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Jacob Smith
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It's been a long while since I've personally started a thread, but I was kind of shocked that this isn't getting any attention at all...

Here's the copy:

Dan Harlan Masterclass:

The legendary Dan Harlan has teamed up with Vanishing Inc. for a can’t-miss Masterclass that dives deep into one of the most powerful tools you can add to your arsenal. Get 6+ hours of jam-packed lectures that will make you a better overall magician or mentalist.

Nearly every magician or mentalist has heard of “equivoque”, but few have studied it to the extent Dan Harlan has. This one-of-a-kind Masterclass will make you reconsider everything you’ve ever thought you knew about this versatile tool. If you don’t use equivoque and/or don’t think it’s fooling, we guarantee that, after watching this Masterclass, you won’t be able to stop using it every chance you get.

The “Dan Harlan Vanishing Inc. Masterclass” features tons of techniques and complete routines—including a bunch of unpublished material. Dan even shares a system for equivocation that is so easy to perform and so deceptive, that even those familiar with equivoque will be fooled. To prove it, Dan invited someone knowledgeable about the concept to watch some performances and they were still totally blown away.

Dan has included many effects straight from his working repertoire that have been road-tested in front of real audiences. Highlight include his delightfully unique spin on Bank Night using lollipops, a heartwarming and inspiring routine that's great for keynote speakers or those who have motivational messages in their shows, and an amazing effect that uses a new secret Dan has found hidden in the bestselling “Snaps” deck. Undoubtedly though, the most talked about piece will be his version of Seven Keys to Baldplate which uses a brand-new technique in which the participant chooses what to keep and what to discard. It doesn’t look or feel like equivoque, but it is!

After enjoying the two complete lectures, you’ll get direct access to Dan live on Zoom to ask any questions you may have.

Both the lectures and Q&A are available for one incredibly low price. New subscribers to Masterclass Monthly can even get it all for just $1/£1!

Session 1 - March 3, 2024 (4pm ET |NYC Time)
Garage Sale
Under the premise of having a garage sale, a random item is selected from a selection of flash cards. It is predicted in a rather novel way, and it even proves that you foresaw another decision that was made in a previous routine!

Two paper bags are on either side of the stage. The participant is asked to go over to one of the bags and to look at what is inside. There a a bunch of random objects, and the spectator selects one, which they replace in the bag on its own. The magician explains that the other bag, which has been left untouched, is a “duplicator” and it will mimic whatever is selected. When it’s opened, sure enough, it contains one item, which matches the spectator’s selection.

The participant is handed a glass full of lollipops of all different colors and flavors. They are instructed to give all of them out to members of the audience…except one. And the one lollipop that they don’t give away contains a surprise. It’s not a lollipop at all. It’s a $100 bill!

One of the stand-out routines from the Masterclass. Eight envelopes are hung across the stage. One by one, they are eliminated. Every time one is removed, the message inside is read out loud. Each one contains a motivational message, such as “keep going, you’re doing great”.

Dan comes on stage bound in chain handcuffs, which are held shut by a padlock. Throughout the routine, the spectator chooses one key, which ends up being the only key that unlocks the padlock.

The Blue Messenger
A bunch of jokers are shuffled and one is chosen. Somehow, the spectator chooses the only blue-backed joker. All of the others have red backs.

Session 2 - March 10, 2024 (4pm ET |NYC Time)
Doggie Bag
Audience members call out different dog breeds and the participant selects one. A color is then selected. A Blue Poodle (balloon animal) is then shown to be in the bag the performer holds. It’s a perfect match!

Heads Up
Not only is the value of a coin predicted but also whether it will be heads or tails!

Tattoo, Too
Under the premise of wanting to get matching tattoos, a card is “created” and is shown to be tattooed onto Dan’s arm! The spectator even decides the color of the tattoo!

A fun variation on the 50/50 premise. The spectator is tasked with guessing which hand the quarter is in. They get it right! But had they chosen the other hand, they would have won $100.

A simple, yet impossible prediction. The spectator selects any object from a mixed bag. Of course, you perfectly predict it!

Fast Four Way
A continuation of Proxsymmetry, but the odds are made more difficult. Now there are four objects involved.

The Greatest Magician Ever
Your helper is holding a glass with a deck of cards inside. They name a card, and the card box is shown to have just one card in it. This can be done anytime, anywhere.

It’s A Date
A freely selected date matches the spectator’s date of birth.

Live Q&A - March 17, 2024 (4pm ET |NYC Time)
Join Dan live on Zoom to ask any questions you have.

I've watched day one so far, though to be fair, I've seen Dan do Equivoque for over seven or eight years as I went to the Penguin Live shows in Columbus, OH (AND he was always so generous and kind to help me with my ideas I had for the related methods as well) so I recognize some of the material presented, but HOLY CRAP is this guy seriously one of he smartest dudes on the planet. Dan's style and approach is lightyears ahead of most, it's like the Hector Chadwick material was put into a time accelerator and aged into a mature barrel aged whisky.

Who else is tuning into this and what's your favorite effects so far?

Mind is "Suckers," I saw him do a version like 6 years ago and loved the routine! I actually didn't suspect the sacred E technique when I saw him do it.

Congrats Dan for finally getting this material out there on a small scale. The passion and love you have for this really shines through the screen and I'm loving learning more with you.

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Profile of fireisyummy
Disclaimer - I have only watched the first two hours, but here are my thoughts:

I am a massive Dan Harlan fan and have purchased at least 50 of his products over the years. This is way below his usual standard and was honestly incredibly disappointing.

There is a lot of brilliant thinking on this that adds next to nothing to the equivoque concept. His massive breakthrough improves the weakness with using multiple equivoques by an incredibly small amount. It was originally B or C level material depending how well you presented it, it's still B or C level material depending how well you presented it.

Could you get a decent reaction out of this? Yes, but you could by doing the same thing without using his breakthrough. Are some people still going to be suspicious that there were other ways the selection process could have gone? Yeah, probably about the same percentage as any other time you used equivoque to whittle down from 8 to 1 using the more standard routes.

Additionally, even if one did want to learn any of these effects, it's very difficult to learn from the video. For the price you are paying, VI really should have provided a written script for each of the effects.

I do agree with @Jacob_Smith that the effect with the Dum Dums "Suckers" is the best effect so far and it's the only one I can see anyone doing.
Bruce T
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Appreciate the clear review.
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On sale at vanishing ink for $49.95
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Profile of equivoque
I think people should consider Max Maven’s Multiplicity which also has a great deal of information on equivoque. Watch Max Maven perform B’Wave on Penguin and see Joshua Jays inferno. This would give you a good start.
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Profile of Wravyn
On May 27, 2024, equivoque wrote:
I think people should consider Max Maven’s Multiplicity which also has a great deal of information on equivoque. Watch Max Maven perform B’Wave on Penguin and see Joshua Jays inferno. This would give you a good start.

Yes, Multiplicity is excellent and well worth the study for the multiple outs. Dan's work with Equivocation takes the process to a whole new level.
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I’m not seeing any reviews that justify the purchase price of this video.
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Profile of Wravyn
On Jun 21, 2024, equivoque wrote:
I’m not seeing any reviews that justify the purchase price of this video.

If you would care for a sample of his process, take a look at his May 2004 Guest of Honor thread. Though is not a justification for a purchase of his Equivocation Master class, it demonstrates his process of equivoque. For me, hearing his thoughts and seeing different demonstrations of it being used was enjoyable.
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