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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Penny for your thoughts » » My first Stage Mentalism performance (8 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Fromentum
Holy ****!

For your first performance you did absolutely great! I have seen much worse from professional mentalists!

Also very good that you recorded it. So you can watch it back and fine tune it!

Over all I personally... an this is just my personal opinion, the mentalism and magic did not match together that well. They are both good separately. But together it is not clear what story you wanted to tell. Maybe think about the arch of your show and make connections and call backs to earlier moments with later routines so in the end it all comes together.
Therefore have the focus rather on magic or mentalism or make a logical break between the two parts to separate them more clearly.
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Profile of Azzaro
I think the performance was wonderful.

The opener set tone beautifully. Fast, intriguing, good music choice. I'd say it gives an atmosphere of mystery which in the right context still might work for mentalism. But more towards a "mystery" performance.

I always loved this particular egg trick, premise and performance, also reusing the glass was a nice framework. But it does not fit in a mentalism show at all. In the farthest it might work with a pseudo hypnosis premise that the performer altered the memory of vanishing the silk inside the egg, it couldn't have been as it always was real egg. etc.

I definitely wouldn't have used bank nite as a closer, but ending with the portrait was a great touch, it reminded me of David Berglas ESPacalogy Routine. You be adapt your set up based on his routine to aim for a bigger finale.

The danger using mentalism in magical performances is always premise. If you want to mix magic and mentalism I suggest to base the premise upon mystery and unexplainable coincidences. Don't go the road of psychological influence, psychic phenomena or similar.

Moreover to incorporate mentalism effects in a show structure you could use a story frame in terms of relevance. For instance tie the opener to the closing of the show. Prediction envelopes work always well.

the mind of a hypocritical paradox,
portraying the art of serious mischief.
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Profile of teoswand
Can someone please share source for the coin opener if David doesn't see my message

Loved the show! Id never say it was one of your firsts
Kevin Wade
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Profile of Kevin Wade
Bravo! A+

You could tell from the audiences response they enjoyed every minute. Keep up the great work!

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Profile of j100taylor
British accent. No fair!
Lakewood, Ohio
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Penny for your thoughts » » My first Stage Mentalism performance (8 Likes)
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