Salby Inner circle New Jersey 1277 Posts |
Anyone know where I can get my hands on full decks with the odd cardbacks from John Bannon's Spin Doctor? .
You know how to make God laugh?........... Tell him your plans!!!
Kaliix Inner circle Connecticut 2044 Posts |
The problem with Spin Doctor is not the odd-backed cards per se, but finding a blank-faced card to match one of the Aces. One can buy various colors of Bicycle decks which fortunately can come with a blank-faced card included. When searching for cards for this effect, also be mindful of the fact that the faces of your cards need to match, meaning they are standard bicycle faces. Otherwise, it's splitting cards or paying someone to do it for you.
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel J. Boorstin |
Jay Elite user Northern New Jersey 409 Posts |
I was actually thinking about creating a few different sets of this packet trick for myself at makeplayingcards.com....
Using public domain ace faces and public domain card backs, one could create their own version of this easily. Would of course need to print a blank facer that matched the ace of spades' back. Good luck! If I do this, I will share results here as well. Jay |
Salby Inner circle New Jersey 1277 Posts |
Thanks for tips. .
You know how to make God laugh?........... Tell him your plans!!!
Salby Inner circle New Jersey 1277 Posts |
But I am still looking for full decks of the exact colored backs of the cards used in Spin Doctor. Any leads? .
You know how to make God laugh?........... Tell him your plans!!!
martini Special user delta, pennsylvania 552 Posts |
Greetings Salby;
You are not going to find full decks of those cards in those colors. The reason is that the Cupid Design is vintage from 1894-1943 and was, and is available only in Red or Blue back and that is "IF" you can find a collector willing to part with them. The League Design can still be found from time to time, usually at card conventions, but they only come in Red or Blue back, they can still be found from time to time, and lastly the Bicycle Fan Design, also came in Red or Blue. Today you can get the Fan back Design, but they are available only in the Bicycle "Canasta" decks. The problem with using the Canasta cards is that there are additional smaller numbers below the pips for the game of Canasta, but that prevents you from using the card with that back as it does not fit in with the other aces. Back when I designed the Rainbow deck for Magic Makers, I went through my shelves of cards from long ago as well as current and sent the layout for the deck specifying what various colors to print in. The additional colors, of which there were many more than Red & Blue, put the price of that print run up considerably. When John Bannon & Liam Montier put out the Triabolical which included Brainiac, Short attention Spin, & Montinator 5.0, the book came with the 5 cards needed to do those effects that were in the book. Brainiac & Spin Doctor use the same set of cards. You could always Use a Bicycle blank face card and a Bicycle Ace of Spades, then use the other Aces from various colorful decks that you can search out. I have been making gaffs since the early 70's and even though my supply of different & unique backs is down to less than 600 decks now, at one point I had a 20 X 20 room with shelves holding well over 3,000 decks. Very few of those decks that I now have are complete as I use them to split and do cards that people need for various effects. So unless you want to put an order in with U.S. Playing Card for a custom print run, which will run you thousands of dollars. I would just utilize aces with other colors and designs to do Spin Doctor. If you want to search out some of the different color and design decks that are still available, scroll along the Magic Cafe listings and you will find a card dealer who can supply you with many decks that would fit the bill for you, and probably give you a lifetime supply of the cards you need. That will save you a lot of time and work trying to find the specific cards that are unobtainable. Hope that helps my friend. All the Best Marty |
Salby Inner circle New Jersey 1277 Posts |
Hi Marty-- Thanks for a thorough explanation of this issue. I couldn't ask for much more!! I can only imagine what that room looks like .
You know how to make God laugh?........... Tell him your plans!!!
Kaliix Inner circle Connecticut 2044 Posts |
I have Spin Doctor and even though I kinda understood the original card would be *** near impossible to find, your explanation was a joy to read. Thanks, Marty for taking the time to explain it!
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel J. Boorstin |
Tom G Inner circle SW Michigan 2911 Posts |
Marty knows his cards!
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