Deckstacker Elite user Sunny SoCal 442 Posts |
I've been working on an effect in which I force the choice of one of six ESP cards (circle-cross-triangle-square-star-wavy lines), after which it is revealed that the ESP symbol on the forced card matches the symbol on the upside of a (supposedly) randomly thrown 6-sided die. My current force method works well enough, but it is rather boring, and I am wondering if I could use a Koorwinder Kar to make the force of the desired symbol/card more interesting. I do not own a Koorwinder Kar (yet) and do not know how it works. Can someone please tell me if I could use it to force my choice of one standard-size playing card in a row of six? --Thank you very much in advance for any useful advice on this matter.
Never try to teach a pig how to sing. You will waste your time, and it annoys the pig.
the Sponge Inner circle Atlanta 2808 Posts |
But does the car fit your theme, your premise? The car stops on it's own. The spec doesn't make it stop. Why is it stopping? How does the car know where to stop? |
Deckstacker Elite user Sunny SoCal 442 Posts |
The next audience I'm planning to perform for is a vintage car club (luncheon meeting), so when thinking about them, I thought of cars, which led me to the Koornwinder Kar idea. I think the car guys would appreciate the car theme, but you're right, I'll have to come up with a logical premise, which I don't have at all as of right now. (Sigh!) Guess I'll have to think about it some more. --Meanwhile, thanks for the input--much appreciated.
Never try to teach a pig how to sing. You will waste your time, and it annoys the pig.
Deckstacker Elite user Sunny SoCal 442 Posts |
Having given the matter some more thought, I am wondering now about the original premise of why/how the Koornwinder Kar stops at a significant location. Isn't there a built-in presumption that the Kar somehow "knows" where to stop? Isn't the car itself having some sort of psychic power or ESP thereby implied? If so, then perhaps no further rationale needs to be provided, that is to say, it's simply a magic car--period! Or am I misunderstanding the whole idea, in which case maybe someone needs to explain the underlying concept to me in terms that a grade schooler can grasp?
Never try to teach a pig how to sing. You will waste your time, and it annoys the pig.
the Sponge Inner circle Atlanta 2808 Posts |
No, that's the car.
I guess I don't really understand your effect. I read it as you wanted to force a person to pick a certain card that happens to be the same one they (someone) previously rolled. you use the car, the person isn't doing anything. they are not picking the card. the car is. its not a "free choice" But I don't have to understand it. If it works for you, there you go. |
Julie Inner circle 3927 Posts |
What's the name of your car...Christine?
(Boo!) |
Deckstacker Elite user Sunny SoCal 442 Posts |
Thanks again, the Sponge. As long as I can control the Kar so that it stops next to my playing-card-sized ESP symbol of choice, that's all I need to happen.
Never try to teach a pig how to sing. You will waste your time, and it annoys the pig.
Deckstacker Elite user Sunny SoCal 442 Posts |
Julie - I haven't purchased the K. Kar yet, but perhaps, since it will be aiding and abetting magical things, maybe I should name it Julie? (grin) --Okay, okay, maybe not. How about Koornelia instead?
Never try to teach a pig how to sing. You will waste your time, and it annoys the pig.
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