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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Magical equations » » Two bits Si Stebbins (or any tetradistic stack) rounded corners on 12 cards (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Nashville TN
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Two bits Si Stebbins (or any tetradistic stack) rounded corners on 12 cards

The magician has a spectator cut the deck several times then deal four cards (or five or six cards) to other spectators.
The magician looks for a person holding a marked card and asks the name of their suit, not the value, just the suit. See below:

Si Stebbins stack:

AC, 4H, 7S, 10D, KC, 3H, 6S, 9D, QC, 2H, 5S, 8D, JC,
AH, 4S, 7D, 10C, KH, 3S, 6D, 9C, QH, 2S, 5D, 8C, JH,
AS, 4D, 7C, 10H, KS, 3D, 6C, 9H, QS, 2D, 5C, 8H, JS,
AD, 4C, 7H, 10S, KD, 3C, 6H, 9S, QD, 2C, 5H, 8S, JD

Mark the aces, threes, deuces thusly:
On the Si Stebbins 3 version round the following card's corners as follows:
When looking at the back, round the upper right corner of all the aces, round the upper left corner of all the deuces, round both the upper right and upper left corner of all the threes (of course round all the diagonally opposite corners the exact same way). Note that there are just 12 cards marked this way.

Note: use the 7 mm slot on the corner rounder punch because it makes the corners a little bit rounder than a normal playing card.

Due to the spacing of the aces, threes, and deuces in the Si Stebbins stack there will always be at least one rounded corner card amongst the five cards that are dealt. The magician must ask a spectator that is holding a rounded corner card what the suit is.

Once the magician knows the suit (he already knows the value based on the rounded corners) he now knows the complete identity of the rounded corner card and knows the identity of the other dealt cards based on the Si Stebbins algorithm.

For the Si Stebbins Stack it is best to have five or six cards dealt because that way there will always be at least one marked card amongst the cards dealt.

However, instead of having five cards dealt the magician can have only four cards dealt and the trick will still work, the magician just needs to be aware that if none of the four cards are marked then this means the values of the four cards are "4, 7, 10, King" therefore the magician can ask any of the four spectators what their suit is.

Note that Si Stebbins is a tetradistic stack (four groups of 13 cards where the value of those 13 cards are in the same sequence in all four groups). Any tetradistic stack can be marked in a similar fashion, just be sure the value of the cards that are marked are spaced four or five notches from each other.
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Special user
Nashville TN
932 Posts

Profile of glowball
Buy the 3 in 1 corner rounder here:


Use the 7 mm slot.
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Special user
Nashville TN
932 Posts

Profile of glowball
I strongly recommend using a blank back deck to do this trick for two reasons:
1. When the audience sees that the cards all have blank backs they will mentally tend to rule out the possibility of marked cards.
2. The blank backs help reduce the noticeability of the wider corners especially because there are no thin white borders around the back of the card as in most normal decks.

Blank back deck can be purchased here:


And at most magic stores.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Magical equations » » Two bits Si Stebbins (or any tetradistic stack) rounded corners on 12 cards (1 Likes)
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