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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The words we use » » Pattern recognition (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Christian de Punto
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Profile of Christian de Punto
Hello, I'm designing a commercial flyer for my new programme. So, this is not about scripting for a routine, but scripting "around" the magic to create a special mood. You should also know, that it is about a mentalism show and that the overall theme is memories from my childhood and youth (I'm born 1972).

I want to use the principle of "pattern recognition" for one part of the text. Being a german performing for audiences with many strangers, I work in German and English. Could you give me some feedback, if you can read the text as a native speaker... thank you!

A juonrey bcak to my cilhdohod and yutoh of the 1970s and 80s.
Lte's riedsvocer maigacl woendr and frogtteon mnetal aibtileis toehtger.
Are you srurpseid taht you can raed tihs txet wuhtiot any porlbmes, eevn thugoh the lerttes whitin the wrdos are ceomlpelty mexid up?
Tihs is jsut one of the wnodres yuor biarn has to ofefr you.

*If the first and last letter of a word remain in the correct place, then the order of the other letters does not matter.
Our brain recognizes words as a whole. This is called "pattern recognition".

For our German friends:

Enie Rseie zrücuk in miene Kniedr- und Jgunedziet der 1970er und 80er Jrahe.
Endetkcen wir gmeienasm msgaihces Stuanen und vrgeseesne metnale Fihäkgieetn weedir.
Ürebarcsht es Dcih, dsas Du desien Txet onhe Porlbeme leesn knasnt, obohwl die Bchutseban inernhlab der Wröetr villög druhcienndaer snid?
Deis ist nur enies der Wudner, die Dien Gihren Dir zu beetin hat.

*Wenn der erste und der letzte Buchstabe eines Wortes an der korrekten Stelle bleiben, dann kommt es auf die Reihenfolge der restlichen Buchstaben nicht an.
Unser Gehirn erkennt Wörter als Ganzes. Dies nennt man "Mustererkennung".

Gratefull for feedback! Knowing the texts, I cannot control it myself...
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You deserve an answer, I guess. Yes, I can read it and am aware of the principle.
Do I feel there would be any 'value added' to a mentalism routine? No.

Would such a flyer create interest in seeing you perform? I doubt.

What expectations would be created? What prior experience with the paranormal would be enforced?

Might work in Germany, though, but in the USA "lazy thinking" wins out over headache.
"the more one pretends at magic, the more awe and wonder will be found in real life." Arnold Furst

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