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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. » » Steve Reynolds "Prime-Time Marlo Video and Book" A Review (05/2023) (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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A Review of ... Prime-Time Marlo Video and Book by Steve Reynolds (05/2023)

What your Buying:

A Video:
- - A "Remastered" Version Of "Prime-Time Marlo" Video (MP4)

A Book:
- - A Pdf/Print Book "Prime-Time Marlo: A Compendium" by Steve Reynolds

- - $40.00 US Dollars

Steve Reynolds has just put out (May 2023) a "remastered" version of the Prime-Time Marlo video and also a Pdf/Print Book "Prime-Time Marlo: A Compendium" Based on the work of Ed Marlo. So, someone has finally tried to bridge the gap between:

Just seeing Marlo's work on the Prime-Time Marlo video and knowing the titles of what Marlo is doing without explanations...
A book trying to explain exactly what Marlo is doing.

THE VIDEO: A Little Over 1 hour

The video is Prime-Time Marlo "Remastered". A newer version of Jon Racherbuamer's decades old, Super 8mm footage of Ed Marlo captured on January 22, 1972, and originally published in 1995.

In the new "Remastered" version, there are a couple of different short clips vs. the original and the last few minutes of Jon Racherbaumer doing voice over to still photos of Ed Marlo is not there. So far, the video seems to be pretty much be the the same as the original although, the "remastered" version of Prime-Time Marlo does seem to have more of its original color and brightness restored and a few, very short, bleached out clips added. So not much change to the video.

As cool as the video is, especially if you have never seen the footage before, it still is the old 8mm film most of us have already seen and if you have not already seen it, go and check it out.

The film is great for anyone wanting to see Ed Marlo actually doing some of his own work, Marlo actually doing "Marlo" and Jon Racherbaumer doing the voice over. Jon is explaining what moves or effects you are seeing Marlo do. None of that is anything new.

The "True Worth" very well maybe in the Pdf/Print Book (and not so much the video) because it has explanations of most of the items that are featured on the original converted 8mm film.

Steve has gone into some great detail in some parts of the Pdf/Print Book explanations and some not-so-much but, it is really great that anyone has tried to do such a thing.

THE BOOK: The Pdf/Print Book is...

Book Size:
- - 7" x 10"

- - The Compendium Book Is 98 Pages

Color or B/W:
- - Full Color

- - Perfect Bound

(why do people make small size magic books? Most people are happier with notebook size books)

The PDF/Print Book contains detailed explanations of most but, not all, of the Marlo items on the video
and also what Steve calls "Deep-Dive End Notes", with much more background on moves/effects
and scans from the "Marlo Archives".

Now, I do not know what the "Marlo Archives" are but, for a Marlo fan, that sounds like it would be a
pretty cool thing to check out but, I am assuming it just means the items that Steve or someone may have just hanging around.


Vanishing Aces
- Slide-Down Double
- Pivot Spread Vanish
- Screening Action
- Pivot Vanish

Rub-A-Dub Gone!
- Faked Rub-A-Dub-Dub

Card Flight
- Flat Palm Steal

Pseudo Five-Hand Stack
- Riffle Stack
- Two-Card Toss - Palm-Up Handling

Side-Tap Switch

Ace Transpo
- Vertical D'Amico Spread

Double Arbil Change

Movie Transpo
- Marlo's Drop Sleight

End-Tap Pass - On Knee

Spectator Location
- Bomb-Door Bottom

The Visual Retention Switch/Change

The Old In and Out/Exchange

The Four Ace...Er...King Trick

Precursor To The Sting
- D'Amico w/Pip Cover
- Full Buckle Palm

Double Cards To Pocket
- Brush Palm

Arial Change
- Clip Palm

Throw-Change Unload

Break-Less Curry Turnover

Curry's Curve
- Two-Card Slide/Throw

Riffle Stack - Crimped Aces
- End-Tap Split

Casual Card Add

Color Changing Backs - Vanishing Faces
- Another Deck Switch

Muck Demo
- Deck Switch
- Square-Up Switch

Riffle Shuffle - Locating the Aces

Marlo On the Zarrow Shuffle

How Many?
- Benzais Cop/Unload

Convincing Addition Move

Immediate Bottom Deal

Table-Edge Pass

Prime-Time Triumph

Charlier Pass

Blue Thought
- Covered Deck Switch

Kick-Off Switch

Louisiana Switch

Double Action Palm

Open-Air Assembly
- Snap Count
- Benzais Cop
- Simulated Placement


The PDF/Print Book is a great companion to the old 1995 "Prime-Time Marlo" Video by Jon Racherbaumer.
The remastered video is nothing new but the explanations in the book are pretty good.

If you have seen the video before and always wanted to know, "What the hell is going on there..."
well, now you can follow along with Steve's book.
The book also has time stamps next to the entries in the Table Of Contents
so, that is a pretty cool way to find your way around the video and corresponding book.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. » » Steve Reynolds "Prime-Time Marlo Video and Book" A Review (05/2023) (0 Likes)
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