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The Human Calculator – Arthur Benjamin
$29.95 (download)

The Hype:
Some of the most unique and entertaining skills you'll ever learn, taught by one of the world's best practitioners.
Combining the words "math" and "magic" is often the quickest way to make many magicians disappear. But, just like the nearly 1,000 magicians that gave him multiple standing ovations at Magifest, Dr. Arthur Benjamin is about to permanently change how you view mathematical magic.

Fooling & Entertaining
During his standout lecture and gala show performance at Magifest, Art Benjamin proved how genuinely fooling and entertaining mathematical magic can be. He followed these amazing sessions with an intimate lecture that dove deep into these robust concepts and garnered rave reviews. While only a select group got to experience this special workshop live, you can now get a front row seat from home with "The Human Calculator".

This exceptional almost two-hour download will make you forget everything you thought you knew about math-based magic. You’ll join Art for a fascinating journey through his most cherished mathemagical secrets and discover how to blur the line between math and magic in ways that will astound audiences of any type or size.

Anyone Can Do It
Not a math whiz? No problem. These routines are within the range of any magician. Even those who have never considered the possibility of performing mathematical magic are invited to explore the endless possibilities it holds.

Art Benjamin is like the cool math professor we all wished we had in school. He makes the impossible seem not only possible, but also accessible. Beyond explaining the core methods, he explains why they work. This context is the crucial ingredient needed to ensure you walk away confident that you can actually perform these effects.

You'll learn impressive routines like how to quickly square 2, 3, and even 4 digit numbers, as well as new methods for knowing what day of the week someone was born on based on their birthday and powerful techniques for memorizing Pi. Of course, you can’t talk about math and magic without touching on the Magic Square and Art's unique twist will make you fall in love with the classic plot all over again.

Most importantly though, "The Human Calculator" shows you how to present mathemagical magic in a way that is entertaining for your audiences. This is strong, practical, compelling magic you'll love performing and your audiences will love watching.

Even if you're skeptical about the idea of combining math and magic, we guarantee you'll walk away from this amazing video with a newfound respect for the versatile skillset. Download and dive into "The Human Calculator" by Art Benjamin today.

My Take:
I have been fascinated by recreational math since I was a little kid. I was reading Martin Gardner for a long time before I found out that he had written a magic book. I have probably 10 books on my shelf about magic with numbers. And I found out by watching this video that I had one more I didn't know about. Seems that Corinda had devoted an entire chapter to the subject.

This lecture was filmed at Magi Fest in Columbus, Ohio. I have only had the privilege of attending one time but that was enough to let me know that Josh and Andi put on one of the best magic conventions around..
If you are a math lover, this lecture will thrill you. Mr. Benjamin is a math teacher and is the math teacher you always wished that you had. He had people name a 3 digit number and then a second one from someone else. Instantaneously he give the answer, Then he had numbers called out and he squared them lightning fast too. It doesn't seem that he had enough time to even process the numbers. This is not magic but he will still cause your jaw to drop. He goes back and shows you how the calculations are done. Fascinating even though know I will never approach his speed'

He goes through a talk on the magic square and how to do his version. He seems to get most of his work from Harry Lorayne's “Miracle Math” book. A few years ago, we took a bus trip and I brought Miracle Math with me and learned his technique and totally fried the other passengers. Most instructions will show you a diagram of the grid, where to place the original number and 3 squares with simple calculations. Both Art's and Harry's version don't require these so the method is much simpler. I know this can be a powerful routine. I have seen Jon Stetson perform it at a club in Boston and destroy the audience.

He also teaches a memory system using mnemonics. When he functions as a math teacher he will take a look at the records of each student he will have during the day. That way when the students come in he can call them by name and they are impressed.
Like I said, this is not magic. It is math but I enjoyed this video much more that I usually do with straight magic teaching. He makes me want to spend the time learning how to do this. He does mention that he learned a lot of his act by reading Corinda. I have had the book for years and it is back off the shelf again. It is a nice thing to have while you watch his lecture as a backup to some of the techniques.

Another reason you should like this download if that it is obvious that Art is in love with his subject/ He is extremely personable and friendly and he takes the time to answer all of the questions posed to him by the audience.

My only complaint about this video is that I was not there. This is the kind of guy you would want to have a coffee or a beer with after he steps down; This is currently my favorite video and I know I will be spending many hours poring over his teaching.

If magic with math appeals to you at all, this is a must have.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ebooks, PDF's or Downloads » » The Human Calcu;aotor - Arthur Benjamin (a Magic Poral review) (1 Likes)
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