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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The side walk shuffle » » 'Liebesfeld' (4 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I wasn't really sure WHAT(!), to title this Thread.
What inspired it, happened yesterday,..
but things began 33 years years ago.
Inter-twangled....a few other 'moments'.

Bielefeld, 'the Stage',
is a hardcore, dirty,...prosperous(!), bustling,
...industrial towne.
250,ooo folks.
Men, with family.
Working men.
Hard working men.
...nothing too pretty.
Smack-dab, in the middle of Germany.

One of those 'big townes',
...Accordianists(!) detour!

But,...smack-dab(!) in the middle, of Germany.
Slow travelers,..'snails', are bound to pass through.

Some 30+ years ago,
Monika, eight months pregnant,..
She and I were...and our two other munchkins (6 and 2, respectively),
'were bound',...
on our way to Munich,
...in southern Germany,
.....where Monika's entire family lives.
{we,..choose to live in NORTHERN Germany... : ) }

Her mother hoped and prayed her grand-child would be born,
...in Bavaria. (?)

Monika, with a 'full figure',..
and two 'curiosity critters', in tow;
wasn't the biggest help [ : ) ],
in the Show....
I was 'solo-ing'.

My act has often centered around a piano,
in one way or another.
At the time, I would play a song or two,
until some 'by-standers',...(gauckers?) would congigate.
Between diddies, I would plop in, an illusion, or two.
The Show was a string of songs and effects,..
comings and goings.

33 years ago, on a hot August saturday,
I was playing,...happily,...nicely,
in the beautiful shadow of an ancient Church.
('Refuge',...is often found,...'outside',..in,.'the shadows',..isn't it?)

I was tipping through,..Beethoven's 'Für Elise',..
planning to stand on my piano-hocker
and have some fun with 'the Serpeantine Silk',
after striking Elise's final 'low-A'.
[Standing on a stool,...you can use a really looooooong silk,..
go mysteriously slooooo,..
and blow some minds. : ) ]

After my rendition, of 'Für Elise';
(Beethoven, in heaven; thanked God, for his deafness..)
...a young girl,...lanky, long straight blond hair,..maybe 10 years old..
came up to me, as I was turning from my hocker.

"The second section, you played false.
I play the piano, as well.
I can play it correctly.
Just that you know: you play it totally false."
....pan-faced. slight smile. no arrogance.

"You're right." I surrendered,
"But I can't play it better, yet."

She, with her 'sleight' smile,
straight gait,..
turned,..walked back to her proud,...but not arrogant father.
Took his hand,
turned to me,..
and gave me one of those,..'nice,..but'....raise-the-cheeks-to-the-eyes smiles.

Not arrogant,..

I didn't feel bad, shaken,..or disturbed...
AND(!),.I was presented a story I've told often,..with a smile.

and,..it DID(!..!) inspire me, to learn,...the second part of 'Für Elise',..correctly!

I was playing, my 'Klav-ini',..
trying to finish a set,
before 'hell's bells',
from the church bellfry stole the Stage!
17:22. Daily. 15 minutes. "Clang! Clang!! Clang!!!"

I was reditioning Mozart's 'Sonata in C'.
...planning to stand on my piano-hocker,
when finished;
and 'magically' pop 'Mozart Kügels' into my mouth,
...only to have them re-appear....
you know. : )

At the end of Wolfgang's ivory-tickle,
as I was turning to the side,..
a young boy,..lanky, blond,..maybe 10,
...with his younger sister, 8(?), in hand;
approached me.

Through his shyness and 'properness',
he handed me a nice little black paper bag. : )

"Sie hab das schön gespielt.
Ich spiele auch der Klavier.
Das ist für dich."

"Hmm?,...was ist drin?"

"UND EIN GESCHENK!..!!!" (present),
his little sister spouted. : )))))

Straight-faced, with a slight smile,
this 'gentle-boy' handed me the 'goods',..
then walked away, with his sister in hand.

I looked to the parents,...a mother.
She was,...
kinda tall-ish. kinda thin-ish. kinda blond-ish,
...like THOUSANDS of women in Germany(!).

as she took her children's hands,.
one in the left,
one in the right,..
we smiled at each other.
She had this pleasent,..
'cheeks-to-the-eyes' kinda smile.
She nodded,...they turned and walked.

Was it?..!!...????...!!..?

I felt this....warmth(!..!),...!

The 'doubting-Thomas' inside of me pounded(!),
... trying to subpressed the pleasure.

Was it?..!!..?

The warmth I felt,...in the moment.

Sometimes,...the 'Magic' happens to us(!).

And like all 'good Magic',..
we don't really have to know.

it's kinda nice being reminded,
of 'the feeling',
we can give others.
....all of us.

Wishing everyone,..'a warm one'.

...and 'Côtes du Rhone'.


She had style.
I bet she played a GREAT 'Für Elise'! : )

p.s.s.: Melissa was BORN(!), in Bielefeld!
'Liebesfeld'. : )
...the following day!
....three weeks early(!..!).
...on the hottest day, of the year!

As we called Monika's mother, to let her in on the 'good news',..
there was no:
"Is it a boy or a girl?"
"Is it healthy?"
"How are YOU?"

Her mother asked straightly:
"Where are you?"

"In Bielefeld."

Her mother panted, over the phone:
"Oh my God!
A Prussian!..!!"

...the gods write THE BEST(!) jokes!
D. Yoder
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Wonderful story. I hope it was her! If you play long enough, you will be playing for her grandchildren!
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The side walk shuffle » » 'Liebesfeld' (4 Likes)
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