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Steve Brooks
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Northern California - United States
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Hey gang,

My dear friend Bill Kalush and his team at The Conjuring Arts Research Center have just released what may be the greatest set of books ever made on the complete history of magic.

Almost a century in the making, appearing for the first time in book form, A History of the Art of Conjuring by Kurt Volkmann is here.

To secure your copy, go to

The Conjuring Arts Research Center has received numerous requests for more information about the content of this remarkable two-volume set, so we've put together this preview video:

Amazing! What an accomplishment for both Volkmann and Conjuring Arts!” — David Copperfield

I’ve never seen a magic-history book like this. It’s more than an encyclopedia of magic and is filled with incredible ideas for anyone who wants to be inspired.” — David Blaine

These volumes are an amazing accomplishment on every level: The original research, the writing, the translation by Dr. Pieper and Max Pritchard, and the stunning presentation. I’ve had many friends call and write to ask, “Are they worth it? Should I get them?” My answer to all of them, and to you, is “Yes. These are a must.”
These books are a remarkable resource and a remarkable value. As I looked through them, I kept thinking, “I wish Ricky could have seen these.” You’ll be happy from the second you begin to unbox them (this may be the best packing job any book has ever received) beyond the moment you turn the last page and every time you return to these volumes for deeper knowledge and inspiration.
Here is my personal guarantee: If anyone gets these and doesn’t believe that these books and the information inside them are worth many times the asking price, I guarantee the person hasn’t actually read them.
Now that this edition of Volkmann’s History of the Art of Conjuring exists, I cannot imagine not owning it
” — Michael Weber

Just when you thought you knew something about magic history, A History of the Art of Conjuring comes along and changes everything. These two gigantic books provide a view of magic that is both unfamiliar and endlessly fascinating. Seemingly every page provides us with new information. And as we have come to expect from the Conjuring Arts Research Center, these books are of the highest quality” — Mike Caveney

These volumes are breathtaking in their scope, detail, production and vision. They deserve a place on the bookshelf of anyone who is serious about the history of magic” — Richard Wiseman

A copy of this work belongs on the shelves of historians and collectors worldwide” — Edwin A. Dawes

The most thorough and best-researched history on conjuring ever written. […] This two-volume set of Volkmann’s History of the Art of Conjuring is magnificent and—without a hint of hyperbole—is required in the library of anyone with a serious interest in conjuring history” — Stephen Minch


Almost a century in the making, appearing for the first time in book form… Kurt Volkmann’s A History of the Art of Conjuring is here.

Kurt Volkmann’s complete “Geschichte der Zauberkunst” series has been fully translated into English by Lori Pieper and Maxwell Pritchard. Volkmann’s articles on magic history are considered by Steffen Taut to be “the best overall investigation on the history of conjuring.” In translating Volkmann’s work, Lori Pieper brought her extensive linguistic knowledge to the project, drawing from over a dozen languages.

The first volume of Kurt Volkmann’s peerless History of the Art of Conjuring offers an in-depth examination of performance magic through the ages, from antiquity and the earliest sources documenting magical performers to modern times and Europe’s most accomplished stage conjurers. Kurt Volkmann’s rich prose guides readers through a wealth of manuscripts, books, newspapers and artwork in over a dozen languages to present an insightful exploration of what magic has meant to magicians and their audiences over the centuries.
In Volume Two, Volkmann focuses his keen analytical skills on individual countries and the texts and performers associated with them. Familiar names and stories from across Europe and beyond are viewed afresh, while the repertoires and motivations of lesser-known practitioners are teased out and discussed at length.
Both volumes feature 1,260 pages with 432 beautiful color illustrations throughout, all fully credited, and comprehensive annotated endnotes. Volume Two includes eleven appendices presenting new findings about the sources and magicians Volkmann discusses, as well as a vast Bibliography and an exhaustive Index. Printed on archival paper, with foil-stamped cloth binding and sewn signatures, and housed in a luxury slipcase. This is a magic-history book like no other.
Strictly limited to 1,000 numbered sets, available only from Conjuring Arts Research Center.

A History of the Art of Conjuring
Kurt Volkmann
Translated by Lori Pieper and Maxwell Pritchard
Edited by Maxwell Pritchard
Volume One:
“Kurt Volkmann: Solicitor, Soldier, Scholar”—Richard Hatch
Foreword—Edwin A. Dawes
A Note on This Edition—Maxwell Pritchard
Kurt Volkmann’s History of the Art of Conjuring

  • Introduction—The Natural Art of Conjuring and Supernatural Magic
  • Chapter One—Antiquity
  • Chapter Two—The Middle Ages
  • Chapter Three—The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
  • Chapter Four—The Eighteenth Century
  • Chapter Five—The Romantic Era
  • Chapter Six—Developers and Developments (analyses of Bosco, Döbler, Philippe, Robert-Houdin, Hofzinser, Anderson, Herrmann,
  • Frikell, Heimbürger, Bellachini, Maskelyne and Buatier)
  • Endnotes
  • Illustration Credits

Volume Two:

  • Chapter Seven—Imitators and Innovators (a detailed study of the development of performance magic and its practitioners in France, England, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Portugal, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, Greece, Yugoslavia, Egypt, Poland, Romania and Persia)
  • Endnotes
  • Appendices
  • Illustration Credits
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • Acknowledgements
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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