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Profile of TopRabbit13
This is a PDF I bought today: https://www.lybrary.com/spectator-locate......046.html

The PDF includes three methods for effects where the spectator finds the magicians card in addition to the magician finding the spectators card. One of these effects is described in detail in the ad copy, and the other two effects are similar to that.

The ad copy is entirely accurate in that the spectator does shuffle and examine all of the cards at the outset, and they decide which half of the deck to give to the magician and which half to keep to themselves. I will note that the other two effects provided in the PDF do not necessarily meet these conditions, only the main effect from the PDF, the one described in the ad copy, meets these conditions.

My favourite effect from the PDF is the third one, not the main one described in the ad copy. Here is a brief description of that one:

The performer takes out a deck and splits it into two halves, and invites the spectator to examine and to thoroughly shuffle both halves individually. After the spectator is finished shuffling both halves, the performer takes one half and the spectator takes the other half. They both go through their half and each choose a card, which they then each lose back into their half and shuffle. After this, they exchange halves. The performer takes the spectators half under the table and tells them that he is going to cut it randomly a few times until he thinks their card is on top. When he is finished, he brings their half back out and sets aside the top card of the half on the table without looking at it. He now invites the spectator to do the same. So the spectator takes the performers half under the table, cuts it a few times until they think the performers card is on top, and then they remove the top card without looking at it. The performer asks them to keep that top card in their lap so that he can neither see its face nor its back. So the spectator only brings back out the rest of the half. Now the performer asks the spectator for the name of their chosen card, and he reveals that the card he took out from their half is their card. Finally, the performer names his chosen card and asks the spectator to check the card in their lap, the one that they randomly took out from the performers half, and it is the performers card.

That is an accurate description of the third effect from the PDF, my favourite of the three. The strongest part about it is that the spectator shuffles both halves at the beginning, and the performer never sees the face and the back of the card that the spectator takes out from the performers half.

For those that are interested in this type of card theme where the spectator plays the role of the magician and finds the magicians card, this is very much worth checking out. You will definitely add at least one of the three effects from this PDF to your working repertoire, if this card theme interests you.
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Profile of monello74
It often happens that some pearls go unnoticed due to the amount of effects that come out every day. And I must say that by pure chance I came across this PDF. It is useless to repeat the very accurate description of TopRabbit13 because it is quite accurate. What I can say is that it is a powerful effect and certainly has an impact on the spectator(s). A trick rarely fools me, but I assure you that if I had seen it first hand I would certainly have been fooled! IMHO this is a type of effect that I consider a Magician Fooler. The price paid to have this effect is meager, the author was quite generous to give away something like this at such a low price. The versions I liked of the 3 explained are both the first and the last. I recommend it to everyone and don't be fooled by the price. I recommend it to everyone because the difficulty of performing it is practically 0.

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Profile of kardillusions
Thanks for the tip guys, I'm going to check this ebook out! Also, if you're interested or curious to read more variations on this plot, check out The Hermit Magazine Vol. 2 no. 1 (January 2023) as there are three other variations— one each from myself, Micha? Kocio?ek, and John Carey.
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Profile of Chris.k
After I saw the reviews I bought it I like most the last version
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