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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Paper money madness! » » Dollar to Credit Card/Gum/Tic Tac (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I’ve just discovered this series of effects (released consecutively over time), and I’m wondering which one to go with.

Dollar to Credit Card is the original. The card cannot be handed out for examination, and from what I’ve read the supplied gimmicked card is obviously from a non-existent, spurious CC company (American Expresso?) and/or says twistermagic on its front, which sharp-eyed spectators may catch (perhaps unimportant, unless you also want to swap it at the end for a real CC to be examined, which would then create a discrepancy).

Even if that discrepancy is not an issue, I don’t own a real Amex card to switch it out with. And would I want to pass out my personal CC to strangers anyway?

Instead of a CC, gift cards could be used. But that involves making it myself, and I’m not very artsy-craftsy. And it still isn’t examinable, unless a dupe is switched; this effect is so clean, however, that I really would prefer not to have to try and switch the gaff for an ungaffed dupe.

Dollar to Gum came next. Unlike the CC version, here the gum package can be examined (or so I understand), and individual gum pieces passed out. But I’ve read that replacing the individual pieces, or the package/box itself, is problematic in that in the US our Trident gum pieces are too big to fit in the gimmicked box supplied. So unless you don’t hand out any gum pieces at the end, at some point you’ll need refills, and ours don’t fit. You could replace the box with a bigger US model, but then it’s back to DIY craft, and what if the bigger box is a bit too big to work with a US dollar?

(Is the Chicklets version any better than the Trident in this regard?)

Dollar to Tic-Tacs came next. Here again, the box can be examined, opened, and Tic Tacs dispensed. But I understand that the Tic Tac labeling is in Spanish (again maybe not a huge deal, but to me anything that jumps out as not the local norm for a common everyday item might suggest something fishy about the prop) — and again US Tic Tac boxes are bigger than the supplied Spanish-labeled gaff, so replacing it with a bigger US box is back to DIY craft and possibly too big a box than the effect was designed to cover/fit.

Any advice from owners of these variants as to which might be best to invest in? Any other pros/cons about each option to consider?

Maybe I’m being overly nitpicky about finer details. So, those aside, does any one of these three play bigger than the others, or might be easier to perform, or otherwise preferable?

If you could have just one of the three, which one would you prefer?
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