a more subtle one for performance. Or something like that. https://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/view......&start=0
It's never crowded on the extra mile....
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On Apr 27, 2023, Ray J wrote: The expanded stripper deck seems nice, its not expensive either for how many strippers you get for the price. The only problem is that I don't use that brand of cards. Standard bicycles I would be fine with using. As for the notch stripper thread you posted, I am aware of these and have been playing around with them but so far they are not reliable enough for me. The more surefire way of having actual strippers that stick out from the deck is much less finicky and more reliable. |
Ray J![]() Inner circle St. Louis, MO 1505 Posts ![]() |
The "N" stands for Negative.
It's never crowded on the extra mile....
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On Apr 27, 2023, Ray J wrote: I know, but the strippers that are right now called negative strippers were originally called notched strippers according to what I have heard. |
charlie_d![]() Loyal user 247 Posts ![]() |
Maybe - use this on one set of cards: https://www.theperfectshuffle.com/Corner_Short/
And breather crimp the other set. It requires a few more cuts/shuffles to control the cards, but - you were going to "shuffle" anyway, right? And this way, you can gaff any deck you want in less than 2 minutes. Or you can just corner short index vs non-index corners, so that orientation doesn't matter, and you still get your two sets. Or, you could invest in a jig: https://www.theperfectshuffle.com/Stripper-Jig/ and gaff a deck in half an hour or so (but have the exact stripper setup you prefer). I'm a happy customer of Mr O'Hare - everything I've bought from him has been absolutely excellent. |
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On Apr 27, 2023, charlie_d wrote: Corner shorts are easy enough to do with simple tools so I don't need a jig for those. But I am specifically wanting strippers because of how fast you can get them under your control. Using a corner short to find the four aces for example you would need to do at least 4 riffle shuffles, probably also cuts since it is likely that the cards you need to bring to the top are not all near the middle after each shuffle so you can not just do a riffle to get it to the top if it is 10 cards from the bottom. This is a lot of procedure, expecially if you intend to stack the cards after getting them to the top. So lets say you need 4 shuffles to stack the cards also. This is a lot of shuffling. Versus using strippers and doing a cutting sequence and then going straight into the 4 shuffle stacking sequence. I have looked at that stripper jig and it seems like one that could make the type of cards I need. |
jjshriver![]() New user 23 Posts ![]() |
You should check out https://www.slimcardco.com/. He has a variety of stripper decks (among other things) and he is great to deal with.
Still lurking after all these years.
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On Apr 28, 2023, jjshriver wrote: Looks good. However I don't have the money to invest 35 dollars for deck that I want to use and practice with regularly since they wear out in a day or couple depending on how much you use them. I would much rather pay 2-3 dollars for a deck and cut it myself since it lasts only a few days of use at max. |
Nikodemus![]() Inner circle 1362 Posts ![]() |
I don't think it's entirely true that stripper decks are only shaved on one side. That may be true of cheaper ones, but I believe some people make them by shaving both sides. The crucial point is that in the case of a stripper the sides converge. Whereas your description seems to be a parallelogram.
