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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Boxes, tubes & bags » » LF: Owen Tambour Rings Silk Production Video (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Hello All,
Wondering if anyone knows of a video of someone performing the Owen Tambour Rings Illusion. I understand that Blackstone apparently did this illusion using Merv Griffen set of Tambour rings. Would love to see a performance of it...or any performer doing it.
Thanks in advance.
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Thank you for the lead. But do you have more info. Is there a specific video, link,etc. where I can locate what you referenced. Many thanks.
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Profile of FrankFindley
The general name for that prop is "tambourine production". It is a subset of "drum productions". The classic name for the effect of producing silks and ribbons followed by a large surprise item from such a tambourine or drum is "the drum that can't be beat." So if you search on those three terms you should have no problems finding videos of different variations. For example, here is a performance by Mike Caveney and Tina Lenert:

Regarding Blackstone and Blackstone junior, I never heard of either using the smaller size prop (not to say they didn't). But they each performed a stage illusion version via a different method (which I saw Blackstone Jr. perform live):

Dick Oslund (RIP) was a master of the tambourine production. You can read his thoughts in the book Road Scholar and also here on the cafe.
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Profile of amazingcarrington
Hello Frank, Thank you so much for responding with these clips. This is exactly what I've been looking for but apparently wasn't doing the right search. These are excellent and Caveney's performance is smooth as silk (pardon the pun).
I own a Owen's Tambour. And actually used it in my "Magic of Music" show about 20 years ago. It's been sitting on my shelf and I've thought about putting it back into our show and though the performance method I used worked for the show at the time, our recent show requires a different approach. I was curious to see how others have utilized it....(no, I'm not copying....everything in our show has to connect musically so the performers you sent are not how we'd use it.)

But as a percussionist myself, the tambour (Which ironically, in percussion is a deep drum used in Bizet's Farandole from the L'Arlesienne Suite. Not to be mistaken for a tambourine which I had one uniformed conductor ask me to play. To his chagrin I pointed out that the Tambour is a french deep drum. Whoops.
Anyway, enough shop talk.
Again, thank you Frank. I really appreciate you taking the time to address my post. Also, fun to watch those videos. I had the privilege of eating dinner with Harry and Gail at an Abbot's Convention many many years ago. He was quite a gentleman and consummate performer.
All the best.
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Harry used the tambour to produce the silks for the girl to Rosebush. Marc Gilday used in the same fashion. You should be able to find the you tube videos on both looking at the flower acts of each.
Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
Write direct as I will be turning off my PM's.
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Profile of FrankFindley
On Jun 6, 2024, hugmagic wrote:
Harry used the tambour to produce the silks for the girl to Rosebush. Marc Gilday used in the same fashion. You should be able to find the you tube videos on both looking at the flower acts of each.

Very good info, Richard. I've seen Harry Jr. perform it twice live and the tambourine wasn't included in that sequence. Maybe it was added/deleted at some point? It is indeed in Gilday's sequence (at 4:48 mark):

I like how he takes the time to display the silks when produced.

On Jun 6, 2024, amazingcarrington wrote:
I own a Owen's Tambour. And actually used it in my "Magic of Music" show about 20 years ago. It's been sitting on my shelf and I've thought about putting it back into our show and though the performance method I used worked for the show at the time, our recent show requires a different approach. I was curious to see how others have utilized it....(no, I'm not copying....everything in our show has to connect musically so the performers you sent are not how we'd use it.)

Very cool, Michael. Do you do a single person method or two person method? There are so many nuances depending on which approach is taken.

On Jun 6, 2024, amazingcarrington wrote:
I had the privilege of eating dinner with Harry and Gail at an Abbot's Convention many many years ago. He was quite a gentleman and consummate performer.
All the best.

Yes, indeed. Just great people. One of my favorite souvenirs is a picture of Harry signing his book for me at the Abbott's Convention when I was 14 years old.
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Hello Frank. Once again let me express my gratitude for adding the Gilday video. That's excellent...good quality as well. To answer your question, I did the one man version using a table with several sheets of black tissue paper sort of bunched to cover the bulge of the "you know what". That always bothered me....the fact that the tissue paper didn't just lie flat on the table. Even the Gilday video shows such a bulge on the table. But....that being said.....I remember the wise words of Eugene Burger (who helped me script my original "Magic of Music" show back 24 years ago). Regarding my concern about the bulge from the shell of the "Mutilated Parasol", Eugene told me...."Don't run when no one is chasing you".
That has stood out in my mind all these years and he was absolutely correct. Plus, Richard Hughs said a similar comment to me as well....thank you Richard!!!
When I performed the Tambour Rings, it was for a visual to a Choral Concert that had a magic theme. They did a multi movement work that allowed me to build an entire show around the various songs as the choral group performed. Rather unusual. I don't remember what song the rings were choreographed to ....I have a video somewhere buried in my stuff. Would be fun to go back and watch.
For this resurrection of the rings....I'm actually thinking to build the routine about how to make a tambourine. Thus, the first item produced could be a huge fountain of tambourine jingles flung into the air as the first silk is produced. Then produce the 50' streamers and/or silks featuring music notes, clefs, etc.
I'm still pondering this.
But Frank, you've got me excited about working on it and again, I'm grateful for you time in adding those videos.

And finally, your last comment about a favorite souvenir being a pic of Harry signing his book to you at Abbott's. Oh my gosh....what a treasure. Truly an heirloom.
Thanks for sharing that.
Great talking with you. I've not posted anything on the Cafe for a long time yet I read it regularly. Kind of nice to be back in print.
Talk again soon, Frank.
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Profile of FrankFindley
On Jun 7, 2024, amazingcarrington wrote:
To answer your question, I did the one man version using a table with several sheets of black tissue paper sort of bunched to cover the bulge of the "you know what". That always bothered me....the fact that the tissue paper didn't just lie flat on the table.

Interestingly, in the original one person handling there was no bulge on the table. The papers laid flat on it along with scissors. I will PM you something which you might get a kick out of. It is very easy to set up.
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Looking forward to it. Thanks for the follow up.
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