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Profile of teoswand
Now having your attention let me explain.

Hi, didn't post for long time, but got back into performing and now trying to get some of the clasic gimmicks and apparatus, noticing one thing:

Many Magic gimmick producers are lost.

Like there is no way of getting original rocky raccoon back (I've tried multiple knock off and not a single one is close to original)

Nesting wands by pickle pickle - none to be found anywhere

Classic lota bowls out of productions

Jumbo coloring book by Danny Orleans

Scorpion by outlaw effects, and most of their other items

And many many more I can't think of right now

So what is it, is there no interest anymore, builders are out of business, lost blueprints etc etc...

I am finding myself more and more looking for some great stuff before 2015 nowhere to be found in stock and I don't like it.

So what do you think is it?
Magical Moments
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Well, I do have a brand new Morrissey Lota. If you are interested, please PM me.
Wizard of Oz
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Teoswand, I don't think magic is dying. Quite the opposite. There seems to be more talented creators putting out more high quality, original and thoughtful material, than ever before. Yes, there will always be junk, but that is just a weakness of capitalism. Let the buyer beware.

I think what you are describing is absolutely real, but not a sign of magic dying, just changing hands and changing with the times. There are certainly staples of magic that are harder to get a hold of, probably because their demand is fading. Your performances of Rocky Raccoon, Nesting Wands, Classic Lota Bowls, Jumbo Coloring Book, and Scorpion (one of my faves), probably receive great responses... hence, your search for prop upgrade. But, if few enough other buyers aren't having the same results and not seeking those same replacement props... the producers discontinue the item and it's gone. I think this issue has been a problem for a long time, and will continue to be. Our "industry" is a cottage industry, and just too small, serving too small of an customer base, for too small of a profit, to be evergreen and ever-renew its once-profitable items.
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David Todd
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It's always good advice to get two (or three!) of any prop you will use constantly and could wear out or break, because there is no guarantee you'll always be able to get it. (this can be very expensive to always buy a backup or two , but if it's something you actually earn money from by performing regularly, it's worth it.)

Harder to deal with is the loss of dependable supply lines for certain utility items or expendable items . I would say things like good quality rope, silk handkerchiefs , hat coils, spring flowers, feather flowers (there is really only one person, Richard Hughes, still supplying high quality flowers) and such. Some of these have to do with changing tastes , certain types of tricks going out of fashion. There's just not enough demand, as Wizard of Oz pointed out in the previous post.

Specific items like the Nielsen bottle line have been retired because of supply issues. We used to be able to choose from these:


Now only a few of these remain and when the current stock is gone, that's all.

Lupe Nielsen posted a video on her Facebook page where she said that after 2020 it became very difficult or impossible to obtain certain materials needed. On the other hand , sometimes someone else steps in and makes similar items available , such as the Henry Harrius Refilled bottle and Coke bottle (in cooperation with Nielsen).

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In terms of market analysis. The time between 2010 and 2020 might have been a peak for magic in terms of exposure and business. Magic interest might be declining but is for sure not dead. Moreover, a lot of performances shifted towards short form video content. Therefore new material has been developed and since this is a growing economic sector for the industry, they may have focused on developing material especially for that sector.

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Jim Klodzen
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Magic isn't dying.Itll always go in cycles. Aa for props, if someone was to come out with a brand new use for say Rocky racoon, there would be a demand for them and someone would start making them. Like any prop.
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On Aug 17, 2024, Jim Klodzen wrote:
Magic isn't dying.Itll always go in cycles. Aa for props, if someone was to come out with a brand new use for say Rocky racoon, there would be a demand for them and someone would start making them. Like any prop.

Someone has bought the rights and is selling them already as of this month.
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