If a parallelogram is rotated (not "flipped") you do indeed get exactly the same shape. If you then add some un-doctored cards, I would expect them to strip out in either direction. BUT as Ray said above, you need to just do it and see how it goes. If it works, I think you would have every right to name the deck after yourself - it's an ingenious idea. Also FYI - A parallelogram card that is turned face up should become strippable, whichever way it is rotated. I would love to hear the results. |
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On Apr 30, 2023, Nikodemus wrote: Yes I have never had a stripper deck so it could be that some stripper decks are shaved on both sides so that stripping the cards this way is easier. But yes the kind of shaving I am talking about that you called parallelogram (I take your word on this that this is the proper way to describe it, I am not good with mathematics or such) would look like this: / | |/ As for the idea being ingenious, I think it is obvious so if I am the firs to think about this or the first to actually do it, I would be surprised. Surely someone has thought about this? It seems too obvious thing that no one has tried and done it before. The good thing about this type of a deck would be that if you shaved for example the court cards in specific ways, you could strip out an four of a kind of any of the three court cards depending on which set you need to use, just ask someone to name any court card and you can instantly strip a four of a kind of them out even if the cards are washed on the table before this. And yes if you flip any card over in this type of a deck, you can strip the cards out so if you do a triumph routine where the cards are mixed face up and face down and even washed on the table, you can still strip out the face up cards from the face down cards. One thing that comes to mind aside from the obvious triumph usage is to combine this with a cheek to cheek deck, this way you can have the cards mixed face up and face down and you can let the spectators wash the cards face up and face down on the table, then do the normal cheek to cheek thing to show all the cards are the same way after this and after the effect you can do the strip to separate the d-backers from the normal cards and you are ready to perform the cheek to cheek trick again, this type of a shaved deck would allow for repeat performance of cheek to cheek or in a table hopping situation where you don't have the time to manually go through the cards one by one to reset them. You can instanly after finishing the trick do a single strip to reset the trick and put the deck back into the box and it is set for another performance. The reason why I mention this possibility is because the best version of the cheek to cheek trick I have seen is the version from Gabi Pareras that utilizes a wash sequence where the spectators help you mix the cards. Here is a video of this trick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v-WVRfWw1Y |
iamslow![]() Inner circle Proffessional Slacker 2002 Posts ![]() |
That ideas been tossed around for a while but no ones been able to make one that's worthwhile using... ive seen strippers used with other techniques to accomplish something similar, but it all depends on how you want to even use it..... its definitely useless from a gamblers perspective...
"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On May 5, 2023, iamslow wrote: Worthwhile using in what context? For someone who intends to cheat in a card game perhaps, but I have no such intentions in the first place. |
iamslow![]() Inner circle Proffessional Slacker 2002 Posts ![]() |
On May 5, 2023, 1tepa1 wrote: I never mentioned anything about cheating in a card game, because I know you are definitely not capable of that.... But didn't you ask the same question in the gambling forum??? The reason why I said it would be useless from a gamblers perspective s because stripper decks were typically used with gambling routines, and not cheating in a card game.... iamslow ![]() ![]()
"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On May 5, 2023, iamslow wrote: What does it mean for it to be useless from a gamblers perspective? I am a magician, so any gambling routine I do is from a magicians perspective, and I don't see why what I am proposing would not work in that context, which is why I am asking to see what specifically you think will make it not work. |
iamslow![]() Inner circle Proffessional Slacker 2002 Posts ![]() |
On May 6, 2023, 1tepa1 wrote: why don't you explain why it would work and how you plan on using it?? I understand what you are trying to accomplish, but if you have a double stripper deck that allows you to locate multiple groups of cards, how do you expect to hand out the deck to a spectator to shuffle without them noticing how odd the cards would feel??? and if you don't plan on handing out the deck for the spectator to shuffle, then don't you think you can accomplish the same feat with some controls and some false shuffles and cuts using an ungaffed deck???? ![]() ![]()
"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On May 11, 2023, iamslow wrote: If the work is subtle, I don't think a spectator would be able to feel anything strange with the cards. |
Jason Simonds![]() Veteran user Pensacola, FL 318 Posts ![]() |
Why not buy a Stripper deck to get a feel how what's out there currently works? That might help you figure out how to accomplish what you are trying to do.
Ray J![]() Inner circle St. Louis, MO 1505 Posts ![]() |
On May 11, 2023, Jason Simonds wrote: Definitely something I'd pursue. It may end up being a workable solution or not, but a lot can be learned in the process. And I'd try the expanded version from CARC along with a "regular" pack of strippers.
It's never crowded on the extra mile....
1tepa1![]() Inner circle 1344 Posts ![]() |
On May 11, 2023, Jason Simonds wrote: I know how a normal stripper deck works, its not something I feel like I need to get my hands on. |
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